Trump's backward populism has implications reverberating beyond the US
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
One year ago, thousands of Donald Trump's supporters started insurrection by attacking the US Capitol Hill to overturn the election results. Today, the GOP claims of voter fraud have gained momentum as the former president maintains a tighter grip on his party and increasingly pushes the conspiracy theories. Meanwhile, Trump is backing a small army of candidates trying to unseat Republicans who refused to block Biden's victory. The first anniversary of the riot has put Trump supporters and the sentiment leading to one of the darkest moments in American history under the spotlight.
Contrary to myths, Trumpism is not a revolt of the economically impoverished or disadvantaged but a movement of the relatively rich. A University of Chicago University has shed surprising light on the demographic profile of the suspected Capitol rioters. They skewed more middle-class and middle-aged than the far-right protesters typically do, with 50 percent being business owners and white-collar professionals. Their ranks include CEOs, cardiologists, lawyers, and accountants.
Evidence has shown that Black Lives Matter and Antifa were not the driving force for the riot, but white supremacy was the real culprit. According to FBI Director Wray, many of the domestic terrorists who stormed Capitol Hill were white supremacists who supported Trump, and the mobsters included "violent extremists who advocated for the superiority of the white race." The University of Chicago study has also revealed that most of the rioters came from denser population centers, counties that had lost the white population share. The likelihood of a county spawning an alleged rioter is negatively associated with the population of non-Hispanic white in that county. The former president has spent years brewing a racially motivated sentiment, which reached the pinnacle when racially motivated angry mobs stormed the Capitol on Jan6.
同时,数以百万计的加拿大人被美国的政治势力所蛊惑,与川普煽动的意识形态遥相呼应。 2020年的一项民意调查显示,600万加拿大人(18%)支持川普或川普主义。安格斯•里德的一项民意调查发现,尽管加拿大保守党尽力拉开与川普势力的距离,但至少有41%以上的加拿大保守党支持者认为美国选举被盗,应当推翻其结果。 2019年EKOS的一项民意调查发现,40%的加拿大人认为加国新移民中有太多有色人种。在许多川普支持者中,许多人对移民和有色族裔持有怨恨和不满之情。
Millions of Canadians have echoed the political sentiment in the US, succumbing to Trump's appeal. An opinion poll in 2020 indicated that 6 million Canadians (18%) support Trump or the Trumpism ideology. An Angus Reid poll found that no less than 41 percent of Canadian Conservative voters believed that the election was stolen and should be contested, despite the party's effort to steer clear of Trump. An EKOS poll in 2019 found 40 percent of Canadians believe there were too many non-whites among Canada's newly-arrived immigrants. Among many Trump supporters, many harbor resentment towards minorities and immigrants.
是“白人至上”的优越感使川普的支持者与反疫苗活动家结成了紧密的联盟。一个世纪前,当反疫苗联盟为主流白人社区争取“疫苗自由”,同时对族裔社区和原住民被剥夺的这类自由视而不见时,医疗自由运动浪潮风起云涌。今天,随着白人至上主义再度兴起并日趋影响美国政坛,美国的疫苗接种率仅达到 62%。在加拿大,随着PPC领导人马克斯•伯恩(Max Bern)发表讲话与川普的煽动言论遥相呼应,谴责强制接种疫苗是专制而暴虐的手段,对疫苗接种的愤怒和不满情绪也在上升。显然反疫苗势力在威胁着我们每个人的健康福祉。
是“白人至上”的优越感使川普的支持者与反疫苗活动家结成了紧密的联盟。一个世纪前,当反疫苗联盟为主流白人社区争取“疫苗自由”,同时对族裔社区和原住民被剥夺的这类自由视而不见时,医疗自由运动浪潮风起云涌。今天,随着白人至上主义再度兴起并日趋影响美国政坛,美国的疫苗接种率仅达到 62%。在加拿大,随着PPC领导人马克斯•伯恩(Max Bern)发表讲话与川普的煽动言论遥相呼应,谴责强制接种疫苗是专制而暴虐的手段,对疫苗接种的愤怒和不满情绪也在上升。显然反疫苗势力在威胁着我们每个人的健康福祉。
White supremacy entitlement has seen Trump supporters forming a close alliance with anti-vaccine activists. A century ago, the medical freedom movement gained traction when anti-vax leagues fought for "the rightful liberties" for the dominant white communities while blindly ignoring the systemic absence of the same freedoms for racialized and Indigenous people. Today, the vaccination rate has reached only 62 percent in the US as white supremacy increasingly returns to American politics. In Canada, anger towards the vaccination mandate grows as the PPC leader Max Bern made a speech echoing Trump's charged rhetoric, denouncing mandated vaccines as tyrannical practice. The unvaccinated population is a risk to all of us.
Trump-backed backward populism has widespread implications that reverberate beyond the US. While the riot descended on Washington, the sentiment behind it has posed a threat to Canada, affecting the lives of every Canadian.