中英对照:实力疫苗面前 虚假信息溃不成军
Triumph of mRNA vaccines renders naysayers defenseless mRNA
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
随着Covid 19疫情在全球肆虐,mRNA疫苗应运而生,而mRNA这一尖端技术也一举成为全球瞩目的耀眼新星。但mRNA疫苗自问世以来道路并不平坦,面临各种艰巨的挑战,疫苗接种阻力重重。来势汹汹的虚假信息浪潮不断向这一新生事物发起冲击,势必将这一给人类带来奇迹和希望得新生事物扼杀于摇篮之中。
As Covid 19 crisis rages across the world, mRNA vaccines have come to the rescue, providing the cutting-edge technology a renowned iconic status. The vaccines have faced daunting challenges since its inception, charting stormy waters that threaten its survival. The massive disinformation campaign has gone rampant, fueling a vaccine hostility and hesitancy that prevents science from bringing its wonder and hope to the world.
The vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna represent exciting breakthroughs in mRNA technology, bringing the most remarkable moment for three decades of scientific study and vaccine development around the world. But the journey of mRNA vaccine was filled with setbacks. The technology, which uses messenger RNA to train the immune system to respond to the disease-causing organism, had faced obstacles in delivering mRNA instructions into cells. Recent advances have overcome the challenges, demonstrating encouraging results in cancer treatment and making mRNA application towards infectious disease a possibility. As massive funding flowed into SARS-CoV-2 vaccine research, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have emerged and soared into the most favorable therapeutic response for Covid 19 pandemic. Compared with conventional vaccine approaches, mRNA vaccines have the advantages of high potency, straightforward to produce, and most importantly, flexibility in tweaking -- a competitive edge amid a tumultuous Covid variant crisis.
But the mRNA vaccines have struggled to gain worldwide acceptance and public confidence since clinical trials. Naysayers – industry competitors and vaccine dissenters alike have waged a fake news war against the leading technology, trying to prevent it from gaining a foothold in the markets. Accusations of vaccine causing death and rumors of mRNA technology imposing health risks have gone viral across the globe. In the wake of a California vaccinated patient's death, Global Times, a Beijing-backed tabloid, alleged that mRNA vaccine carries risks of causing abnormal immune dysfunction and fatalities among the vulnerable groups. A social media post from a Trump-supporting media claimed that the mRNA technology tampers with your DNA, causing side effects among most trial participants. The reported deaths of Norwegian seniors after getting the vaccine have fueled the panic, and as a result, mistrust over mRNA vaccines safety abounds while vaccine hesitancy has surged worldwide.
Scientists are fighting back, debunking the tide of the misinformation against the mRNA vaccines. The WHO has made it clear that the vaccines have not contributed to the reported deaths, which are in line with the expected and all-cause mortality rate. The claim of abnormal immune response is baseless. The immune system only attacks antigen-presenting cells specific to the virus, and mRNA, with a short half-life, is incapable of causing any long term problems to our health. Moreover, RNA can't mess up with our genetic code or alter the human body's DNA due to its different chemical structure.
With the best clinical test results, the reputable health authorities' approval, and the cheering trial data, the mRNA vaccines are the top-rated players in the vaccine market. The awe-inspiring technology has soared into the most powerful arsenal to fight the virus and its mutations, rendering rumors, myths, and misinformation defenseless. The science triumph has opened a new chapter in the pandemic journey of humankind.