

Will elected Chinese -Canadian MPPs be chosen to enter Ford’s cabinet?
来源: Bob Mok


As anticipated, the Ontario election did not come up with too many surprises. Ontario Progressive Conservative Party majority government was elected with 76 MP's, followed by the opposition NDP party's 40 members.


The Liberals went down to 7 seats and is no longer a “recognized party” within the Ontario parliament. This means that unless the rules are changed by the majority PC's, Liberals will not receive research monies and will be deprived of questioning opportunities during question periods. In 2003, the NDP was one member short of party status and the Liberals refused to change the rules for them. Now, the shoe is on the other foot.


One of the interesting event coming up immediately will be that of the formation of a PC cabinet. Ministers will have to be selected by the party leader Doug Ford to take charge of all the ministries and to ensure that the bureaucrats carry out the directives from the government. There were 28 Liberal ministers prior to the election. The total number of minister is flexible as ministries can be combined or broken up.


When it comes to the selection of ministers, political correctness plays an important role. While it is supposedly an exercise to select ministers based on their background education, experiences, and qualifications; more times than not the gender and/or ethnicity of the candidate enter into the equation when it comes to the final decisions. Remember the Federal Liberals insisting on half of the cabinet posts be given to females in 2015?


There were three Chinese MPP's and two Tamil MPP's elected on June 7, 2018.  The groups are behind Doug Ford as part of the “change the sex-ed curriculum movement” that elected him as the PC leader. Many are anticipating the naming of one from each group to the Cabinet. Let us look at these Chinese MPP's.


Billy Pang - Elected with 62.4% of all the votes, he took Markham-Unionville riding decisively. Pang, elected in 2014 as a Markham representative to the York Region District School Board (YRDSB), was running against Liberal and Markham Ward 6 councillor Amanda Yeung Collucci as well as five other challengers. Mr. Pang is also a Pastor at the Good Sheppard's Chinese Christian Church. By all accounts, he is an excellent communicator and articulates well in getting his messages across.

韦邱佩芳 - 她在成为列治文山选区保守党候选人时备受争议。有人指控该选区拒绝有些残疾人参加提名投票,且投票结果显示她所获得的票数与另一个候选人一样,最后要靠选区协会会长的一票让她成为候选人。她以51%的选票赢得了席位。

Daisy Wai – Her nomination for PC candidacy in Richmond Hill was shrouded in controversy. It was alleged that some handicapped voters were not allowed access to the nomination area and the votes were tied. The riding association president had to cast a decisive vote to make her a candidate. She won the provincial election with 51% of the votes.


Ms. Wei is a local business owner with strong ties to the community. She has served as director and execute on a number of public and private business boards.
柯文彬 - 他在自由党候选人,多伦多现任市议员Shelley Carroll的手中赢得了Don Valley North选区的席位(44%的选票)。柯拥有中国工程学士学位和德国硕士学位。工程师的他曾在国际市场从事工程设计和开发25年。

Vincent Ke – He won the Don Valley North riding (44% of votes) over the Liberal candidate Toronto Councillor Shelley Carroll. With a Bachelor of Engineering from  China, and a Master’s Degree from Germany, Vincent has spent 25 years working as a design and development engineer in international markets.

我曾在不同的场合见过这三个华裔。我清楚谁有资格进入内阁,但我说了不算。福特不太可能像特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)那样以性别和族裔背景做标准组阁。他必须任命那些有资历和能力的人进入内阁,以便在接手安省政府后实现他向把他推到省长宝座的那些选民所做的各种许诺。

I have met each of these MPP's on different occasions. It is clear to me who should be selected but I am not the one making the appointment. Doug Ford is unlikely to behave like Justin Trudeau and select cabinet ministers based on gender and ethnicity. He has to appoint persons with the proper credentials and skills to get his many promises off the ground and running once he takes over the government.

期望我们不要指望或猜测这三位华裔议员只是因为他们的肤色而进入内阁。因为这可能不会发生。 内阁厅长应该凭实力获得,而不应该作为奖赏,安抚或只是因为他们是少数族裔。那不是所有选民所期望的。

Let us not expect or speculate as to which Chinese MPP will become a cabinet minister based on ethnicity over the next few week as it may not happen that way at all. Cabinet ministers should be chosen on merits alone and should not be used as an instrument to reward, appease, or gain supports from heritage groups. Those are not the wishes of the electorate!




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