
高危火车周边居民渴求真相 (三)

Residents demand the truth about hazardous trains across the community (III)
来源: Bob Mok
了解了穿街过巷的危险品运输火车的潜在危险性的居民们,可能会考虑举家搬离当地。但是由于加国各级政府都热衷于闷着罐子摇,许多身处危境的居民仍被蒙在鼓里。Bob Mok撰文指出,现在已是向居民们吐露真相的时候了。
Residents who are made aware of the risks caused by the trains transporting hazardous materials through their communities may consider leaving the neighbourhood altogether. But as the Canadian governments are obsessed with confidentiality and secrecy, many affected residents are kept in the dark. As Bob Mok writes, it’s time to tell the truth.

For earlier articles on this series, go to http://096.ca/news/624347 and


So far, we have concluded that shielding the public from the percentage and nature of dangerous and hazardous goods transported by training through their communities and cities will not lend a hand to any terrorists with ulterior motives. It is easy enough to identify what is carried in each and every cargo train through the prominent identification code stencilled or painted on the outside of each car.


On the other hand, if communities are made aware of the percentage of dangerous cargo travelling by train, they may have second thought about living in those places.


Residents can do little to ensure their own safety, or to monitor compliance with Federal regulations and recommendations, if they are not provided with the information they require.


Some of the cities and communities have their own emergency procedures so it is imperative that they receive the maximum amount of information possible to ensure the safety of its residents.  Without real time information on the transportation of hazardous materials that is not possible.  There is no reason why emergency response personnel should not be privy to that information.


Most residents do not have their own emergency plan since they do not take the dangers seriously.  If they become aware that every week the trains passing through their areas are shipping highly flammable crude oil using inadequately designed DOT-111 cars susceptible to rupture upon derailment (per NTSB), they will think and act differently.


DOT-111 cars should be retired and removed from service as soon as possible, to be replaced by newly designed and constructed cars that will provide adequate protection against rupture during derailments.


It is obvious that we live in a country obsessed with confidentiality and secrecy at all three levels of government.  Most of it is not to protect the citizens of Canada.  It is to protect the Federal, Provincial, and Municipal governments and in this case, also the railway companies. 


The “protective Directive #32” stated that if the Emergency Personnel Officials have not agreed to keep the information supplied to them by the railway company confidential to the "maximum extent permitted by law.", then they will not be supplied again with the information in future.


I suppose this means that the residents of Hamilton will not receive whatever protection this document might offer next year since their Fire Chief already disclosed the volume of trains carrying dangerous goods in 2013 (7%).  So too will the residents of Ajax lack any protective consideration from Transport Canada and the railroads since that Mayor has indicated he will share the information with the public when he receives it.  This is pretty harsh punishment for many thousands of Ontario residents just because their City officials have chosen to be transparent with information that affects their personal safety.


I can only imagine Emergency Personnel Officials across this country find the “protective Directive #32” frustrating and inadequate.  Transport Canada and the railroads are actually doing very little to assist Emergency Personnel Officials with their tasks of keeping people safe from railroad disasters. 


It is totally justified if all affected municipalities across Canada demanded more from Transport Canada and the railroads than the crumbs that are being tossed their way at this point.  We are all hungry for more than crumbs when it comes to railway safety.




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