

Markham residents will bring their suggestions about Master Plan of the park
来源: Bob Mok
与万锦市“踩高跷奶牛塑像”闹剧一样,米尔恩水坝保护公园种植1500株苗木时,万锦市政府没有与当地居民商量。有关这个故事的早期文章,请参考:http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/662738Similar to the “cow statue on stilts” fiasco, Markham residents were not consulted in the planting of 1500 seedlings in the Milne Dam Conservation Park in Markham. For the earlier article on this story, please refer to : http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/662738
种树苗的地段恰恰是那些来自万锦市的小学生们到RH Crosby小学并在这个地段举行各种体育活动的地段。一些学校的体育赛事,特别是长跑,大都在这个地段举行。最重要的是,这个地段一年四季都是受人受欢迎的、人们自发进行锻炼和娱乐活动的地方。这类活动都是为了让人们有一个更健康的生活方式。

This space was used by Markham students brought often to RH Crosby School to carry out their various field activities. Some school sporting events, particularly long distance running, took place on this field. Most importantly, this field was very popular for all year round unorganized sport and recreation, activities all promoting healthier lifestyles.


At full growth this new forest will bring undesirable wildlife (coyotes) to the back doors of the homes that back onto this field on its north side. The benefit of sight lines related to a secure environment for students, neighbours and park users will be eliminated. They will create a wall blocking the view and sunlight to the homes that back onto this field on its north side.
由于种了许多树,对那些在电线杆和电线周围树木的剪枝和维护会变得不便。 (备注:几年前,附近居民在冰暴期间连续六天没有电)。这些树苗原本可以种在公园内南部,人流稀少、靠近大道的地段,即远离RH Crosby小学,远离居民住宅。也可以在现有树林的周边种树,而不是把公园内供人们活动的开阔草地给种上树。

The maintenance functions including tree trimming around the hydro poles and lines will now be complicated by more trees and no access. (Note: residents of these homes were without power for six days during the ice storm a few years ago). The trees could have been planted in the lesser used area of the park at the south end of the main road, just east of the Main Gate away from the school and homes and/or spread out around the groups of existing trees throughout the park without having such an impact on the valuable open grass areas of the park.


After the complaints from the residents, two rows of trees from the north side of the field were removed. However, this does not resolve the issues caused by this planting. There is already a boardwalk (park entrance from north side off of Drakefield Rd east of Banfield Ave) that acts as a barrier to anyone with mobility issues and parents with strollers due to its many unnecessary steps. Now a vital open area of the park is also lost. I visited the park myself and talked to many of the residents and I agree with their observations and comments. I also found the seedlings planted too closed to each other (most are only a couple of feet apart).


Seedlings were allegedly pulled up by some kids in the spring this year. Weed whacking and mowing tractors in the summer further contributed to the demise of these very small seedlings. Since there are no signs or notices to keep people out of the field, people were forced to walk through this field in the dark on Canada Day after the fireworks, as the main road was fenced off to ensure free flow of the buses. This one event alone will probably add to more destruction of the field plantings.

居民们觉得,市政府之所以没有与他们商量种树问题,是因为市政府意识到他们会反对在这个地方种树。市政府告诉居民,土地由TRCA(多伦多地区保护局)拥有,属于私有财产。 没错,TRCA拥有土地,但万锦市用纳税人的钱管理公园,公园对公众开放,所以它是公共空间!万锦市和TRCA曾建议为米尔公园就此公园的总体规划征询市民意见(咨询费用要花40多万)。但当市府从Delridge Homes获得种树这一礼物时,他们希望在起草总体规划之前快速种植树苗。

The residents feel that they were not consulted because the City realizes that they would object to a forest planting at this site. First they told the residents that the land is owned by TRCA (Toronto and Region Conservation Authority) and thus private property. TRCA owns the land, but Markham maintains the park with tax dollars and the park is open to the public, so it is a Public Space! The City and the TRCA proposed to do a Master Plan for Milne Park ($400,000+ and with public consultations), so when they got this gift from Delridge Homes they wanted to plant the seedlings fast before the Master Plan is drafted. 


Public Consultation for a project of this size and nature is vital to its success. The residents and users to the area are in the best position to offer suggestions and improvements that will create a win-win situation.


As a result of the City's past inaction, the residents will bring their opinions to Council and the public in a formal and constructive manner in the near future.




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