

Opinion: I trust and admire the CSIS whistleblowers more than ever
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)
正是由于 CSIS 官员和媒体记者的大胆披露,中国政府对加拿大民主的干扰行动,包括从干预联邦大选到对批评中国政府的国会议员进行恐吓等才被曝光。 CSIS 泄露的文件也使自由党政府对北京的干涉行动不作为,漠然处之的态度置于镁光灯下,公众要求彻查此事的呼声不断高涨。 然而,特鲁多指派的中国影响力特别调查员戴维·约翰斯顿(David Johnston)却无视大众要求和呼声,做出拒绝对中国影响活动进行公众审查的决定,其理由是“”无法与公众分享机密情报信息“”。 我对约翰斯顿的这一决定感到非常失望。


Beijing's unrelenting influence campaign on Canadian democracy – from meddling in federal elections to intimidating MPs critical of China -- has been under the public spotlight, thanks to the CSIS whistleblowers and the courageous journalists. The CSIS leaked documents put the Liberal government’s inaction to Beijing's interference under scrutiny,  prompting public demand to get to the bottom of the matter. However, defying the highly expected decision to hold a public inquiry, David Johnston, the special rapporteur into China's influence, has announced that such an inquiry is unnecessary, citing the inability to share intelligence information with the public. I am hugely disappointed by Johnston's decision.

这些泄露的 CSIS 文件解释了中国政府如何通过利用侨民社区来干预加拿大政治进程。 中国政府在针对 2019 年 当河谷北 自由党提名赛的行动中,将假地址的国际学生和华裔老年人带入提名赛场,胁迫他们投票给特定候选人。 在2021年大选期间,中国政府散布虚假信息攻击与其不友善的保守党,声称保守党一旦当选,将采取损害华裔加拿大人利益的政策,例如禁止中国学生进入某些大学。前中国总领事童晓玲说: “对华裔移民施加影响,要他们站在中国政府一边太容易了”。 但CSIS 披露的最令人震惊的信息涉及中国政府对国会保守党议员庄文浩在中国的家人的威胁和恐吓。 庄文浩曾带头在议会投票中承认北京对维吾尔族少数民族犯下种族灭绝,而他所遭受的威胁和恐吓对华裔社区来说是再熟悉不过的了。

The leaked CSIS documents shed light on how China allegedly meddled with the Canadian elections by mobilizing the diaspora community as political influencers. Beijing's operation targeted the 2019 DVN Liberal nomination, allegedly bussing international students with fake addresses and Chinese seniors into the meeting site, coercing them to vote for a specific candidate. During the 2021 election campaign, it disseminated false information to attack the unfriendly Conservatives, claiming that the Conservatives, if elected, would adopt policies that harm the Chinese Canadians' interest, such as banning Chinese students from certain universities. “It was easy to influence Chinese immigrants to agree with the PRC,” said Tong Xiao Ling, a former Chinese Consul General. But the most shocking CSIS revelations concerned Beijing’s threat and intimidation against the Conservative MP Michael Chong’s family in China, the lawmaker who spearheaded the parliamentary vote to recognize Beijing's actions against Uyghur minorities as genocide. The threat and intimidation of Chong is a familiar story for the diaspora.

CSIS 泄密者披露的信息使中国政府针对华裔社区的影响力行动曝光,从而提高了族裔社区的民主意识。 同时,它向加国政府提出迫切保护流亡中的弱势批评者的要求,也为那些无法自由表达异见之声人士重获言语权铺平了道路。 但约翰斯顿的报告却对泄密事件大加谴责,称其为具有“破坏性和危险性”,“不能排除恶意”,且“抓到泄密者是当务之急”。

CSIS leaks have put Beijing’s influence operations targeting the diaspora under the spotlight, raising the ethnic community’s democratic awareness. Moreover, it has prompted the urgent need for the Canadian government’s protection over the vulnerable exiled dissidents, paving the path for those unable to express their dissenting views freely to gain back voices. But Jonston’s report decried the leaks, calling them “destructive and dangerous", saying “it cannot rule out malice" and that it is “a matter of urgency that the leakers get caught."

情报局官员向媒体泄露最高机密信息,是冒着因根据《信息安全法》而遭起诉和入狱的风险,且充分意识到他们所面临的后果。其中一位匿名举报人在《环球邮报》上发表了一篇观点文章时写道: “我曾自问:我能否在降低各种风险的情况下揭露这些信息? “ “这是否意味着我职业生涯的结束? 如果我进了监狱,谁来照顾我的家人?”

The whistleblowers risked prosecution under the Security of Information Act and were fully aware of the potential repercussions they may face. “I asked myself: Can I do this while mitigating the risk to our country’s sources and methods? “  One of the anonymous whistleblowers published an opinion piece in the Globe and Mail. “Will this mean the end of my career?  Who will take care of my family if I go to prison?”

由于对自由党政府多年来的无所作为感到沮丧,CSIS泄密者将个公众利益置于个人之上,大胆地揭露政府的腐败或无能。 他们的勇敢行为显示出普通加拿大人为了说出真相,为了捍卫加拿大自由和公平的民主制度所愿意付出的巨大努力和牺牲。 在泄密事件动机遭到政府和当局怀疑的时候,我比以往任何时候都信任和敬仰这些告密者。

Frustrated by the Liberal government’s years of inaction, the CSIS informers stepped boldly into the public interest role to expose the government’s corruption or incompetence. The intelligence leaks have revealed the ordinary Canadians’ courage to tell the truth and how far they are willing to go to defend Canada’s free and fair democratic system. At a time when the leaks are under the suspicion of the government and authorities, I trust and admire the CSIS whistleblowers more than ever.




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