

The Joy of Music: How piano changed my life
来源: Katie Jia

Hockey, swimming, art, taekwondo, tennis, piano. Within a year I gave up five of these activities. Hockey was too difficult, swimming became tiring, art got tedious, and taekwondo is completely out of the picture. Piano however was the one activity I’ve kept to this day, and it has benefited my life in more ways than learning how to play.


The biggest reason my father would never let me quit piano was because I needed to learn discipline. Of course being in my preteens I was an entitled know-it-all and didn’t give a second thought on my father’s words of wisdom. In the end, one of the greatest things I took away from piano was learning how to discipline myself. 


Like most kids, I initially hated piano. Having to sit there every day repeating the same songs over and over became juvenile and a complete bore. No matter how much I begged and cried, I was never allowed to quit. 


Eventually my hatred of piano began to turn into appreciation. Of course it was still aggravating having to sit there for more than just 30 mins when I could have been with my friends playing outside or anything more entertaining than piano. However, there were proud moments where I could say “oh I play piano” instead of just saying I had zero hobbies and spent majority of the day in front of a computer screen. It was definitely better than nothing.


Fast forward a couple years later, I have a whole new impression of piano. Now being in a higher level, instead of old, simple, two minute songs, my repertoire was more “sophisticated”, playing well-known songs by Chopin, Debussy, and Beethoven. I was never and will never be a fan of Bach however. 


Piano definitely helped me cope with stress but it wasn’t the only asset it gave me. I probably owe almost all of my success today to piano. Thinking back on it, it’s funny how the one thing I probably hated the most when I was younger became my greatest asset. 


Through years of routine practicing with piano, the greatest lesson I ever took away was practice makes perfect. Of course you hear that saying constantly and it’s probably the most obvious thing ever said. But piano really taught me that if I ever wanted to succeed in anything in the coming future, I would have to give my greatest effort and just honestly put the time into doing whatever it was.


Back in middle school I didn’t have the best grades. At the time the main reason was because I didn’t study properly, even though I believed I was putting in all my effort. However when I grew older, I realized it wasn’t only because I didn’t study properly, I wasn’t studying at all.

In my final year of high school, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Every test was another contribution to my university applications. Because I had grown accustomed to sitting on that little black stool every day for the past 14 years repeating the same thing over and over, I was able to transfer that “skill” towards my studies. I was able to just sit and study for six, seven hours a day and have no problems. The results? Acceptances into my dream schools. 


If you compare my grades from middle school to high school, all of the change has piano to thank for. It was because of piano I learned to discipline myself and study hard. 




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