

Former Xinjiang camp detainees testimonies are credible evidence of genocide
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
 The Canadian House of Commons has overwhelmingly endorsed a motion to recognize that China is committing genocide against its Muslim minority, representing the first time a legislative body around the world has declared China's treatment of the Uyghur minorities to constitute genocide. Beijing has repeatedly denied the alleged atrocities, accusing the West of fabricating "lies of the century" about Xinjiang and distorting the truth. However, Uygur survivors' horrific stories are firsthand testimonies revealing the heinous crimes against the ethnicity, particularly women of childbearing age– from torture and gang rape to sterilization and forced abortion.

曾在新疆集中营遭关押的Tursunay Ziawudun女士目前定居美国。她在接受BBC采访时表示,一群戴着面罩的汉族男子每天晚上将她带出牢房并有三次轮奸她。除了轮奸之外,Tursunay Ziawudun在被关押期间还遭到其他形式的酷刑折磨。汉族男子用皮靴恨踢她的腹部直到她阴道出血,他们用电棍通入她的下身,并像畜生一样咬遍她的全身。
Ms. Tursunay Ziawudun was among the few former detainees who settled in the US after fleeing the region. She alleged that a group of masked Chinese men removed her from the cell every night and gang-raped her on three occasions. Apart from rape, Ziawudun suffered other forms of hallowing torture while in custody: Han men kicked her in the abdomen till she bled, pushed an electric stick inside her genital tract, and bit her all over her body like animals. 

来自前新疆拘留营中的多名妇女证词显示,拘留营内妇女遭到大规模强暴和性虐待。哈萨克斯坦的一名被迫担任看管助理的前被拘留者向BBC表示,她的职责是每晚脱光狱中维族妇女的衣服并给她们戴上手铐,以便汉族团伙轮奸她们。 30岁的维吾尔族学生Ruqiye Perhat也指控监狱内的强奸和性暴力行为。一名40岁的哈萨克幸存者Gulzira Auelkhan说:“他们会将口袋罩在那些被挑出来强奸的女拘留者的头上。”集中营的教师人员Sayragul Sauytbay的证词更为令人发指,她称曾亲自目睹中国警察当着百名羁押犯人的面强奸一名20岁的维族女孩子。这类恐怖事件在集中营内是如此之猖獗,以至于一名狱中女警告诉当营内教师的Qelbinur Sedik,轮奸已经成为拘留所内的“家常便饭”!
Multiple accounts from other camp insiders who fled Xinjiang have revealed systematic rape and torture inside the prison state. A former Kazakhstan detainee who acted as an involuntary guard assistant told BBC that the camp forced her to strip Uighur women naked and handcuff them before Han men gang-raped them. 30-year-old Uighur student Ruqiye Perhat alleged rape and sexual assaults inside the prison. "They picked the women to rape by putting a bag on their head, "said Gulzira Auelkhan, a 40-year-old Kazakh survivor. Sayragul Sauytbay, a camp teacher, gave a graphic recount of what she witnessed -- Chinese police raped a Uyghur woman in her early twenties in front of a hundred detainees. The horrific incidents were so rampant that a camp policewoman told Qelbinur Sedik, another camp teacher, that gang rape became a culture of norm inside the detention center. 

目前以难民身份居留法国的Gulbahar Haitiwaji在其所著“中国古拉格的幸存者”一书中痛诉了其数年在中国大牢中的经历的恐怖岁月以及惨无人道的折磨。书中揭示了中国政府对维族妇女所犯下了另一触目惊心的罪行,大规模绝育。Haitiwaji 在书中称,许多她的狱友们都在接受了“疫苗注射”后出现绝经,集中营以“免疫”为幌子强迫维族妇女绝育。
Gulbahar Haitiwaji, a refugee in France, told her terror and tormented years inside the prison camp through the book "the survivor of the Chinese Gulag," which reveals another form of horrendous crime by the Chinese state against the Uyghur minorities – mass sterilization. According to Haitiwaji, many of her cellmates lost their menstruation after getting the "vaccine shots," leading them to believe that the camp sterilized young women under the disguise of immunization.
Tursun, a former detainee who gave testimony at a US hearing, witnessed the death of nine detainees in the overcrowded cell, where women had to take turns sleeping and standing. A 62-year-old died with swollen legs, and a 23-year-old mother of two collapsed after suffering non-stopped menstrual bleeding for two months. Tursun, a young mother of triplet infants, got thrown into the jail cell after her son died to the Chinese authorities' abuse and mistreatment. Tursun was also subject to electric shock, which echoed Ziawudun's experiences. 

Despite Chinese authorities' consistent denial, former detainees' recounts are part of a growing body of evidence that led Canadian lawmakers to recognize China's action as genocide. The nature of alleged atrocities in the testimonies corresponds with each other, building a credible case that renders Beijing's denial powerless.





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