

Pro-China banner not a ticket to election victory
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


If political candidates in the upcoming election assume that they can woo voters from the Chinese community by playing a pro-China card, they should think twice.


Indeed, they may find “love” by voters who are vocal in support of Beijing. Amidst a growing economic power and military might, a China pride is surging in the overseas diaspora. Patriotism appears running high among those raised on a steady diet of pro-Communist Party messaging. The admiration for the communist party is also felt strongly by middle-aged immigrants who raked a bonanza throughout China’s economic boom. Stakeholders eyeing the lucrative Chinese market are under an urge to toe the party line.


However, this so-called patriotism is just part of the story. As Beijing increasingly asserts its authoritarian influence globally, a growing anti-China force has emerged from the overseas diaspora in Canada. They harbor deep-rooted disapproval of the party’s tightened authoritarian grip– from human rights abuse to intolerance towards dissent to crackdown on free speech. But they may not take overt actions to protest against the communist party, out of fear of repercussions that would put themselves or their loved ones in danger. They are the silent dissidents, feeling compelled to hold their tongues.


You can catch a glimpse of these diverse views towards Beijing through Chinese international students. Many students held opinions dissenting from pro-China stance but are reluctant to be outspoken in public. Yaqi Wang, a Chinese researcher at Human Rights Watch, painted a picture of this silent demographic torn between outrages and fear over the Chinese government. Their outward quiescence is often in vivid contrast to their anger and dissatisfaction towards Beijing’s human rights abuse.


Even some students’ statements supporting Beijing could be the outcomes of the fear of the repercussions, according to a N Times article shedding light on the deepening anxiety among Chinese students on Australian university campuses. “We don’t differentiate the country, the culture, the people, the government. If you criticize one, you criticize all four,” a Chinese student was quoted as saying in the article. However, Chinese authorities had visited his home in China prior to his statements. An editor at a student newspaper at the University of Sydney told the NYTimes that many students attending pro-Beijing protests were not driven by “patriotism” but the desire for gaining “self-identity.”


Ballot boxes in democratic Canada are protected by the election law, which ensures the privacy and security as voters choose their trusted candidates. Chinese Canadians will exercise their political rights under freedom because communist China cannot stick its surveillance cameras over voting booths in Canada. The silent dissidents will vote for the candidates supporting for democratic values, rather than those backed by China. They will not comply with the orders given by the clandestine agents, no matter who they are and what a powerful force they represent.


Undoubtedly, the candidates who get fooled by the “China mirage” may experience voting shocks on the election night.




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