

Allegations against the Chinese businessman started as early as 2006
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

From the international students pursuing education dreams in Canada to college graduates seeking employment status in job markets, they’ve all told sad stories of being victimized by unethical business practices in Canada and that the Canadian government failed to protect them.

Some heart wrenching stories reported by mainstream media were linked to Jian, Anchuan, a Chinese Canadian business man with over 20 federally registered companies under his name, and have crossed a time span of more than a decade. In 2006, five students who didn’t know each other made almost identical claims to Toronto Sun that they were misled by the agents of a school owned by Jiang and that they had paid upfront tuition of $14,000 for a program that they later found not in existence.  All students alleged that they faced threat of being reported to the CIC if they decided to quit school and ask for tuition refund.

"Where is the money? Where are my studies?" one of the students asked back then, with tears streaming down her face. "Why is this kind of school allowed in Canada?"

Sun’s investigation quoted Jiang’s answers to students’ questions, in which he denied their claims outright, stating the students waged a campaign to smear the school’s reputation.

What made the students’ experience more frustrating was the fact that their complaints filed to multiple government agencies all met with stone walls.  For three months, they have been bounced Consumer Protection Brach, with no one taking responsibility or offering to help them, according to the Sun article.

"Every government (agency) told us we're sorry and we wish you good luck,"  the Sun story quoted one of the students as saying. "Why does the Canadian government and the law permit this type of school to cheat international students?"

Many newcomers expect that Canada, a country governed by rule of law, would provide the best studying and living environment for foreign students and maintains a fair marketplace for everyone. Why does Canada allow unethical practices to happen? The question was raised not only by students in the Sun story, but also employees of North Star, a publishing company owned by Jiang -- twelve years later.  The company owes over $617,000 to employees, many of whom were college graduates from China who relied on a job offer to obtain permanent residence status, according to CBC.

Wang, Yuzhang, one of the employees at North Star who were reportedly owed unpaid wages for over $11,000, was an international student before joined North Star in 2015.
他向CBC 表示说:“我很难相信这样的事情会发生在加拿大。”

“I feel like this is something that shouldn’t happen in Canada,” he told the CBC.

如果政府机构未能向《太阳报》中的受害者提供任何保护,那么12年后,它们也没有任何意向为王玉章和他的同事们伸出援助之手,只不过这一次是另一家政府机构,安省劳工部。虽然这家机构有权向违规而不支付雇员工资的雇主提起法律诉讼,但CBC报道说 ,目前没有任何记录显示劳工部曾对蒋的公司采取法律行为。
If the government agencies failed to protect the five students’ interest in SUN story, they seemed not prepared to take any actions to protect Wang and his peers twelve years later – only this time it is another agency – the Ministry of Labour. While it has the power to prosecute employers who don’t obey the orders to pay employees, no prosecutions have been commenced against Jiang’s companies under the Employment Standard Act, according to CBC.

Apparently, without harsh actions – including penalties, fines and jail terms, regulatory offences by employers are taken as lightly as a running a red light. Slapping on the wrist wasn’t a harsh enough deterrent to stop unscrupulous practices in the province. How many more victims will it take before the government is willing to beef up its efforts to protect vulnerable newcomers?




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