

As Canadians gradually get life back to normal, victims of China's zero-Covid rule quickly soar (Opinion)
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)

加拿大企业担忧升级 商业信心指数连续三季度下跌
贾宁扬 2022-04-25 周一 世界头号富翁马斯克买推特对那些老老实实投资的股东是好事!如果相信他会捍卫言论自由,你很可能会失望

"If you live in China during the pandemic, you should embrace it!" Zhao Lijian, China's state spokesperson, told foreign reporters in 2021. At the earlier pandemic stage, I was impressed by the success of China's pandemic response. China boasted of victory by keeping the case numbers and death tolls at the lowest level globally while allowing citizens to live everyday life. I watched in envy and awe of social media messages showing the scene of large crowd dinner parties, sightseeing trips by train and airplanes -- a sharp contrast to the lives hit by waves of variant outbreaks in North America – from alpha to beta to delta. Over the past two years, we struggled with public health restrictions, grappling with a life turned upside down by the pandemic.

但中国表面上的疫情光鲜是以一些人的隐私和自由为代价的。当局采取一系列严格的封锁措施和积极的追踪和检测来对抗稍有冒头的疫情。当局还在全国范围内推出了接触者追踪应用程序,加强了对公民行踪和健康数据的监控,并将检测呈阳性者的详细行踪公之于众。 中国政府的隐私窥探和公开羞辱措施给新冠患者带来巨大压力,使他们备受愧疚和自责感的折磨。

But China's seemingly pandemic victory was at a tremendous cost of privacy and freedom for the affected citizens. China resorted to stringent lockdowns and aggressive tracing and testing to fight a few outbreaks. It rolled out Contact Tracing Apps nationwide, putting citizens' whereabouts and health data under heightened surveillance and making the travel history of those who tested positive public. Beijing's computerized snooping and public shaming made Covid patients suffer intense feelings of guilt and shame.

中国政府的当地新冠病毒限制措施也对来自国外来访者造成了极大不安。 一位美国的律师在微信中长篇发帖,讲述了一趟本以探望山东老家为目地的旅行如何被当局的清零措施变成一场活生生的噩梦。 当地政府下达的隔离令接踵而至,迫使他在一家又一家的隔离酒店里度过了整个三个月的旅程,在他住完了隔离酒店后,他的返期已致,而他看到家人的计划也彻底落空!

China's patchwork of local Covid restrictions has also inflicted harm on those from abroad. A US lawyer recounted the ordeal of his trip to China in a lengthy WeChat post as a three-month trip planning to visit his family in Shandong province turned into a nightmare. He spent the entire trip in quarantine hotels as he scrambled to follow the authorities' isolation orders one after another, leaving his plans to see his families ending in vain.

当 Omicron 浪潮袭来时,中国 的铁腕Covid 政策的受害者已迅速扩大到整个2600 万人口的上海市,引发了一场场震惊全球的人道危机和世间惨剧,给这座城市带来无尽灾难。饥饿和缺医少药的叫喊声划过上海夜幕,从一栋栋居民楼中传出,实如恐怖电影场景;当局从母亲怀中夺走阳性婴幼儿,让年轻的妈妈们哭干了眼泪;被锁在卡车车厢内长达数周的司机变得歇斯底里;而重症患者因得不到医疗而选择结束生命。但民众的痛苦绝望并不能动摇当局维持零容忍规则的决心。对国家最高领导人来说,他首先考虑的是如何保住的他政治地位和功名伟绩,而不是百姓的挣扎和疾苦。

Victims of China's Covid policy have quickly expanded to the entire city of Shanghai when the Omicron wave hit. The humanitarian crisis caused by the draconian law grips the city of 26 million people, creating tragedies that have sent shockwaves worldwide. Screaming for food and supply broke out from multiple high-rise apartments at night. Desperate mothers cried their eyes out when authorities forcibly removed their infants or toddlers from them. Truck drivers turned hysterical for being locked inside the cabin for weeks. Critically ill patients unable to access treatment chose to end their lives due to intolerable pain. But citizens' desperation cannot shake the authorities' resolve to maintain the zero-tolerance rule. The top leader prioritizes his claim of political superiority and policy success over citizens' sufferings and distress.


Battling Covid wasn't an easy journey in Canada, but the government's Covid policies have never infringed my liberty to the extent that my Shanghai counterparts have experienced. The lockdown measures and stay-at-home orders never affected my ability to access essential services, and the authorities did not force Covid positive patients into camp-style quarantine facilities. Realizing that the goal to eliminate Covid would be incompatible with the individual rights and freedoms that the Charter protects, the governments changed course on the Covid approach, abandoning the blanket closure and trying to strike a proper balance between public health and civil liberty.


When many cities in China wage a destructive war against the merciless virus and Mother Nature, Canadian authorities have allowed citizens to get their lives back to normal by learning to live with the virus under the vaccines' protection. I feel blessed to live under a government whose ability to stay in power depends on the public desire rather than the leaders' claims of infallibility.  




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