

Chinese News is a testament towards independent journalism
来源: 《大中报》编辑部

Amid growing power of the internet and rise of digital media giants, such as Google and Facebook, print media faces unprecedented challenges. Sharply declined advertising revenue has left many newsrooms across print platforms facing financial crisis, putting the survival of newspapers – particularly the local community papers at peril. In recent years, many publications in the Chinese community in Toronto – including the prominent World Journal - has succumbed to the crisis and met their demise. 

Amid the crisis that has deepened the wound over time, Chinese News, which has served the community for over two decades, has faced similar challenges. Many have asked: why Chinese News can beat the odds, stay open and be thrive in this print media crisis?


The answer is simple: throughout the years, Chinese News has practiced Western journalism and upheld Canadian values. It has followed a mandate to serve the needs of those readers – who have escaped from an authoritarian state to come to a democratic country; who rejected the tightening grip of the government to enjoy political freedom; who abandoned narrow-minded nationalism to embrace western values. 

Chinese News stands behind these readers and voices their concerns. 

随着中国经济实力日益增长,中国政府一直试图扩大对加拿大的影响力, 其触角伸及加国社会各个角落,从议会到媒体,从商界到侨民社区,威胁作为民主社会支柱的加国新闻自由 ,并将目标对准那些公开批评中国专制政府的人士。
Wielding a growing economic clout, the Chinese government has been trying to extend its influence into Canada – from the Parliament to the media, and from the business communities to the overseas diaspora, threatening to destroy the freedom of the press, the pillar of democratic society. Morover, it has put those who are outspoken against Chinese authoritarian government in its crosshair.


Its aggressive efforts have hurt independent voices from the Chinese community, leaving media facing growing pressure to advance Beijing’s interest. Amid a widespread fear of advertiser’s boycott and loss of distribution deals with Chinese state publications, the majority of community newspapers in Toronto have bowed to the pressure, choosing to court the authoritarian government and to express loyalty to Beijing.

Chinese News is one of the few print media outlets in the community that have bucked the trend, trying to maintain its media independents. Several years ago, Jack Jia, the publisher of the paper, turned down a China’s consul general’s request to stop publishing ads from Falun Gong, demonstrating the paper’s intention to become an independent voice in the community.

 In recent years, while being proud of China’s economic achievements, Chinese News has, by following mainstream media reports, been outspoken of China’s authoritarian regime – from its crackdown on free speech to abusive practice against human rights.  We have revealed the authorities’ violence against the dissidents and freedom activists in China and exposed how Chinese government mistreated marginalized groups. We have also reported the plight of a Chinese Canadian entrepreneur whose commercial dispute has been criminalized by Chinese judiciary system. 

《大中报》的这种致于摆脱政府或企业利益干扰的独立精神 赢得了社会各界的尊重。许多读者来信,表达对《大中报》的钦佩。社区的支持让本报拥有一批忠实读者,使其网站096和社交媒体微信上的点击率大幅上升。 

Our media independence – being free of influence by government or corporate interests -- has earned respect from the community, with readers’ letters pouring in to express their admiration for our efforts. The community support has translated into readers’ loyalty and rising traffic on both our website (096.ca) and social media (WeChat). 

The very survival of our paper is a testament towards the necessity of independent journalism in the Chinese community. 




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