
仔细分析万锦市和约克区的市政选举 (四)

A close look at municipal election in city of Markham and York Region (Part Four)
来源: Bob Mok

This is part of a series of articles on the 2018 municipal election in Markham. For the earlier articles, click : http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/665180
2014年,Don Hamilton以6200多张选票当选为万锦市第三选区的市议员。他的选票超过了其他5名对手(2200票)的总和。2014年,Hamilton曾想竞争约克区区议员的席位,但他需要知道时任区议员的Gordon Landon是否决定退休,把席位空出来。Landon在最后一分钟才宣布不寻求连任,造成Hamilton不得不在2014年寻求第三选区市议员的连任。结果Nirmala Armstrong填补了Gordon的空缺,当选为约克区区议员。

Ward#3 was captured by Councillor Don Hamilton in 2014 with over 6200 votes. His votes exceeded the sum total of those received by all of the other 5 contestants (under 2200 votes). Don wanted to go into the York Regional Councillor race then but he waited to be sure of incumbent Gordon Landon's retirement to create a vacancy. Gordon Landon retired at the very last minute before the nomination closed and Don had to seek a re-election as Ward#3 councillor instead. Subsequently, Nirmala Armstrong filled Gordon's vacated seat as a York Regional Councillor.

今年,Hamilton决心问鼎约克区的四个区议员中的一席。这意味着第三选区将由5个新人中的一位填空。这5个候选人是:Ed Law,Soraya Mangal,Reid McAlpine,Shanta Sundarason和Jennifer Carrie Wan。到目前为止,这些候选人中的许多人还没有开始拉票。他们没有网站,也看不出他们为拉票做好了准备。

This year, Don Hamilton is determined to go for one of four York Regional Councillors positions. This means that the ward will have a new councillor coming from the list of 5 rookie candidates. They are: Ed Law, Soraya Mangal, Reid McAlpine, Shanta Sundarason, and Jennifer Carrie Wan. To this date, many of these candidates still have not taken off from the starting line.  There are no web sites and no sign of campaign readiness from them.
 值得关注的候选人之一是Reid McAlpine。他是成立于1974年的Unionville居民协会的副主席 。该协会是万锦市最大的纳税人协会,与市长和市议员们关系密切。

One of the candidates to pay attention to is Reid McAlpine who is the Vice President of the Unionville Residents Association – established in 1974. It is one of the largest of the ratepayers associations within Markham and has close ties with the Mayor and City Council members.

另一个有希望当选的候选人是Shanta Sundarason,他是“The Giving Tree”协会的创始人。该协会鼓励并帮助年轻人以实际行动来解决社会问题。

Another potential candidate that may do well is Shanta Sundarason, founder of “The Giving Tree” - an organization that encourages and assists local youths to make a difference through action, whilst learning about social issues.

Jennifer Carrie Wan是一位年轻的华人律师(华人社区著名会计师温建业的女儿),她可能会得到“族裔”选票。问题是,华人选民通常对市政选举不热心。2014年,第三选区只有两到三千个华人投票。

Jennifer Carrie Wan is a young Chinese Lawyer (daughter of prominent accountant Kenny Wan) and she would probably be a magnet for the “ethnic” votes. However, Chinese voters are traditionally inactive when it comes to voting for a municipal election. Based on results from the last election, Ward#3 will only carry two to three thousand Chinese votes.


Ward#3 is therefore a wide-open race. Like Ward#1, endorsement from the departing incumbent will go a long way towards getting a candidate elected in this ward. Given the political party affiliations of the candidates in this race, this is highly unlikely to happen.
第四选区一直到登记的最后一天才有人宣布参选。现任市议员Karen Rea为她的选民做了很多工作,并被许多人认为是个非常勤奋的市议员。现在有三人挑战她的席位:Ivy Lee,Shaarmina A. Rodrigo和Viradhi Sansanwal。

Ward#4 was almost acclaimed until the last nomination day. Incumbent Karen Rea has done a lot for her constituents and recognized by many as a very diligent councillor. There are now three other candidates along with the incumbent: Ivy Lee, Shaarmina A. Rodrigo, and Viradhi Sansanwal.

在这些候选人中,只有李信杏曾参加过竞选。 李信杏在2014年竞选约克区区议员,但没有成功。她根本不是Rea的对手。其他两位新秀估计也没有多少机会。期待Rea以获得多数选票再次当选。

Out of these candidates, only Ivy Lee has participated in previous elections. Ivy ran for York Regional Councillor in 2014 and lost. She is not a threat to Karen Rea at all. The other two rookies will not have much of a chance. Look for Karen to be re-elected with a huge majority.




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