

For affluent newcomers from China, the B.C. court ruling over private healthcare is shocking
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
卑诗省最高法院近期就一场旨在扶植私营医疗的法律之战做出判决。该长达880页的判决书强调加国全民医疗体系的重要性,指出加国禁止私营医疗系统,且其全面保健医疗系统之运作是应根据病患健康需求,而不是患者的支付能力。这项裁决凸显加国医疗体系与包括中国在内的其他国家之不同,让那些带着金钱万能之幻觉来到加国的富裕大陆新移民们 惊诧不已。
A recent B.C. Supreme Court judge’s ruling over a battle of private healthcare access emphasizes the strength and importance of Canada's universal healthcare.  The 880-page ruling handed down forbids private healthcare and states that its universal healthcare system is based on patients' needs, rather than their ability to pay. The judge's decision puts Canada's medical care system in sharp contrast to that of China, bringing a reality shock for affluent Chinese newcomers in delusions of the almighty dollar.

中国的医疗系统是在为富裕人士发挥优势。其总额$7300亿元的私营保险业给那些有支付能力者提供着特殊服务。在贫富差距日益拉大的医疗体制中, 全国大部分医疗资源被中国上层享受殆尽,而留给大部分普通老百姓却所剩无几。因此,中国医疗系统出现极为不平等现象,贫富悬殊,两级分化现象极为严重。有钱人能买到最好的服务,上优等医院,住高级病房,看顶级医生,而穷苦人士得了病只得昼夜排队抢挂为数不多的专家医生号。
The healthcare system in China works to the advantages of the rich. Its $730 billion private health insurance market provides services specifically tailored to the needs of those who can afford it. Under the system with widening healthcare disparities, China's elite class exhausts a significant portion of the country's medical resources, rendering the unfortunate masses fighting for the remaining few and hard-to-access services. The wealthy patients buy their way into the treatment delivered by the best physicians at top-notch medical facilities, while the underprivileged lining up day and night for the few available doctors' tickets. 
Many well-heeled newcomers to Canada were once the biggest gainers from the money-dictated Chinese medical system.  They've found the Canadian healthcare system completely baffling, challenging their fundamental beliefs in the power of money and rendering their "omnipotent" dollars worthless. It does not allow them to buy preferential treatment such as faster access to surgeries and physicians' care – as the way in China. They believe such a system runs afoul on the most basic principles of a free market economy. 

拥有一家私营诊所的卑诗省外科医生布莱恩•戴医生(Dr. Brian Day)也对加国医疗现状义愤填膺。让那些财大气粗的患者与毫无财务能力的穷光蛋一起在公共医疗系统中同受煎熬,在冗长的等待名单上期盼手术约期,这有悖常理。财大气粗的患者本应获得优先医疗服务,即使插队也在所不辞。在他长达8年的与公共医疗抗争的法律征途中,戴医生为那些包括大陆富豪在内的有钱病患们伸张权利,为其切身利益和理念大声疾呼。戴医生的以下言辞说出了这些大陆富豪们的心里话:“给加拿大人的富人提供和穷人一样水平的医疗服务,这实在太说不过去了!” 
Dr. Brian Day, a B.C. surgeon with a private clinic, shared their frustrations. Making those with the financial capacity languish in the public system, suffering and dying on waitlists in the same way as those who didn't seem ridiculous. Patients with deep pockets deserved the right to prioritize care -- including jumping the queue to avoid the long wait times. In his eight-year legal journey fighting against the universal system, Dr. Day advocated for the affluent patients – such as newcomers from China—and vocally voiced the interests and beliefs. "We in Canada will give the same level of services to a wealthy person as to a person who isn't wealthy, and that doesn't make sense," said Dr. Day. His statement speaks out the heart of wealthy Chinese newcomers.
Dr. Day's legal argument faces criticisms since it emerged. The opponents see his legal challenge as the most severe attack against the public healthcare system and cheer the judge's ruling as being made in every citizen's best interest in the province. With limited medical resources in Canada, reserving doctors and nurses for a few affluent patients would reduce the supply of medical care for the majority of patients in the public system, a slippery slope to healthcare disparity gripping China. 
加国社会是建立在平等,公平等理念的基础之上。 人人平等,每个加国公民都享有同等的权利和机会是加国社会的普世理念,也是建造加国医疗系统的奠基石。但那些对平等价值观不屑一顾,认为只有不平等社会现象才被普遍接受的人士,对法官的判决以及公共医疗支持者的观点既震惊又难以理解。
Canada's healthcare regime upholds egalitarianism's fundamental value, the cornerstone of its identity – where everyone has equal civil rights and opportunities.  However, for those disregarding egalitarian value s, and who have formed a view that inequality is a natural and acceptable social norm, the judge's ruling and the arguments from public healthcare advocates seems appalling and incomprehensible.





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