

Attacking political rivals may backfire
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

我的那篇有关Don Valley North选区柯文彬和高雪莉之间选举战的文章引发了许多读者的批评和不满,而这些读者大部分都是保守党的支持者。他们反击文章中对高雪莉做出的正面评价,指控说高是市政府肥油列车的干将,以及前市长罗伯•福特的主要政敌。他们甚至威胁称,如果高雪莉当选,她将把给多伦多市造成的伤害带到整个安省;他们用高倍望远镜审查高雪莉的过失,挖出网上所有有关她的负面新闻。还有些人怒不可遏地拔掉她在街区的竞选牌。

My article that reveals a tough election battle between Vincent Ke and Shelley Carroll in the Don Valley North riding has drawn anger and criticisms from readers -- mostly from PC supporters. They are unhappy about the positive light it sheds on the Liberal candidate Shelley Carroll, accusing her of being the culprit of government waste and the major opponent of their beloved former mayor Rob Ford. They warn that if Carroll is elected, she would expand her harmful influence to the entire province; They put Carroll on their fault-finding radar, uncovering all negative online stories; Some even pulled out her campaign signs from the neighbourhoods.


Riding a wave of a resentment can easily lead to an election victory of a populist, but running a world-class city isn’t as easy as ending a gravy train, which was why Rob Ford’s budget cut reform eventually run out of steam. But attacks from rivals are a political norm that have a deep root in election history. A candidate’s growing popularity would threaten the rival’s odds to win, which, in turn would leave themselves in the crosshairs of their opponents’ assaults. Historically in US elections, mudslinging and accusations by rival candidates were common practices. In some extreme cases, there were threats of murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and incest from their opponents. In recent US presidential election, Trump hurled insults at rival Hilary Clinton, threatening to lock her up. 


In 2015 Canadian federal election campaign, the conservatives supported by Harper launched a dirty campaign tactic in the Unionville riding that targeted at Chinese and Punjabi-speaking voters. Their campaign tapped into the fear and concerns of ethnic community members on marijuana and drugs, claiming Justin Trudeau supports the sale of marijuana to children, the expansion of safe injection sites and the establishment of neighbourhood brothels. 


But waging political attacks may not bring the best expected results. In a three-party race, attacks against the rival would only benefit the third party. At the time when Harper's attack on Trudeau ramped up, Conservatives poll numbers plummeted while NDP supporters soared. Their dirty tactic failed to stop the Liberals from forming a majority government. 

目前的省选民调结果对保守党的支持者颇为不利。新民主党的支持率扶摇直上,保守党从领先地位下滑而屈居第二。毫不奇怪,更多的新民主党竞选牌呈现于Don Valley North选区的大街小巷。

The opinion poll in the current election campaign isn’t very encouraging for the PC supporters, as NDP takes over the lead while the PC slipped to the second place. Unsurprisingly, more NDP candidate signs erupted and appeared in the neighbourhood of the Don Valley North riding.


But Carroll’s team seems to show a very calm reaction to their rival’s attacks. When Carroll’s campaign foot solider was asked about his opinion on the PC candidate Vincent Ke, his response impressed me:


“I think it is inappropriate for me to provide any comments on our rival at this point.”




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