

Black people in Toronto are not an easy target for racial discrimination
来源: Nancy Jin

具有20多年历史的多伦多华埠著名餐馆康城酒家上周被安省人权仲裁庭罚款1万元,原因是该餐馆违反了保证安省人士购买服务和产品时享受一律平等待遇的人权法规。该餐馆目前由一名移民二代所经营,2017年《多伦多星报》曾为该餐馆进行特写报道,介绍了Colin Li为重振父业对餐馆进行改革创新的艰辛历程。

A  popular restaurant establishment in Toronto Chinatown with two decades of history is slapped with a $10,000 compensation order by Ontario human right tribunal last week for violating human-rights code -- which guarantees equal treatment when accessing goods and services. Colin Li, the current manager of the restaurant made it to a Toronto Star profile in 2017 that chronicled the second-generation immigrant’s effort to revitalize his parents’ business and to continue their legacy. 


However, the tribunal’s order, which requested the restaurant to pay $10,000 to a black patron -- has put the restaurant in negative spotlight. The event took place in 2014 when the restaurant was under a different management. According to media reports, Emile Whickham went to Hong Shing with a group of black people to celebrate a friend’s birthday. Right after the order was made, they were asked to pay in advance of being served their meals. No other customers at the restaurants faced the similar request at the time. 

康城酒家辩称他们要求那些不认识的顾客先付钱是为防止吃“霸王餐“现象,且Colin Li称要对仲裁庭的决定进行上诉。但艾姆维克的律师表示称该事件表明,其客户本人的黑色皮肤就被餐馆认为是其行为不法的先兆,成为”即将犯罪的有利证据“,而艾姆维克也被认为是做小偷的料子。

Hong Shing restaurant claimed that they only asked customers that they didn't recognize to prepay for their meal in order to prevent dine and dashing, and Li says it is appealing the tribunal’s decision. But Wickham’s lawyer believes that his client’s mere presence as a black man in a restaurant was "presumed to be sufficient evidence" of his likeliness to commit a crime. He was treated like a "potential thief in waiting." 


Dine and dashing is a growing phenomenon that restaurant businesses are facing, and blacks are often singled out as potential culprits for the crime. According to a racial profiling survey by human rights commission in 2017, the retail/private business sector was the one in which black respondents reported encountering the highest level of discrimination – with 47 per cent of black respondents saying they’ve experienced racial profiling in this setting.


In Feb. a viral video posted to Facebook showed the restaurant profiling two black women and calling the police on them, accusing them of having done a “dine and dash” in their restaurant the night before. An investigation has found that the black women were wrongfully accused.

一名受害者在脸书的张贴被转高达7万6000次。该网帖写道:“有哪个被诬陷为小偷的人士能不气愤难耐?这是一个典型种族歧视的例子。这种歧视我们是绝不能忍受的。就因为我们是黑人,就被当成罪犯吗?! 就应遭到如此诬陷吗?!“

“Who wouldn’t get upset over being accused of being a thief? This is a clear example of RACIAL PROFILING that should not be stood for. Just because we are black does not mean we are all criminals and I will not be treated as such.” One of the black women posted on Facebook, which has been shared more than 76,000 times.


Discriminations against black people are a common practice in the Chinese and other communities -- presenting in both in covert and overt forms. “It is known that some races are more valued than others, who treat blacks as least worthy. “ Wickham’s lawyer is widely quoted in the media as saying. 


The discrimination has been more evidenced in social media Wechat. As the booming Chinese economy has drawn a flood of black people into many Chinese cities, posts expressing their repulsive feelings toward black people using the most derogatory terms and phrases have dominated the online feed – mostly sourced from mainland China. 


But blacks are not easy targets for discriminatory practices – especially in the multicultural city of Toronto that values racial equality and human rights. They are more vigorous defenders of their rights than Chinese -- who would often find themselves at the receiving end of racial discrimination as well. When blacks believe they’ve become the victims of discrimination, they would never keep silence or back down in their fight against racism. That is why civil rights leaders such Dr. Martin Luther King has come from the black community rather than other races.


In an effort to maintain public image affected by the incident, the Applebees restaurant in Mo. has fired three employees involved and temporarily shut down the restaurant.  As for Hong Shing, I am sure it has learned a hard lesson. 





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