抨击媒体推崇阴谋论,溥礼瑞效仿川普大选策略(评论 中英对照)
Opinion: Bashing media while perpetuating conspiracy: Mr. Poilievre takes a page out of Trump’s playbook
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
溥礼瑞先生向媒体宣战了。这位保守党领袖攻击了一名在新闻发布会上打断向他提问的加拿大环球新闻(Global News)记者,并通过推文张贴向质询他曾与反疫苗极端倡导者见面的另一名记者发难。他还宣布,如果他成功当选总理,他将取消对曾散布他的不实信息的CBC提供任何财政拨款。溥礼瑞先生对媒体的抨击并不奇怪。在他看来,尊重事实报道真相的新闻业在如今的网络时代已经失去了其根基,且其以往的主导地位已被网络上大肆泛滥的阴谋论所取代。他似乎很有信心,即能通过诋毁媒体并利用日益扩张的网络阴谋论的势力来获得政治上的主导地位,成为加国的下一届总理。
Poilievre has waged war on the media. The Conservative leader attacked a Global News journalist who interrupted him at a press conference. He assaulted another reporter on Twitter who asked about his meetings with anti-vaccine extremists. He announced that he would defund the CBC if he became the PM, claiming the media outlet spread misinformation about him. Mr. Poilievre’s shots at the media aren’t surprising. He believes the fact-based news media has lost its ground in the digital age, eclipsed by the conspiracy theories festering online. He seemed confident he could rise to power by vilifying the press while leveraging the power of conspiracies increasingly embraced by his party base.
在社交媒体的帮助下,虚假信息和阴谋论在美国和加拿大大行其道,日益猖獗。 阴谋论散布者的人气飙升和其财富的迅速膨胀凸显出这一危险的趋势。 美国著名的阴谋论者亚历克斯•琼斯(Alex Jones)肆无忌惮地散布不实之词,以其虚假信息的招摇让上百万的追随者如醉如痴,陷入疯狂。 他的谎言包括布什政府策划了 9 月 11 日的袭击,以及当局为了通过枪支管制法而策划了桑迪胡克小学的大规模枪击案等。 琼斯的粉丝们也以高额奖赏报答其所散布的谣言,使 琼斯在线广播高峰时段每小时收入高达 $40,000 美元,且去年的年收入达到了创纪录的 $6490 万美元。
With the help of social media, conspiracies have thrived in the US and Canada. Conspiracy theorists’ soaring popularity and rapidly growing wealth have highlighted the dangerous trend. Alex Jones, a prominent conspiracy theorist, drove millions of his followers into a frenzy by recklessly spreading narratives that he knew were false. His lies included the Bush administration orchestrating the Sept 11 attacks and the authorities engineering the Sandy Hook mass shooting to pass gun control laws. His falsehood was awarded handsomely by his fans and followers. Jones raked in $40,000 per hour during the peak time of his online broadcast and fetched a record revenue of $64.9 million last year.
Trump had tapped into the growing momentum of conspiracies to build constituencies and wield power. He used social media to undermine public faith in fact-based journalism, calling the “fake news media” the enemy of people while strengthening lies and emboldening his support base. After helping push more people into QAnon, which falsely claims that former President Trump is facing down a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles, he has taken more sinister and deceptive rhetoric into the mainstream. About 70% of Republicans believe the rampant voter fraud had stolen the presidential election.
加拿大也不能幸免于日益猖獗的阴谋论。 最近发布的”算盘数据”调查显示,数百万加拿大人被某种有驳常理的思维左右。 大约 1300 万人(占加拿大人的 44%)陷入了诸如“一小群秘密工作的人控制了战争、经济衰退和选举结果等重大事件”之类的阴谋论中。 另有 1100 万人(37%)上当于“移民替代论”的骗局,认为某种暗藏势力试图用移民取代土生土长的加拿大人口。 调查发现,大多数受害者都对溥礼瑞 的价值观和信仰产生了共鸣。
Canada is not immune from the rampant growing conspiracy theories. Recently released Abacus Data has shown that millions of Canadians believe in contrarian ideas. About 13 million people (44% of Canadians) fell into conspiracy theories such as “small groups of people working in secret had controlled big events like wars, recessions and the outcomes of elections.” Another 11 million (37%) succumbed to the “replacement theory”, believing that hidden powers tried to replace native-born Canadians with immigrants. The survey found that most conspiracy theories victims resonated with Poilievre’s values and beliefs.
加拿大的这位保守党领袖是在步川普的后尘,效仿其抨击媒体和推崇阴谋论的策略。Poilievre对媒体在揭露令人不安的真相和挑战权势方面所起的作用毫不认可,而是充分利用社交媒体毫不受限的传播信息的能力建立,影响并动员了一个上百万人的网络社区。他敦促其支持者大力捐款以“屏蔽偏见的媒体及其有偏见的报道”,同时通过谎言和虚假信息掀起网络热潮。 他一再以“#StopTheGreatReset”发帖,称世界经济论坛不仅策划了大流行,还策划了为迎合全球精英及其友人之需求的邪恶阴谋,且该论坛控制了政府,包括贾斯汀•特鲁多的内阁。
Canada’s conservative leader has taken a page out of Trump’s playbook, adopting Trump’s media bashing and conspiracy perpetuating strategy. Mr. Poilievre couldn’t care less about the journalists’ roles in exposing uncomfortable truths and holding the powerful accountable. He tapped into social media’s unfettered ability to deliver his messages, influencing and mobilizing an online community of millions of people. He urged his supporters to donate money to “go around the biased media and their biased coverage” while sparking online frenzies with lies and falsehood. His repeated message of “#StopTheGreatReset” suggests that WEF is an evil plot to benefit the global elite and their friends after the spread of the planned pandemic and that it controls government, including Justin Trudeau’s cabinet.
The strategy seemed to work well for the social-media-savvy MP, giving him a tremendous advantage in the party leadership race. The success would only encourage him to ramp up his efforts as he sets his sight on the next battle – to form the government.
Poilievre has waged war on the media. The Conservative leader attacked a Global News journalist who interrupted him at a press conference. He assaulted another reporter on Twitter who asked about his meetings with anti-vaccine extremists. He announced that he would defund the CBC if he became the PM, claiming the media outlet spread misinformation about him. Mr. Poilievre’s shots at the media aren’t surprising. He believes the fact-based news media has lost its ground in the digital age, eclipsed by the conspiracy theories festering online. He seemed confident he could rise to power by vilifying the press while leveraging the power of conspiracies increasingly embraced by his party base.
在社交媒体的帮助下,虚假信息和阴谋论在美国和加拿大大行其道,日益猖獗。 阴谋论散布者的人气飙升和其财富的迅速膨胀凸显出这一危险的趋势。 美国著名的阴谋论者亚历克斯•琼斯(Alex Jones)肆无忌惮地散布不实之词,以其虚假信息的招摇让上百万的追随者如醉如痴,陷入疯狂。 他的谎言包括布什政府策划了 9 月 11 日的袭击,以及当局为了通过枪支管制法而策划了桑迪胡克小学的大规模枪击案等。 琼斯的粉丝们也以高额奖赏报答其所散布的谣言,使 琼斯在线广播高峰时段每小时收入高达 $40,000 美元,且去年的年收入达到了创纪录的 $6490 万美元。
With the help of social media, conspiracies have thrived in the US and Canada. Conspiracy theorists’ soaring popularity and rapidly growing wealth have highlighted the dangerous trend. Alex Jones, a prominent conspiracy theorist, drove millions of his followers into a frenzy by recklessly spreading narratives that he knew were false. His lies included the Bush administration orchestrating the Sept 11 attacks and the authorities engineering the Sandy Hook mass shooting to pass gun control laws. His falsehood was awarded handsomely by his fans and followers. Jones raked in $40,000 per hour during the peak time of his online broadcast and fetched a record revenue of $64.9 million last year.
Trump had tapped into the growing momentum of conspiracies to build constituencies and wield power. He used social media to undermine public faith in fact-based journalism, calling the “fake news media” the enemy of people while strengthening lies and emboldening his support base. After helping push more people into QAnon, which falsely claims that former President Trump is facing down a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles, he has taken more sinister and deceptive rhetoric into the mainstream. About 70% of Republicans believe the rampant voter fraud had stolen the presidential election.
加拿大也不能幸免于日益猖獗的阴谋论。 最近发布的”算盘数据”调查显示,数百万加拿大人被某种有驳常理的思维左右。 大约 1300 万人(占加拿大人的 44%)陷入了诸如“一小群秘密工作的人控制了战争、经济衰退和选举结果等重大事件”之类的阴谋论中。 另有 1100 万人(37%)上当于“移民替代论”的骗局,认为某种暗藏势力试图用移民取代土生土长的加拿大人口。 调查发现,大多数受害者都对溥礼瑞 的价值观和信仰产生了共鸣。
Canada is not immune from the rampant growing conspiracy theories. Recently released Abacus Data has shown that millions of Canadians believe in contrarian ideas. About 13 million people (44% of Canadians) fell into conspiracy theories such as “small groups of people working in secret had controlled big events like wars, recessions and the outcomes of elections.” Another 11 million (37%) succumbed to the “replacement theory”, believing that hidden powers tried to replace native-born Canadians with immigrants. The survey found that most conspiracy theories victims resonated with Poilievre’s values and beliefs.
加拿大的这位保守党领袖是在步川普的后尘,效仿其抨击媒体和推崇阴谋论的策略。Poilievre对媒体在揭露令人不安的真相和挑战权势方面所起的作用毫不认可,而是充分利用社交媒体毫不受限的传播信息的能力建立,影响并动员了一个上百万人的网络社区。他敦促其支持者大力捐款以“屏蔽偏见的媒体及其有偏见的报道”,同时通过谎言和虚假信息掀起网络热潮。 他一再以“#StopTheGreatReset”发帖,称世界经济论坛不仅策划了大流行,还策划了为迎合全球精英及其友人之需求的邪恶阴谋,且该论坛控制了政府,包括贾斯汀•特鲁多的内阁。
Canada’s conservative leader has taken a page out of Trump’s playbook, adopting Trump’s media bashing and conspiracy perpetuating strategy. Mr. Poilievre couldn’t care less about the journalists’ roles in exposing uncomfortable truths and holding the powerful accountable. He tapped into social media’s unfettered ability to deliver his messages, influencing and mobilizing an online community of millions of people. He urged his supporters to donate money to “go around the biased media and their biased coverage” while sparking online frenzies with lies and falsehood. His repeated message of “#StopTheGreatReset” suggests that WEF is an evil plot to benefit the global elite and their friends after the spread of the planned pandemic and that it controls government, including Justin Trudeau’s cabinet.
The strategy seemed to work well for the social-media-savvy MP, giving him a tremendous advantage in the party leadership race. The success would only encourage him to ramp up his efforts as he sets his sight on the next battle – to form the government.