

来源: 梁楚怡,Joy Liang


The math scores of Ontario EQAO test results for Grade 6 students have declined for the 5th year in a row. According to educators, the math curriculum, which overemphasizes creativity and problem-solving techniques while ignoring the core math skills, seems to be the culprit.


Aside from this problem, the so-called discovery learning, where students use their own learning styles to explore the math word problems, has received fierce complaints and criticism from parents.


I am one of the parents who is frustrated with the approach that math is taught at schools. I witnessed my daughter struggling with disappointing math test results as the Ontario math curriculum failed her in her junior high school years.


Three years ago, when my daughter graduated from her elementary school, I was shocked to find she wasn’t able to do a simple multiplication task by using the time table. Back in China, you cannot even pass grade 3 without memorizing it by heart. Seeing her scrambling to pull out a calculator for a simple multiplication task, I was very worried.


Unsurprisingly, she was struggling with her math at Grade 7. I learned that her school set up an even higher level of curriculum standards, which required students to face more challenging word questions. She frequently struggled with a single question, spending hours on end trying to solve it.

但尽管花了很多时间下去,她的数学测验还是经常在及格水平上下浮动,多数成绩为50 60分。每当她的数学测验成绩揭晓,我就会受到她的求救电话。

But despite the effort, she constantly failed her math tests – with marks mostly around the 50s or 60s, and I frequently received her distressed phone calls whenever her test results came out.


“I failed again… I don’t know why mom… I really don’t know why… I tried my best… I think I am just unable to handle math… it seems too difficult,” her sobbing voice was full of pain and disappointment. I found that math became a major stressor in her life, to the point that she had hard time falling asleep the night before the test.


I sensed that she was on verge of giving up math altogether.  I felt an urgent need to calm her down, help her analyse the problem and restore her confidence.  But however low her self esteem was at the time, I firmly believed that she was anything but stupid.


After reviewing her math tests, I found that she didn’t follow a logical process to solve word questions. Apparently, solving a word question is a process of identifying and collecting required facts -- starting from the answer you are looking for, all the way back to the information available.


But instead, she often scrambled to do some instant calculations based on whatever information she could grab, completely unaware of what the purpose of doing these calculations were.


Apparently, the “discovery” she explored by randomly retrieving information at hand did not lead to success, but to frustration and disappointment instead.


She certainly needed extra help. I figured that it was extra training or complete failure.  I gritted my teeth, and squeezed out a tutoring fund from a tight budget. After a substantial amount of money, extensive math drills and more importantly, training on the skills to solve word problems, her math test scores improved significantly.


Entering Gr.8, she began to get 70s. After she enrolled herself in the academic stream in Gr. 9, she constantly stayed in the 80s. And 70s, the marks that would be worth a celebration in Gr.7, now seemed to be a disgrace to her.


But despite increased difficulty of Gr.9 math, she became a math high achiever. She was asked by the teacher to tutor students slow on the subject. While she was not the very top in her class, she was doing extremely well on her EQAO. And she scored an amazing 98 at Gr. 10 math final exam at ILC (Independent Learning Centre) , after learned the subject herself.


Now, math is her favourite subject. When she told her G.10 classmates in her new school that she almost failed her math at Grade 7, nobody seemed to believe it.


In hindsight, I credit her tutors and her relentless efforts for her achievement, and I credit myself for detecting her problems at an earlier stage and seeking help for her immediately.


Moreover, I feel blessed that she did not become one of those students who are failed by the Ontario curriculum.




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