

Enough lies, false claims and fear-mongering for Chinese Canadian voters
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Fear-mongering is a frequently used campaign tactic in Canada’s election history, which often targets ethnic minorities. In 2015, the Conservatives under Harper launched a fear mongering campaign that put Chinese and Punjabi-speaking voters in the crosshair. It claimed Justin Trudeau supports the sale of marijuana to children, the expansion of safe injection sites, and the establishment of neighborhood brothels.


The tactic makes a comeback in the 2019 campaign, focusing on issues that concern Chinese Canadian voters the most – from housing markets and refugee to drugs and gun controls.  Rumors over Liberals’ plan to slap a tax on property sales were circulating in Don Valley North riding – with a heavy concentration of Chinese Canadian voters. The tax grab would hurt the interest of many whose financial wellbeing is tight to the housing market. It turned out to be a false rumour spread by the Conservatives. The Liberals refuted it, clearly stating that they will not put what is merely a “consultation summary” into action.

毒品合法化也是最能触动华裔人士神经的话题。联邦保守党在微信和脸谱上投放华语广告,目的就是吸引华裔选民的注意。“(自由党领袖贾斯汀)特鲁多已经将大麻合法化,他的新政策是将硬性毒品(海洛因,可卡因和甲基冰毒合法化)等合法化!”这则耸人听闻的广告再次被证明是假信息,是从保守党领袖安德鲁·谢尔(Andrew Scheer)与 特鲁多在最近的竞选辩论中断章取义而来。 自由党发言人盖勒·盖兰特(Guy Gallant)周三表示:“硬性毒品合法化根本不在我们的计划之内。”

Drug legalization can hit a nerve with Chinese Canadians. Conservative Party of Canada’s WeChat and Facebook ads in the Chinese have successfully grabbed the attention of voters from the ethnic community. “(Liberal Leader Justin) Trudeau has already legalized marijuana, he now plans to legalize hard drugs – heroin, cocaine, and crystal meth!” The alarming ad has again proven to be false, which based on an exchange between Conservative leader Andrew Scheer and Trudeau during a recent leaders’ debate. Liberal spokesman Guy Gallant said Wednesday, “that (legalization) is not in our plans.”

特鲁多向危难之中的寻求庇护者敞开大门的政策让华裔移民即害怕又不满。联邦保守党有看准时机再次制造恐慌,煽动包括华裔在内的加国人士的恐惧,排斥和仇恨心理。他们称难民申请者们都是为拿政府资助而伪造申请并抢走正常申请者的机会。据Globe News,在另一华裔聚集的选区一名保守党候选人散布据煽动性言辞的选举资料,将非常规越境者称为“假难民”和“非法越境者”。

Fear and anger over refugees and asylum seekers grow among Chinese immigrants as the Liberal government opened the door to the marginalized people from the crisis-stricken countries. The Conservatives beefed up their fear-mongering practices, fueling the fear, intolerance, and resentment among Canadians –including ethnic Chinese. They accuse refugee applicants of queue jumpers, who made bogus claims to get a free handout from the government. According to the Globe News, the Conservative candidate in another Chinese Canadian concentrated riding allegedly mailed campaign literature using inflammatory languages.  It called irregular border crossers “fake refugees” and “illegal”.


But amid the growing crime rate and mass shooting incidents in Toronto, nothing could wrack the nerve of Chinese more than weak gun control policies. Some Liberals’ candidates have tapped into that fear to slam the Conservatives on the issue.


According to HuffPost, a Liberal candidate started distributing the literature to symbolize the worst terrorist attacks in Canadian history. The images of dangerous firearms -- semi-automatic rifles appeared on the two-sided, Chinese-language flyers, which claim the “Conservatives will keep these assault weapons on the streets.”  Scheer attacked the Liberals’ plan in return, accusing it as one that punishes law-abiding citizens.


Too many lies, false claims, and fear stoking. Chinese Canadians – particularly DVN residents-- have experienced enough drama that left the riding engulfed in scandals and nomination turmoil. They expect no more political shocks and are fed up with being caught in the crossfire. They hope a scandal-free campaign that would not exploit them but put their interest first. Undoubtedly, playing them with politics of fear will only backfire.




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