Opinion: Multigenerational homes strengthen intergeneration bonds
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
低税率、低房价、通勤短和靠落基山脉 阿省到安省和卑诗省挖人

When I was three years old, violence and chaos gripped Beijing as the Cultural Revolution fetched its fever. My maternal grandma, in her late 50s, carried me on her back and boarded a crowded train one night to ShangXi, her hometown, to insulate me from the violence. I spent several years of peaceful and joyful childhood under her care until she brought me back to Beijing when the chaos and upheaval died. Valuing grandparent and grandchildren bonds after reaching adulthood, I had my mother move into my Toronto home after my father died and my children were born. Living under the same roof, my mother gave her unconditional love and care to my children, being a regular fixture in their childhood life.

Research shows that a close relationship between grandparents and grandchildren benefits both parties tremendously. My mother brought her rich Chinese cultural heritage to my children's lives, helping them improve their Chinese language skills and embrace a diverse tradition and cultural identity. Meanwhile, innocent childhood gave my mother great joy and enriched her senior life that would otherwise be fraught with loneliness and isolation. But this strong intergeneration bond is hard to come by under a culture that averts multi-generation living.

With plenty of living spaces, two adult generations of a family sharing the same roof is not an ideal or classical way of living for Canadians. The stresses over privacy, family finance, or autonomy deficits may disrupt the peace and harmony of the household, making the living style less appealing. According to StatsCan, only 6 percent of Canadians form a multigenerational household. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of Americans – over 80% of the population choose to refrain from having extended family living together.
但身各一方会导致祖父母和孙辈之间的关系疏远。虽然短信,推特和社交网络等科技手段促进了隔代交流,但却与同住一个屋檐下的亲昵相处不可同日而语。在美国,大约 10% 的祖父母要旅行200 英里去看与他们距离最近的孙辈,而 40% 的祖父母与最远的孙辈间距离要超过 200 英里。由于物理距离导致的家庭关系疏远,在北美,祖父母被拒之门外的现象已越来越普遍,成为一种社会流行病,使越来越多的祖父母无缘见到自己的孙辈。约有10万名安省的祖父母和10万名安省儿童成为这种社会诟病的牺牲品。

But the physical distance undermines the connections between grandparents and grandchildren. While technology makes communication possible through texting, tweeting, and skype, it pales compared to the bonds established through direct contact and living under the same roof. In the US, around 10% of grandparents travel over 200 miles to see their closest grandchild, while 40% of grandparents report traveling over 200 miles to see their furthest grandchild. Due to the weakened family ties caused by physical distance, grandparents' alienation has grown into an epidemic in North America, rendering a growing number of seniors facing refusal to have any contact with their grandchildren. About 100,000 grandparents and 300,000 children in Ontario suffer from extended family alienation.
但在日益严重的住房负担能力危机中,如今越来越多的隔代家庭选择同居一处,扭转着二战以来成为社会主导趋势的单代独居的生活方式。 此外,亚洲文化的影响也助长了数代同堂。 新的人口普查数据显示,在过去的 20 年中,拥有多代家庭的住宅数量增加了 45%,其中拥有大量南亚人口的布兰普顿社区的多代住宅比例最高。

But amid a growing housing affordability crisis, more and more inter-generation families nowadays choose to live together, bucking the trend of single-generation living that has dominated society since WWII. Also, the Asian culture influence has fueled the multi-family living style. New census data reveals the number of homes with multiple generations of a family has grown by 45% in the past two decades, with Brampton, the community with a sizable South Asian population showing the highest rates of multi-generation homes.

As many families tap into the benefits of intergenerational co-residence living, I hope the Chinese tradition that had benefited my mother won't get lost in my generation. One day, I aspire to move into my adult children’s home, enjoying the bond with my future grandchildren that multigenerational living offers.

低税率、低房价、通勤短和靠落基山脉 阿省到安省和卑诗省挖人

When I was three years old, violence and chaos gripped Beijing as the Cultural Revolution fetched its fever. My maternal grandma, in her late 50s, carried me on her back and boarded a crowded train one night to ShangXi, her hometown, to insulate me from the violence. I spent several years of peaceful and joyful childhood under her care until she brought me back to Beijing when the chaos and upheaval died. Valuing grandparent and grandchildren bonds after reaching adulthood, I had my mother move into my Toronto home after my father died and my children were born. Living under the same roof, my mother gave her unconditional love and care to my children, being a regular fixture in their childhood life.

Research shows that a close relationship between grandparents and grandchildren benefits both parties tremendously. My mother brought her rich Chinese cultural heritage to my children's lives, helping them improve their Chinese language skills and embrace a diverse tradition and cultural identity. Meanwhile, innocent childhood gave my mother great joy and enriched her senior life that would otherwise be fraught with loneliness and isolation. But this strong intergeneration bond is hard to come by under a culture that averts multi-generation living.

With plenty of living spaces, two adult generations of a family sharing the same roof is not an ideal or classical way of living for Canadians. The stresses over privacy, family finance, or autonomy deficits may disrupt the peace and harmony of the household, making the living style less appealing. According to StatsCan, only 6 percent of Canadians form a multigenerational household. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of Americans – over 80% of the population choose to refrain from having extended family living together.
但身各一方会导致祖父母和孙辈之间的关系疏远。虽然短信,推特和社交网络等科技手段促进了隔代交流,但却与同住一个屋檐下的亲昵相处不可同日而语。在美国,大约 10% 的祖父母要旅行200 英里去看与他们距离最近的孙辈,而 40% 的祖父母与最远的孙辈间距离要超过 200 英里。由于物理距离导致的家庭关系疏远,在北美,祖父母被拒之门外的现象已越来越普遍,成为一种社会流行病,使越来越多的祖父母无缘见到自己的孙辈。约有10万名安省的祖父母和10万名安省儿童成为这种社会诟病的牺牲品。

But the physical distance undermines the connections between grandparents and grandchildren. While technology makes communication possible through texting, tweeting, and skype, it pales compared to the bonds established through direct contact and living under the same roof. In the US, around 10% of grandparents travel over 200 miles to see their closest grandchild, while 40% of grandparents report traveling over 200 miles to see their furthest grandchild. Due to the weakened family ties caused by physical distance, grandparents' alienation has grown into an epidemic in North America, rendering a growing number of seniors facing refusal to have any contact with their grandchildren. About 100,000 grandparents and 300,000 children in Ontario suffer from extended family alienation.
但在日益严重的住房负担能力危机中,如今越来越多的隔代家庭选择同居一处,扭转着二战以来成为社会主导趋势的单代独居的生活方式。 此外,亚洲文化的影响也助长了数代同堂。 新的人口普查数据显示,在过去的 20 年中,拥有多代家庭的住宅数量增加了 45%,其中拥有大量南亚人口的布兰普顿社区的多代住宅比例最高。

But amid a growing housing affordability crisis, more and more inter-generation families nowadays choose to live together, bucking the trend of single-generation living that has dominated society since WWII. Also, the Asian culture influence has fueled the multi-family living style. New census data reveals the number of homes with multiple generations of a family has grown by 45% in the past two decades, with Brampton, the community with a sizable South Asian population showing the highest rates of multi-generation homes.

As many families tap into the benefits of intergenerational co-residence living, I hope the Chinese tradition that had benefited my mother won't get lost in my generation. One day, I aspire to move into my adult children’s home, enjoying the bond with my future grandchildren that multigenerational living offers.
