

Is Trudeau a hypocrite?
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

多年来,贾斯汀-特鲁多和他的自由党政府一直竭力推崇加国的多元文化和族裔平等。他精心把自己打造了一个提倡包容,宽容和少数族裔平等权利的进派形象。 可是,时代杂志最近惊爆一张将满脸涂黑了的特鲁多照片。这张照片不仅一扫特鲁多总理色彩斑斓的的光辉形象,还让加国大众难以透过他漆黑的双眼和面颊看清他的真面目!

For years, Justin Trudeau repeatedly said that his Liberal government has deeply embraced cultural diversity and racial equality. He has meticulously constructed a global image as a progressive on inclusivity, tolerance, and minority rights. However, Time Magazine recently published a photo showing him in brownface makeup. The bombshell revelation has tarnished that image, raising concerns that Trudeau’s public persona may not reflect who he is.


The photo depicts the 29-year-old Trudeau alongside four young women — his hands draped over one of them. He is wearing a turban and robe, with dark makeup on his hands, face, and neck. For those who lack knowledge of the history of racism, Blackface/Brownface is much more than just dark makeup to enhance a costume. The mocking portrayals reinforced the idea that people with color were inferior in every way. In the mid to late nineteenth century, white actors would routinely use black/brown grease paint on their faces when depicting plantation slaves and free blacks on stage. Trudeau admitted he had worn the racist makeup multiple times.


After becoming the PM, Trudeau has displayed an apparent affection for Islam, praising its values and presenting them as compatible with Canadian principles. He has defended the right of Muslim women to wear a niqab, a traditional garment that covers the entire body and head with a slit for the eyes. The PM often visited mosques and Islamic centers, including those identifying with the Salafist movement and the Muslim Brotherhood.  He welcomed Syrian refugees as a time when European nations faced a torrent criticism over their immigration policies. He said Islam is free from extremism and violence and made statements strongly demand to separate the Muslims from the terrorist. He has taken heat for standing up to the anti-Muslim sentiment.


But the photo and video show that he had mocked the Muslim community, whose values he says to support and embrace, and whose religion he claims to respect and protect. The racisms revealed in the photo has made his image as the defender of the community less genuine, casting doubts on his motives for supporting the Islamic cause. In 2015 election, Trudeau and his Liberal Party won the votes from the Muslim community, with a population of one million strong.  

政治分析家们认为,这一黑脸丑闻会让加深人们对特鲁多为“伪君子”看法。事实上,特鲁多作为“女权主义”的英雄形象也受到质疑。 众所周知,他在兰万灵丑闻中欺负前内阁部长王州迪,并据控在私下谈话中对前自由党议员Celina Cae-Chavannes喊粗。 包括简·菲尔波特(Jane Philpot)在内的三名女政治豪杰都对特鲁多的领导能力失去信心,并都相继忙不迭地退出自由党!

Political analysts believe that brownface controversy could reinforce the existing impressions of Trudeau as inauthentic. In fact, Trudeau’s image as a feminist hero has taken a hit too. He bullied former cabinet Minister Jody R-B over SNC scandal and also allegedly yelled at Liberal MP Celina Cae-Chavannes during private conversations. Three female politicians who lost faith in Trudeau’s leadership – including Jane Philpot quit the Liberal caucus in droves.  

联邦NDP领袖,安省议会第一个戴头巾的锡克教徒辛格(Jagmeet Singh)说:“这土豆是个什么货色?他是不是就是那个关上大门后,电视机看不见时就被剥了皮从而真相毕露的?土豆 可越来越多的事实证明,他就是那个土豆!” 加拿大穆斯林全国委员会执行理事穆斯塔法·法鲁克(Mustafa Farooq)在推特上说:“看到特鲁多涂黑的的表情真是令人非常难过!”

 “Who is the real Mr. Trudeau? Is it the one behind closed doors, the one when the cameras are turned off that no one sees? Is that the real Mr. Trudeau? Because more and more, it seems like it is,“ said NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, who was the first turban-wearing Sikh at Queen’s Park in Ontario. Mustafa Farooq, the executive director of the National Council of Canadian Muslims, said on Twitter, “Seeing the prime minister in brownface/blackface is deeply saddening.”

特鲁多为他嘲笑棕色族裔的种族主义行为而深表歉意。 他说,他已经联系了党内的同僚们,为自己29岁时的行为向他们深表道歉。他可以寻求加国人士的宽恕,但不能改变加拿大人对其伪君子的看法,也将无法洗刷掉它浑身沾满的对那些包括华裔在内的有色族裔们充满歧视的腥臭味!

Trudeau profusely apologized for having indulged in what he acknowledged was a racist act of wearing brownface. Trudeau said he’d reached out to people in his party to apologize and explain himself for his behavior when he was 29. He can seek forgiveness, but he can’t change the Canadians perception of who he is. He won’t be able to wash off a scandal that deeply hurt people of color and minorities – ethnic Chinese included.




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