
加国政选揭秘: 选举提名中的欺诈手段

Exclusive insight: rigged nomination process in Canadian political world
来源: Bob Mok
编者按:有充分证据表明,为了提高候选人在选举中获胜的机会,提高政党的既得利益,目前的政党选举提名规则已遭认为操纵,利用。Bob Mok的文章揭示了加拿大政坛上日趋泛滥的选举欺诈问题。
Editor’s Note: Sufficient evidence indicates that electoral rules in the nomination process have been manipulated to maximize candidates’ winning opportunities and to advance the interest of a political party. Bob Mok takes an exclusive look at a rising tide of election scams that has increasingly swept through the Canadian political world. 
With the fast approaching 2018 Ontario provincial election, many electoral ridings are hurrying to complete their candidate nominations to allow for adequate time to raise funds and planning to win the next election.

All three major parties have very similar rules and processes for nominees to come forward and be elected by riding members to represent the riding. For  seating incumbents, they are exempt from the nomination process by the party constitution. However, the party leader has a seldom used option to select another “more suitable” candidate. This option is not easily exercised because an impeccable  justification has to be provided to party members to rally support behind such an anointed candidate to avoid any political consequences.

What I am about to expose not only apply to both Federal and Provincial Candidate nomination elections but also across all three major parties. I must also claim that while there are witnesses to these capers, they are not willing to come forward and substantiate their claims. I would only ask the regular readers to use their judgment to see if these allegations make sense. For those readers who are involved in politics, think about the need for reform and correct these situations to bring the system back to perform to its original intent and purposes.

The nomination process starts with the nominees filling out an application form with information and signatures of tens of existing local riding members in good-standing. The form is thick and laden with questions probing the nominee's past and present. Some of these questions ask point-blank if the applicant has ever declared bankruptcy and whether they have committed criminal offences.

To prepare for the nomination, nominees will “sign-up” members to the party. This action serves two purposes – to show the applicant's ability and organizational skills to the party and to bring membership fees into the party's coffers where applicable. One other unintended purpose is for the nominee to announce these numbers to discourage other nominees to continue their campaigning efforts. We must remember that huge number of sign-up memberships does not necessarily mean a huge number of members coming out to cast a ballot on the nomination day.

For the years between elections, election riding memberships are few.  Many members do not pay their yearly membership dues. During the nomination process, the memberships will balloon to thousands in each riding. Party rules stipulate that memberships must be paid by the members using credit cards or cheques and the use of cash is generally prohibited except in some provincial party memberships. 

In  reality, it was reported that pre-paid credit cards were used in some political contests by campaign workers to sign up members. Of course, this can mean that members are actually “recruited” without knowing about it themselves. This is possible when personal information are “lifted” from organizations or lists controlled by campaign workers. Members may also be given cash reimbursements by campaign workers after they turn in an application form with personal cheques attached to them for delivery to the party. 

To achieve putting more heritage candidates into the election and ultimately gaining most seats at the parliaments, members of certain heritage groups will become members for all major political parties. While there is a declaration in some of the membership application forms to voluntarily commit to a “one party only” affiliation, this self-disciplined system fails miserably as it can never be verified! Can Party A gets the membership lists of Parties B & C to make a verification?  Of course not. 

To maximize their opportunities, this mobilized group of heritage voters will go to different ridings and party nomination meetings whenever a heritage nominee comes forward. Changing the address on their driver licenses and the party's membership information is a small inconvenience to maximize one's political power for multiple voting opportunities. 

Political parties know about these loopholes but they do not have the determination to close them since they have a conflict of interest. How can one expect the parties to shut these practices down without hurting their own finances?

Next time, we will continue to talk about methods used by the local riding associations and the parties themselves to ensure the election of their desired nominee and eliminate other more deserving nominees.




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