

Anbang crisis threatens China’s financial system
近几年,中国保险和资产管理巨头安邦集团在海外进行大肆扩张。随着它在西方市场大笔挥霍投资者的资金,  本是旨在降低金融风险的保险行业也蜕变成了一个猖獗的海外投机温床。在中国政府加大对保险业审查力度之时,安邦的全球范围内的大手笔收购引起中国当局的高度关注。在安邦惹祸上身之际,董事长吴小晖周二被拘押,使公司财政收入锐减,面临四面楚歌之境地。随着焦虑万分的投资者们纷纷上网张贴,对安邦之灾将影响中国金融体系的担心也蜂拥而起。
Anbang, China’s insurance and wealth management giant, has aggressively engaged in overseas expansion in the past, turning investors’ money into wide west capitals and China’s risk reducing industry into a hub for rampant financial speculations. Its splashy global takeovers have increasingly attracted the authority’ scrutiny, as China stepped up its enforcement actions against the insurance industry. Amid Anbang’s political troubles, Wu, Xiaohui, the chairman of the company was arrested on Tuesday, which has dramatically downturned its sales’ revenues, putting the company’s survival at risk.  As jittery investors flood the internet with outpouring worries, concerns over the impact of the company’s fiasco over the stability of China’s financial system soar.




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