Chinese communities in Canada have changed a lot in last 40 years
来源: Bob Mok

This article part of a series on the subject of immigration by people of Chinese heritage to Canada. From this narrative, we can examine the reasons for the splitting of diasporas into two different camps. For the earlier article, click here: http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/670514
After Canada relaxed the Immigration Act in 1967, the gates to Canada were opened and immigration from Asian countries became viable once again. This led to my family's immigration in 1967 – one of the first to take advantage of this opportunity. Then came the Canadian Immigration Amnesty Program in 1973 when many students became immigrants and eventually sponsored their families to Canada. Mainland China was left out of this opportunity since it was still a “closed society” at that time.
After Saigon fell to the Communist from North Vietnam on April 30, 1975 Canada announced that it would be accepting refugees from Vietnam. As a result, over the years 1975 and 1976, Canada welcomed over 6,500 Vietnamese as political refugees; 3,000 of them had no relatives in Canada.

1978年开始,100多万越南难民坐着那些不能远航的船只逃离越南,并希望在公海上被国际社会营救。这些俗称为“船民”的难民中很大一部分(40%)是华裔。 1979年和1980年,加拿大接纳了60,000名来自印度支那的难民。在整个1980年代,加拿大继续欢迎印度支那难民,总共有约20万来自越南,柬埔寨和老挝的难民在加拿大定居。在所有接受此类难民的国家中,加拿大排第一。这些难民中的许多人是华裔,他们的母语为广东话。我的许多朋友都是那段时间从越南抵达加拿大的华裔。
Starting in 1978, over 1 million people departed Vietnam aboard unseaworthy makeshift vessels, hoping to reach international waters and be rescued there. Collectively known as “Boat people”, a large proportions (40%) of these refugees were of Chinese ethnic origin. In 1979 and 1980, Canada accepted 60,000 Indochinese refugees. Throughout the 1980's, Canada continued to welcome Indochinese refugees. In total, some 200,000 Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians have been resettled in Canada — the highest rate per capita among all of the countries that have accepted such refugees. Many of these were of Chinese origin speaking Cantonese as their mother tongue. Many of my friends were Vietnamese Chinese who arrived in Canada during this period.
The largest wave of immigration to Canada from Hong Kong occurred during the late 1980's and early 1990's, as a result of the uncertainties concerning the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong from Britain to China in 1997. From 1991 to 1996, about 30,000 Hong Kongers emigrated annually to Canada, comprising over half of all Hong Kong emigration to other countries and about 20% of the total number of immigrants to Canada. The great majority of these people settled in the Toronto and Vancouver areas, as there are well-established Chinese communities in those cities. After the Handover, there was a sharp decline in immigration numbers, possibly indicating a smooth transition towards political stability.

In the years to come, the unemployment and underemployment of many Hong Kong immigrants in Canada prompted a stream of returning migrants. As of 2014, Hong Kong has the highest concentration of Canadian citizens in Asia, with approximately 300,000 Canadian citizens of all ethnic backgrounds living in the city. Amazingly, less than 1000 people from Hong Kong emigrated to Canada each year over the last decade. So far, the groups of Chinese Diasporas we talked about are all coming from locations outside of Mainland China and they are either oppressed by Communist regimes or they are afraid of such scenarios.
In 1989, many of the Chinese mainland students and workers decided to stay in Canada after the Tiananmen Square Incident, commonly known as the June Fourth Incident. Many of these people are opposed to the Communist regimes. Some just simply take advantage of that chance to stay in Canada. From that time until 2005, China has taken over from all countries and regions as the country sending the most immigrants to Canada. The Chinese Mainlanders averaged well over 30,000 immigrants per year, contributing an average of 15% of all immigrants to Canada with an all-time high of more than 40,000 reached in 2005.

Over the last decade, China was consistently one of the top three countries of origin for immigrants coming to Canada every year – the other two being India and the Philippines. Today, residents of Chinese heritage (1.8 million) constitute over 5% of Canada's population. Unofficial statistics estimate that The Mainland Chinese population is roughly equal to half of all residents of Chinese heritage and growing.
We will examine the reasons for the division of Chinese Diasporas in our next article.