警报四起之际,穿梭于巴以边境和以色列医院的 Joanna Chen(观点)

The Holocaust unveiled the appalling depths of cruelty and inhumanity under Nazi Germany’s brutal regime. Amid this darkness, beacons of humanity like Oskar Schindler and many unsung saviors shone brightly. Driven by profound compassion and courage, these individuals dared to save countless lives from the horrors of genocide and widespread racial hatred. Defying their government orders and the pervasive anti-Semitic sentiments, these heroes risked everything to protect oppressed Jews from certain death. Their legacy of bravery and empathy, forged in the face of immense backlash and adversity, sets the stage for modern-day humanitarians.
About eight decades after the Holocaust, the spirit of rescue and compassion that animated its heroes is now embodied by Joanna Chen, an Israeli journalist and translator working as a humanitarian amid the escalating tensions of the Gaza war. In collaboration with the Road to Recovery organization, which facilitates medical treatment for Palestinian children in need, Chen has navigated dangerous checkpoints to bring these children from the occupied territories—where adequate medical care is scarce—to Israeli hospitals for urgent treatment. Her relentless efforts were temporarily halted when the conflict between the two communities intensified after Hamas' attack on Israel on October 7. However, deeply disturbed by the atrocities and the profound suffering of the people, including Palestinians, and convinced that proactive action was the best antidote to the fear and horror engulfing her community, she resumed her volunteer work. Continuing to brave deserted routes under siren-filled skies, she has transported sick children and their fearful parents from heavily guarded borders to safety and medical care.
八十年后,曾经激发大屠杀中英勇事迹的人道同情精神,如今体现在乔安娜·陈身上。陈是一位以色列记者和翻译,在加沙战争日益升级之际担任人道志愿者。陈与为帮助巴勒斯坦儿童获得医疗服务的“恢复之路”组织有着长期合作关系,多年来从危险的边境关卡,将巴勒斯坦病童从缺医少药占领区接到以色列医院接受紧急治疗。在10月7日哈马斯发起对以色列的袭击,两族裔间矛盾冲突进一步加剧后,她曾短暂地停止了援助工作。但因无法容忍残酷的暴行,被包括巴勒斯坦在内的百姓所遭受的苦难而深深困扰,她重拾起这项危险的人道工作, 勇敢地在警报四起,荒无人烟的道路上行驶奔驰,将病重的巴勒斯坦儿童及其担忧害怕的父母从重兵把守的边境送往以色列的医院。因为她相信,战胜战乱恐怖的最佳方式就是为受难者做些什么。
Joanna Chen's poignant essay, 'From the Edges of a Broken World,' published in Guernica, is a testament to her dedication and commitment. Through her words, Chen offers a humanitarian perspective that seeks to bridge the entrenched 'us vs. them' narrative that has long defined the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Her essay recognizes the shared humanity and suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians, providing a heartfelt and nuanced reflection on the ongoing tragedy. It portrays the lives of those entrenched as adversaries with rare sympathy, challenging readers to confront uncomfortable truths. This work fosters empathy and understanding—qualities all too rare in times of heightened national fervor, making it a crucial read for those seeking insight into the complexities of sustained conflict.
However, this approach of presenting a balanced viewpoint—acknowledging the humanity and suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians—positioned her as an outlier, sparking significant backlash. Her attackers attempted to discredit her motivations for writing the essay, painting her humanitarian efforts and balanced views as insincere or hypocritical. One social media critic harshly stated, 'So what I am getting from this is, she is a settler who has genocidal friends and raised settler genocidal children, and gets uncomfortable when that's pointed out to her!' In response to the escalating controversy, Guernica's co-publisher Madhuri Sastry expressed regret over the publication, tweeting her discomfort over what she perceived as 'a hand-wringing apologia for Zionism and the ongoing genocide in Palestine.' This firestorm underscores the intense ideological schism and emotional turmoil stirred by Chen's narrative.
然而,她所表达的对以色列人和巴勒斯坦人共同苦难的认同,以及对巴以冲突的温和、平衡看法,使她成为了社群中的异类,面临广泛的社会反弹和谴责。攻击者试图诋毁她撰写该文的动机,指责她的人道主义立场极不诚恳,不过是出于个人目的的虚伪。社交媒体上有尖锐的评论称:“我明白了!她肯定是个‘定居者’,她有朋友参与了种族灭绝勾当,她还养育了干了种族灭绝勾当的孩子,而这些行为让她羞愧难当!”《Guernica》的联合出版人Madhuri Sastry对发布该文感到懊悔不迭,她在推特上表达了她的不满,认为陈是在“为犹太复国主义和对巴勒斯坦的持续种族灭绝所产生的焦虑不安寻求解脱”。这场风波突显了陈的立场观点在巴以冲突的社会层面所掀起的巨大波澜和严重意识形态分歧。
Despite the backlash, Chen remains resolute, her faith in humanity undeterred. "The situation is dire. My words are a drop in an ocean of discontent and hatred, but I believe the heart is capable of grieving for two peoples at once. This is what being human demands of us, " she reflects.
Joanna Chen's actions and words resonate with a powerful, enduring message about faith in humanity, echoing the light once shone by the Holocaust's rescuers. During one of history's darkest epochs, these rescuers upheld a beacon of compassion and sympathy amidst widespread antisemitism and social prejudice. Today, navigating the challenging routes between Israeli hospitals and the Gaza border, Chen continues this legacy. Through her dedication, we have witnessed the potential to bridge deep divides through humanitarian assistance, as she tirelessly provides care and support to affected communities on both sides of the conflict. Her journey underscores the belief that humanity can indeed overcome the most daunting barriers of hate, hostility, violence, and discrimination—regardless of time or the backgrounds of those involved, whether they are Jews or Palestinians.
乔安娜·陈的勇敢行为展示了她对人类的深切同情和爱心的坚定信念,这种信念也曾在犹太大屠杀期间的救援英雄身上得到体现。在历史上的黑暗时期,这些英雄在强烈的反犹太主义和社会偏见中坚守怜悯、同情与善心,点燃了挽救生命的希望之火。今天,乔安娜·陈在穿梭于以色列医院与加沙边界的危险路径上,将这一精神发扬光大。通过她不懈的人道援助,为战争中的两个敌对社区提供的关怀、帮助和爱,我们看到了弥合深刻种族裂痕和跨越仇恨的希望。她的行动再次证明,人类确实能够跨越历史,克服仇恨、敌意、暴力和歧视,不管受难的是巴勒斯坦族裔还是犹太人 。