

Former Liberals running independent may help reduce partisan acrimony in the Chinese community
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Former Liberals Jody Wilson-Raybould, Jane Phillpott have decided to run as independents in the fall election, believing it is the best way to change the partisan politics in Ottawa and promising to work with members of all parties to reduce hyper-partisanship.

党派政治在加拿大的政治格局中根深蒂固,其劣根性已破坏了党派合作,威胁着民主制度的健康发展。根据萨马拉民主中心(Samara Centre for Democracy)的一份最新报告,加拿大政坛进入了极端的党派争端时代,国会议员被要求其行为必须与党团利益处处保持一致,而那些被视为缺乏绝对团队精神的党员则时时遭到冷眼,面临着来自党内,党领排挤的巨大压力。

Partisan politics has deeply ingrained in Canada’s political landscape to the extent that the toxicity in Ottawa eradicated collegiality and undermined democracy. According to a new report from the Samara Centre for Democracy, the Canadian politics has entered an age of extreme partisanship.  MPs felt the pressure to toe the party line, and those who were not considered absolute team players faced incredible pressure within the party, from the leader and through ostracism from fellow caucus members.


The partisan politics culture has found its way into the fractious Chinese community. The Liberal party supporters are natural enemies of the Conservatives, and vice versa. The acrimonies and polarization in the partisanship echoes the belligerence and combative nature that is the hallmark of the Cultural Revolution. The legacy of the deadly mass movement 50 years ago seems ubiquitous in today’s political campaign activities in the community. Some use campaign slogans to spike the “revolutionary Fervor”, while others are adopting languages in the Cultural Revolution to solicit new members or to threaten against opponents.  WeChat, which provides relative intimacy and a low-bar of entry for like-minded Mandarin speakers, has become their perfect platform to express hatred and scream profanities against those who took a different side in Canadian politics.

华人社区对政敌的这种仇恨情绪与中国政治高层打压迫害不同政见者的强硬手段相形见拙。中国共产党自掌权以来就一直致力于铲除“异己分子”。 独裁统治者毛泽东发动了文化大革命,其目的就是为了摧毁政治对手。近年来,随着中国政府越来越加紧对国家的控制,残酷迫害镇压那些敢于挑战权威或对政府持批评态度者,这种对异见人士的镇压更是变本加厉,日益嚣张。

The intolerance of dissenting political views in the Chinese community can find its roots in the top leaders’ hardline attitude towards political dissidents of their home country. The Chinese communist party has engaged in eradicating dissidents ever since it took power.  The dictator Mao launched the Cultural Revolution a bid to destroy political opponents. The crackdown on different voices has only grown in recent years, as the government increasingly tightens its grip on the nation, brutally persecuting those who dared to challenge the authority and who were critical against the government.


Partisan conflict is necessary for democracy, which relies on a multi-party system, rather than the totalitarianism, to survive and thrive. However, when partisanship gets out of hand, and when party members fail to recognize the rights and voices of outsiders, out-group hostility can easily take on very dark and destructive forces, leaving democracy in jeopardy.


Jody W-RB and Philpott said they want to appeal to Canadians who think politics has become too hyper-partisan and focused more on beating opponents than solving problems. Their advocacy has resonated well with those who want to change the climate of polarization and partisanship in Canada and to promote a healthy democracy.


If RB and Philpott’s efforts can help reduce combative, partisan sloganeering in the parliament, and in turn, decrease the partisan acrimony in the Chinese community and prevent it from escalating into anarchy, they deserve a statue.




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