
政选中的肮脏手段(二): 政党掌控提名候选人

Dirty election tricks in the nomination process
来源: Bob Mok
编者按:选举本应自由、公平和透明。但是,竞选中一些见不得人的肮脏伎俩和手段却有可能腐蚀政治体制,削弱公众信心。Bob Mok的独家专栏文章揭露了过去大选中的种种竞选手段,这些伎俩从竞选提名就有了。
Editor’s Note: Election process is expected to be free, fair and transparent. However, dirty tricks and tactics are the dark side of politics that threaten to corrupt Canadian political system and erode public confidence. Bob Mok‘ exclusive column exposes a series of past campaign schemes – starting from the nomination race.
This is a follow-up article to political tactics used by all parties to get their “preferred” nominees to get successfully elected as a candidate. For the earlier article, seehttp://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/661355

Once again, I must state that my research here is generic to all political parties without prejudice and may or may not have happened to any of the parties at one time or another. Any similarity and approximation to current events are co-incidental and must not be construed as a description of these events.

To create huge number of members in a riding, some geniuses created the following trick. Using the address of a single apartment building where one or more members reside, they  added Non-resident members to this address but left out the apartment numbers. This is very similar to what was reported in Hong Kong elections. Although this method is easy and efficient, the results can be devastating once it is exposed and investigated as it involved tens of people each time.

Almost without exceptions, incumbents seating in legislatures are not required to go through the nomination process. However, an exception was made in one riding and we cannot figure out why the incumbent went through with that. He was fortunate to win in that nomination contest. Maybe he was trying to show the party that he has the backing of party members to stay in that riding and represent them in the election. Obviously, it is a ploy to get rid of him.

Winning the nomination in a riding starts long before the nomination day. Ambitious nominees will arrange to vote their own people into riding association executive board positions and form a majority voting bloc within the riding. That way, they can manipulate committees and their activities to provide advantages for the “preferred” nominee.

Within each riding, the candidate selection committee is in charged with running the nomination event including the setting of the candidate application deadlines, approval of nominee applications, choosing of the nomination date and sending notifications to members for these events.

There is a trick to get rid of some candidates by using the application deadline. A riding committee may use postal mail instead of email to inform all candidates about the deadline of the application for the nomination. When the mail arrives, unwanted candidates may just have one day left to file application documents, they are never going to collect enough signatures and complete the application forms before the deadline. Therefore, they cannot get their name on the slate of nominees on the ballots. Sometimes, this trick will result in only one “approved” nominee who will be simply “acclaimed” as the candidate on Nomination day.


Party leaders can eliminate some nominees through technical or ideological disqualification. Applications can be rejected on technicalities such as invalid or expired memberships held by riding nominators who signed on the nomination application. The deadline for signing up new qualifying memberships can also be moved back to a point before strong “opponent” nominees started their membership recruiting campaigns to render them invalid.


Nominees can be encouraged to “withdraw” through intermediaries “conveying” the party's desire. All these activities will be discreet and secret. When all else fails, a candidate will be selected by the party and “acclaimed” without opposition and all other nominees suddenly withdraw from the contests.
Parachuting a nominee from outside of the riding is deemed “necessary” by political parties from time to time in order to put a “Star” candidate into parliament, particularly with by elections. To avoid the public outrage of an appointment, another weak nominee will be requested to run and put on a show while all other strong nominees are eliminated through some of the methods above.


Next time, we will continue with strategies and methods levered by politicians on Nomination Day.




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