
为什么这些加国人士也有中国式的孝道(观点 中英对照)

Opinion: Only true humanity can ensure the best practice of filial piety
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
晋代吴猛是个出名的孝子。 8岁的他为了不让父母不被蚊子咬在夏日夜晚脱光衣服坐在父母床边遭受蚊子的袭击。 孝道是中国几千年的传统,是根深蒂固的道德价值观,即成年子女在道德上有义务和责任赡养,照顾年迈父母。 2013年,中国政府出台了《老年人权益法》,将年轻一代赡养年迈体弱的父母上升为其法律责任。 但是,尽管文化传统根深蒂固,法律条文缜密严苛,当今的中国的成年子女为追求财富而放弃孝道已渐成为社会趋势,使越来越多的老年人过着孤独和抑郁的晚年,老年人自杀人数激增。 这些绝望的中国老人引发了一个令人深思问题:单靠道德和法律义务能否能迫使子女尽一份完善的赡养老人的义务?

丧事喜办 春晚招人烦(观点)

Wu Meng from Jin Dynasty was an exemplary son known for his filial piety. During summer nights, the 8-year-old Wu stripped and sat beside his parents’ bed, attracting mosquitoes to spare his parents from the insects’ onslaught. Filial piety is a Chinese tradition of thousands of years, where children owe their parents care and support as a matter of duty. In 2013, Beijing introduced its “Elderly Rights Law”, making it a moral and legal obligation for the younger generation to provide, care and support their senior and ailing parents. But despite the deep-rooted tradition and stringent law, adult children in China today increasingly forgo their filial piety responsibility to pursue financial wealth, leaving a growing number of elderly suffering loneliness and depression, killing themselves at an alarming rate. The despair among Chinese elderly have prompted the question: can moral and legal obligations ensure the best practice of filial piety?

郭强生是台湾一所大学的教授。 他的一篇记述他九年来照顾年迈失智的父亲的艰辛,疲惫历程的文章在中国社交媒体上广为流传。 2013年,当86岁的父亲被诊断出患有痴呆症时,郭强生放弃了大学教授的职业,回到家乡照顾父亲。他承担了压力极大,负荷极高又让人看不起的看护工作,没有任何法律规定他必须这样做,也没有社会舆论逼迫他放弃一切照看父亲。 相反,很多朋友都认为他放弃太多,且他的巨大牺牲是否值得。郭在文中写道:“做出如此巨大的承诺和牺牲,如果有任何勉强我都不会做。”“我很珍惜与父亲在一起度过的这段日子,每一个与父亲一起过的年都是我最宝贵的记忆。”

Guo Qiangsheng was a college professor at a University in Taiwan. His essay chronicling his nine exhausting and weary years of commitment to the caregiver role has gone viral on Chinese social media. In 2013, when his father was diagnosed with dementia at 86, Guo gave up his career as a college professor, returning to his hometown to look after his ailing father. He assumed the stressful, intense, invisible caregiver work under no legal obligations or social requirements. Instead, he faced skepticism from friends about whether he had made the right choice or whether his enormous sacrifices were worthwhile. “I would not make such a huge commitment and sacrifices with any reluctance,” wrote Guo. “I valued the love bond with my father, cherishing the moment of togetherness with him at every New Year celebration.”

在从来没有孝道传统的西方国家加拿大,许多成年子女为了照顾年迈的父母都做出了像郭强生一样的选择,即为患病家人提供温暖而不惜使各人生活,和事业遭受巨大牺牲。 弗格森女士是西蒙弗雷泽大学 (Simon Fraser University) 的系主任,她顶住工作和日常生活的巨大压力同时照顾年迈和患有一系列慢性疾病的父母。里斯女士在父母去世后,让患有唐氏综合症和抑郁症的 40 岁弟弟搬到了她的家中。 八年的看护工作让她失去了那份能为她带来稳定收入和退休积蓄的工作。 卡特里娜·普雷斯科特 (Katrina Prescott) 女士在 30 多岁时开始照顾年长的家庭成员,先是她的祖母,在祖母去世后照顾生病的母亲。 她将生命中宝贵的十年奉献给在疾病中挣扎的家人,不仅事业受损,还默默忍受着精神,身体的疲惫和透支。

In the Western country Canada, where the filial piety tradition does not exit, many adult children have made the choices and sacrifices like Mr. Guo – providing care for their senior parents at high personal cost and professional loss. Ms. Ferguson, a department director at Simon Fraser University, had taken care of her aging parents suffering a slew of chronicle illnesses while juggling the competing demand of work and daily life. Ms. Ries moved his 40-year-old brother with down-syndrome and depression to her home after their parents died. The eight years of a caregiver role have made her lose the job that brought her stable income and retirement savings. Ms. Katrina Prescott started to look after senior family members in her thirties, first her grandma and then her mother after her grandma died. She devoted a decade to the needy and elderly family members while suffering burnout and a ruined career.

最新的 StatsCan 数据显示,近 50% 的加拿大人在他们生命中的某个阶段都曾照顾过年迈和生病的家庭成员,其中许多人照顾家庭成员的时间超过四年。 履行孝道是人类自然情感的表达,是爱、同理心、同情心和善良的最高体现。 和郭强生一样,这些加国人士都为父母和家人自愿做出牺牲,表现出无私的同情心和无需回报的爱,而不是在被迫履行孝道义务或遵守某项国家法律。 归根结底,对善良的人性的推崇是一个良好运行的公民社会的重要价值观,它让最普通民众做出极为不平凡的举动。

The latest StatsCan data has revealed that nearly 50 percent of Canadians have taken a caregiver job for an aging and ill family member at some point in their life, with many caring a loved one for over four years. The practice of filial piety is supposed to be the naturally expressed emotion of humankind – love, empathy, compassion, and kindness. Like Mr. Guo, all these Canadians made the sacrifices willingly, showing selfless compassion and unconditional love rather than being compelled to practice filial duties or comply with a state law. Ultimately, it’s true humanity, a crucial value in a well-functioning civil society that has inspired extraordinary actions from the most ordinary people.




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