Putin supporters in China should view the war through humanity lens
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)
随着中国政府响应俄罗斯的战争虚假宣传战,并大肆传播克林姆林宫入侵乌克兰之不实之词,中国掀起了一股挺俄,反西方浪潮。将俄罗斯向乌克兰发起的军事攻击描绘成反抗西方的战争的虚假宣传战却在中国老百姓心中引起强烈共鸣。一位中国网民写道:“普京太伟大了!……他是苏维埃政权最宝贵的遗产, 也是本世纪最伟大的军事策略家!”另一位网民则称:“这是战争鼓动的最佳讲演…他的话让我感动得流泪。”但这些为无情的独裁者欢呼叫好的人士却对在被俄罗斯坦克碾压下乌克兰老百姓的痛苦哀嚎充耳不闻,对乌克兰人民所经历的战争苦难视而不见。
*中国驻美新大使献身美国CBS电视台的"面对全国"节目 秦刚被"烧烤"
Pro-Russia and anti-West sentiment soars among Chinese citizens as China echoes Russia's propaganda operation, helping spread Kremlin's false narratives about the reasons for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Portraying the attack as a war waged against the West resonated deeply with the Chinese audience. "Putin the Great…… He is the best legacy of the former Soviet Union and the greatest strategist of this century," posted a Chinese internet user. "This is an exemplary speech of war mobilization… His speech moved me to tears," posted others. But those who cheered for the ruthless dictator have turned a blind eye to the suffering of the Ukraine people, ignoring the most devastating consequences that the war has implicated on civilians.
俄罗斯对弱小邻国乌克兰犯下的战争罪行已导致数千人死亡,数十万人逃离乌克兰,无家所归。 乌克兰港口城市马里乌波尔不断遭到俄罗斯军队的袭击,在空袭和炮火的强攻下,该市已被夷为废墟。 战地记者和当地居民们所描述的一幕幕场景更是令人不寒而栗:被送进急诊室的大量死伤者,从废墟残骸中解救出来浑身带血的孕妇,被烧干的建筑物和汽车的骨架,在机枪扫射下慌张逃跑的难民,活下来的乌克兰居民所过的缺水断电、食不果腹和通讯失联的日子。一幅幅恐怖的场景是这场侵略战争中铁蹄下饱受蹂躏的乌克兰老百姓的灾难的真实写照,而对于那些在文明的当代社会享受着和平与安逸生活的人来说,则是他们根本无法接受和想象的现实。
Russia's war crimes against the smaller country Ukraine have left thousands dead and hundreds of thousands fleeing the country. Mariupol, the port city of Ukraine, was under constant attacks by Russian forces as airstrikes and artilleries razed it into ruins. Battlefield journalists and residents gave a vivid account of the coastal city under siege: wounded and dead brought into the emergency rooms, bloodied pregnant women pulled from ruin, the skeleton of buildings and cars, frantic escapes under the machine gunfire, and lives without running water, electricity, food supply and cell phones. The horrific images of life in ruins are inconceivable to those enjoying a peaceful and conformable living in a civilized modern era, serving as powerful attestations of the sufferings inflicted by an unjustified war on their war-torn counterparts.
俄罗斯对乌克兰的袭击重新唤起起中国30年代末所经历的遭受日本军阀侵略的痛苦记忆 。 日本帝国军对中国平民犯下了恐怖的滔天罪行,抢劫、纵火,苦力,集体强奸、利用中国老百姓进行人体实验等种种行径令人发指。 南京大屠杀是这场战争最邪恶,最惨无人道之罪行的集中体现。在持续6个星期的大屠杀中,日本军人竭尽谋杀、强奸和折磨中国老百姓之能事,从活埋,阉割到拉器官,烤活人等无恶不作。 这场最残酷、最具破坏性的战争导致数百万中国士兵和平民伤亡,数以万计的妇女被强奸,沦为难民者更是不计其数。 在遭受酷刑和被杀害的数十万平民中就有我的祖父,他对日本侵略者的不屈不挠的抵抗使他遭到日寇的残酷杀害。
Russia's assaults on Ukraine have revived the painful memories of the anti-Japanese war in the late 30s of China. The Imperial Japanese Army committed disturbing crimes against Chinese civilians, ranging from looting, arson, and forced labor to mass rape, human experimentation, and starvation. The horrific Nanking Massacre highlighted the most sinister evil of the war, as Japanese military men routinely murdered, raped, and tortured civilians -- from live burials and castration to carving of organs and the roasting of people. The cruelest and most destructive war resulted in millions of Chinese soldiers and civilians killed or injured, tens of thousands of women raped, and millions more becoming refugees. Among the hundreds of thousands of civilians tortured and killed was my grandfather, whose defiance against the perpetrators led him to succumb to the brutal killing by a Japanese soldier.
今天,由俄罗斯入侵乌克兰所引发的人道主义灾难,仍困扰着生活在战争阴影下的人们,迫使许多经历了战乱的人士重添历史创伤。 空袭警报声、炮击声和痛苦的战争经历让许多大屠杀幸存者深感恐惧,触及到他们无法愈合的战争疮疤。 经历过二战的芝加哥居民、85 岁的卡纳·斯托利亚尔(Khana Stolyar)就是战争创伤的受害者。她向《时代周刊》表示,俄罗斯入侵的新闻报道让她回忆起二战期间被饥饿折磨的日子,而乌克兰人民的天的灾难也是她那些寒冷和被饥饿折磨的往事经历的噩梦重提。 “我的心都碎了。这实在是太可怕了!”她说。
The humanitarian catastrophe triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine today has haunted and traumatized people living in the shadow of the war. The sound of air-raid sirens, the shelling, and the painful war-time experiences have terrified many holocaust survivors, leaving them feeling déjà vu. Hounded by the painful memories of cold and starvation, 85-year-old Khana Stolyar, a Chicago resident who lived through WWII, told Time that the news coverage of Russia's assaults had reminded her of being hungry during the war. "I'm heartbroken. It's very scary," she said.
“一枚炸弹刚刚落入基辅一栋公寓楼的厨房,炸死了正在那里做饭的一位老奶奶,”在空袭警报的背景声中,王继贤流着泪对他的 YouTube 观众说。 来自乌克兰敖德萨的 36 岁中国视频博主王 继贤(Wang) 谴责中国掀起的支持普京热,并通过其视频提高人们对战争黑暗现实的认识。 “每个战争中的死难者都曾是一个个鲜活的生命,也都曾为人母、为人父、为人子和为人女,”王在他的一段视频中说。 不管一场宣传战多么鬼恶多端,也不管当局使尽何种手腕和伎俩,每场血淋淋的战争都会给无辜者带来灾难。对于那些家乡曾遭侵略,仍生活在日本侵略战争阴影中的人士来说,这更是一个再清楚不过的事实。
"A bomb dropped into a kitchen in a Kyiv's apartment building just killed a granny cooking dinner there," said Wang Jixian in tears to his YouTube audience as an air-raid siren rang in the background. Wang, a 36-year-old Chinese vlogger from Odessa Ukraine, denounced the pro-Putin sentiment in China, trying to raise awareness of the dark reality of the war. "Each and every one of those killed in the war was flesh and blood individuals – mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters," said Wang in one of his videos. Regardless of a sophisticated spin campaign, military invasions bring catastrophe upon the innocent -- a bloody truth that should hit too close to home for those haunted by the war in their own backyard.