Tenants fear mass evictions under new Ontario housing act
来源: Bob Mok
This is the third article on the new Bill 184 about to become law in Ontario. It is also dubbed the “Eviction Bill” by tenants. For the previous article, please click: http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/669808
In our previous article, we talked about the fast-tracking of eviction via repayment agreements; bringing “former” tenants to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB); tenants must give advance notice to raise a section 82 of the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) defence at their arrears hearing; and Illegal rent increases become legal after 12 months.
Finally, two more changes are also included under Bill 184:
Tenants living in a building of less than five units that is being renovated or demolished, and tenants evicted for purchaser’s own use, are also entitled to receive one month rent compensation, which the landlord must pay before the termination date. If these requirements are not met the notice is void.
Where a tenant successfully brings a bad faith application against their landlord, the LTB can order the landlord to pay the tenant a new remedy called “general compensation” of an amount not exceeding 12 months’ rent – this is in addition to other remedies available to the tenant such as the 12 month “rent differential” amount. In addition, the limitation period for the denial of a tenant’s right of first refusal to return to their renovated unit has been extended to two years after the tenant vacated the unit. Fines for illegal evictions have been raised to $50,000 for an individual and $250,000 for a corporation.
Bill 184 has sparked protests from housing advocates who say the legislation will lead to mass evictions. Throughout July, activists have staged rallies at Queen’s Park, the home of Mayor John Tory, as well as the Landlord and Tenant Board office in Ottawa.
The Ontario Provincial Government said the Act encourages negotiated settlements by allowing landlords and tenants to make an agreement on outstanding rent, without needing to appear before the LTB.
Previously the parties (both landlord and tenant) would have already attended the LTB to deal with the initial non-payment of rent. The legislation now shifts the onus to the tenant to prove why they did not uphold the agreement, while at a typical non-payment of rent hearing under the old system, the landlord has the onus to prove rent was not paid, to which the board then applies an “equity reasoning” exploring whether there are circumstances that may justify delaying or refusing the eviction.
From the tenant rights advocates stand point, a problem with the repayment agreements lacking LTB oversight in future is that unsavvy tenants with language comprehension difficulties may be bullied into signing an agreement they did not fully understand. Appearing before the LTB also gives tenants the benefits of safeguards such as mediators, tenant duty counsel and the board members themselves.
Tenants who are unaware of the changes may unknowingly enter into unrealistic agreements out of confusion, desperation or fear and landlords will be able to bypass the hearing process completely. This will inevitably lead to an increased risk of groundless evictions.
The ministry official explained that after a consent order is issued, a tenant has 30 days to appeal the order if they feel they were pressured into the agreement. And, if a tenant is offered a repayment plan, they still have a right to a hearing.
While landlords are satisfied with the quick evictions offered by the new legislation, they are unhappy with other changes under Bill 184. They feel that the bill does more for tenants than landlords, pointing to a proposed fee structure for unlawful evictions that would require landlords to give compensation to tenants.
The recent revision to the provincial order suspending all evictions it will be in place only until the end of the calendar month in which the state of emergency is terminated, which could happen in August or September.
Many tenants fear that Bill 184 would speed up that eviction process when it starts again very shortly. It will then descend upon them while there are mass unemployment, widespread hardship, and a global pandemic.
Bill 184 may yet turn out to be a new law that can please nobody!