
中英对照:无资格领取政府 救济金的高薪阶层是渥京大手笔救援计划的最大赢家

Non-relief recipients with secure income are big winners in Ottawa's pandemic relief program
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
Ottawa's financial pandemic relief programs –including CERB and the new emergency benefits -- have sparked controversy in the Chinese community.  Some individuals with secure jobs and not eligible for the aid packages frown upon the government's actions of doling out cash handsomely, complaining that they, as stable income earners,   will eventually be on the hook for Ottawa's massive spending that provides no benefit to them. In fact, contrary to their beliefs, the well-heeled individuals making a secure income have gained much more from the government's handouts than the direct recipients.


这一救援计划 不仅为那些在疫情危机中遭到经济重创的加国人士提供了保护,它还对加国经济起到重大积极作用。救援基金阻止了工作机会的丧失,为低收入人士提供保障,从而有效地维护了消费者信心,使失业率保持稳定,并阻止加国经济进入衰退。更重要的是,救援计划所创造的良好经济环境为富足人士进一步扩充钱袋子铺平了道路。
The relief program has not only worked to protect the wellbeing of Canadians hard hit by COVID-19 but also exerted a significant positive impact on the Canadian economy. Preventing further job losses and supporting low-income earners, the relief fund has helped maintain consumer confidence, keep the unemployment rate at bay, and beat a looming recession. Moreover, it has created a better economic environment that paved the path for the well-to-do to grow their wealth and assets.
The relief money sent to the low-income people has helped maintain a healthy rental market, allowing the rich landlords to cover their investment costs. Meanwhile, with the massive relief fund distributed to Canadian households, the central bank has lowered the interest rate to encourage spending.  The low mortgage rate has fueled the real estate market's spectacular growth, drawing in homebuyers in droves and sending the home prices skyrocketing. A booming housing market has brought significant additional assets to homeowners' hands.

The relief package has also provided confidence to investors and propelled a stunning turnaround of the stock market, sending stock prices to the pre-pandemic level. The rich and wealthy are the dominant players in the stock market, with the top one percent of Canadian families holding 25% of the stock market wealth. The bounce of the share prices – which jumped 30% after the federal relief fund – has provided the perfect opportunities for the loaded to exploit the market and boost their asset values. 
The high-income earners' concerns over their impending repayment for Ottawa's overspending may not be necessary. Unlike the household finance that requires an immediate pay-off of the current debt, Ottawa does not need to pay down a penny for the national debt under a prosperous economic outlook. The record-low interest rate has also dramatically reduced Ottawa's cost of servicing the debt, with $250 billion of debt eating only an insignificant amount of $1.5 billion of interest. The rapid economic growth and the diminished interest cost will prevent the seemingly massive debt from biting the taxpayers' wallet.
Many who are not the direct recipients of the government's handouts are better off by the relief program than their recipient counterparts. They are the biggest beneficiaries of the financial aid packages and the winner of the Liberal government's action of helping the poor and bridging the income inequality. Instead of criticizing the government's efforts and blaming Ottawa for being an overly generous cash dispenser, they should respect it, appreciate it, and applaud it. And their supportive action should come out not only of their moral consciousness but also of their interests.  





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