

Opinion: Liberals' wasteful spending and egregious squandering behavior shakes Canadians' confidence
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
自由党因开支滥用再度陷入丑闻。 审计长的最新报告揭露了自由党疫情救助计划中 所出现的$320 亿加元的超额支付和不明支出,引发人们对渥太华财务失控现状的不安和关注。 但疫情救助计划的超支现象只是冰山一角。 更多揭露自由党经常性浪费开支的丑闻曝光进一步揭示了自由党政府在管理公共资金领域的无能和疏忽,以及其更令人震惊的所对纳税人钱财可肆意挥霍的态度。

加拿大著名评论员、教授和临床心理学家彼德森因其推文而受到惩处 引发言论自由的争论

Misspending controversy continues to plague the Liberals. The recent auditor generals' report identified $32 billion in overpayments and suspicious payments for Liberal's pandemic stimulus programs, putting Ottawa's out-of-control spending under the spotlight. But the overspending on stimulus programs was just the tip of the iceberg. More unsettling scandals revealing the Liberals' recurring wasteful expenditure have come to light, exposing its incompetence and negligence in managing the public coffer and, more shockingly, its cavalier attitude towards taxpayers' money.

自由党在发放 $2820 亿元的疫情补贴计划时,未能做到严格审核计划符合条件以确保每一元钱都提供给那些急需救援的人士,也似乎对这笔巨额支出所将造成的债务和税务责任不闻不问。自由党政府所持疫情补贴策略是“要么不发,要么一发到底”,并称其为度过疫情难关的唯一途径。在缺乏财政审慎的策略引导下,相当一部分公共资金流向了疫情中获利最多的企业。 审计长的报告指出,至少有 $46 亿元流向了没有资格领取的个人和公司,另有 $274 亿可疑资金需要进一步审查。尽管领取计划的资格要求是收入下降 30% 以上,许多接受补贴者包括加拿大知名企业、对冲基金和大型基金管理公司,这些机构在 2021 年第二和第三季度均都实现了收入增长。

The Liberals doled out $282 billion in pandemic support programs without double-checking the eligibility requirement or ensuring every penny went to those who needed it. The potential consequences of the massive spending– including the enormous repayments and tax obligations seemed not of concern to the Liberal government, which claimed that the go-big-or-go-home strategy was the only way to survive the pandemic crisis. Liberal's lack of fiscal prudence led the public funds to flow into profitable businesses that had benefited the most from the pandemic. The auditor general's report has found at least $4.6 billion went to people and companies ineligible to receive it, and another $27.4 billion that needs further scrutiny. Many receiving the subsidies – including big names in corporate Canada, hedge funds, and large money managers -- saw income growth in the second and third quarters of 2021, despite the program's eligibility requirement of an over 30% drop in revenue.  

渥太华推行的入境旅游应用程序ArriveCan 骗局是自由党无视其财政职责和浪费纳税人血汗钱的另一最佳证明。 渥太华就该软件的开发向 23 家个别公司授予了 27 份合同和分包合同,其开发费用高达 $5400 万加元,而主要承包商 Gcstrategies 并不从事 IT 工作,却从中获得了 $900 万加元的佣金。 花费如此惊人天价去开发相对简单的文本式的应用程序使加国科技领域人士震惊,愤怒。 一名软件开发员自告奋勇,仅用两天时间就成功开发了该应用程序,使自由党大规模滥用纳税人资金的行径暴露无遗。 一些科技行业专家认为,该应用程序的原始开发成本应该低于 $25 万元。

The ArriveCan scam is another perfect example of the Liberals' gross negligence of fiscal accountability and callous disregard for taxpayers' hard-earned money. Ottawa granted 27 contracts and subcontracts to 23 unique companies to develop the app at a whopping cost of $54 million, with the main contractor –Gcstrategies that did not do IT work, receiving $9 million in commission. The price tag for creating the relatively simple text-based app shocked and outraged many in the Canadian tech sphere. A single techie spent just two days successfully duplicating the app, putting Liberals' massive abuse of taxpayers' money under heightened scrutiny. Some tech industry experts believe the raw development of the app should have cost less than $250000.

自由党高级官员们的奢侈消费更充分展示了对纳税人资金不屑一顾,毫无责任之心的态度。加国总督玛丽西蒙(Mary Simon)和她的 29 位随行乘客在乘政府CC-150 Polaris 飞机前往伦敦、阿拉伯联合酋长国、卡塔尔、科威特,仅往返旅途就花费了$93,117.89 元,旅行燃料费用高达$248,127.02 元 。 总理特鲁多、副总理弗里兰和其他 58 人在 3 月 5 日至 3 月 11 日前往伦敦、里加、柏林、华沙的返回途中, 其餐饮费用高达$57,401.56 元,燃料费$195,265.47 元。 在另一次欧洲之行中,特鲁多和其他 47 位随行人员餐饮消费$46,018.07 元,燃料费用$114,255.83 元。 此外,True North 的一篇文章揭示了特鲁多一家的奢华生活方式,即他们一家去年每月仅在食品和精制品上花费高达$12,000 元。

The Liberals' top echelon's extravagance has taken its reckless spending attitude to the next level. Gov. Gen. Mary Simon and her 29 guests racked up nearly $100,000 in catering bills and $248,127.02 in fuel costs during their flights to and from the Middle East in Mar. 2022. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, and 58 others amassed $57,401.56 in catering costs while traveling to London, Riga, Berlin, Warsaw, and back between March 5 and March 11, with fuel bills costing $195,265.47. Trudeau and 47 others' trip to Europe cost taxpayers $46,018.07 in catering and $114,255.83 in fuel. Also, a True North article sheds light on Trudeau's luxury lifestyle, reporting that his residence spent 12K on groceries and boutique goods in one month of 2021.

自由党财务上的这种大肆浪费和挥霍无度的行为让加国人士深陷困扰,使他们将面临数十亿加元的新债务所带来的经济噩梦。 而自由党对公众日益增长的超支担忧的无礼漠视更是大失民心。民调显示自由党在生活费用和经济发展两项重要事宜上远落后保守党,倍显加国人士对自由党继续管理加国经济和纳税人资产能力缺乏信心。

Liberals' wasteful spending and egregious squandering behavior have haunted Canadians, leaving them to face an economic nightmare down the road created by the billions of dollars in new debt. Moreover,  the Liberals' couldn't-care-less attitude and their gross disregard for the public’s growing overspending concerns have shaken Canadians' confidence. An Opinion poll showed the Liberals trail the Conservatives badly on issues concerning cost of living and economy as voters increasingly question the Liberals' ability to continue managing the taxpayers’ purse string.




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