

Opinion: Climbing the Housing Ladder: The Wealth Gap Between Canada's Generations
来源: 大中网/096.ca 南茜(Nancy Jin)


In 1994, shortly after my arrival in Canada as a visa student, my husband and I made a decision that would significantly shape our financial future—we purchased a downtown condo unit at a price that is now just a fraction of today’s market value. At the time, home prices were far more accessible, and there were no mortgage stress tests to complicate the process. Despite having no stable jobs and relying solely on our savings for the down payment, what seemed like a bold and risky choice turned out to be the smartest financial move we could have made. Not only did it motivate us to find stable employment, but it also became the launchpad for climbing the housing ladder, ultimately enabling us to build our wealth.


Over the past few decades, particularly in the last 15 years, the Canadian housing market has experienced an extraordinary surge in prices. Home values have appreciated by more than 350% from 1994 to 2024, a pace far exceeding income growth.  Homeownership is increasingly out of reach for many Canadians, especially younger generations. While 75.6% of Canadians aged 65-69 own their homes, only about 30% of those under 35 have managed to do so, despite continued aspirations for homeownership.


The rising cost of real estate has made it difficult for younger generations to buy homes, pushing many into the rental market. Nearly one-third of Canadians now rent due to the growing unaffordability of homeownership. Unfortunately, renting offers little financial relief. Rental prices have increased alongside property values, driven by high demand and limited housing supply. In many cities, rental costs consume a significant portion of household income, making it even harder for young families to save for a down payment, further delaying their entry into the housing market.


While previous generations were able to accumulate wealth through homeownership in a more favorable market, today’s younger Canadians are facing drastically different circumstances. Many older Canadians now sit on substantial accumulated wealth. By 2023, the average net worth of Canadians aged 65 and older was about $1.3 million, with a median net worth of approximately $543,200. This stands in stark contrast to the financial reality for younger Canadians. Those under the age of 35 had an average net worth of just $336,100, with a median net worth of only $48,800.


This generational wealth gap has placed younger families at a significant disadvantage compared to their older counterparts. As these disparities widen, intergenerational wealth transfers have become more common. Since 2015, the proportion of first-time homebuyers receiving financial help from family has increased by 55%, with the average gift amount reaching $128,000 in Ontario and $204,000 in British Columbia. We, too, have joined the ranks of families supporting the next generation in climbing the housing ladder, passing on a portion of the assets we were fortunate enough to build in a much more favorable market.


This shift in homeownership access underscores the structural barriers facing today’s young families and highlights the broader challenge of wealth accumulation in Canada. As these obstacles persist, intergenerational wealth transfers will likely play an increasingly critical role in bridging the wealth gap between generations. Without such support, the socioeconomic divide will only deepen, further exacerbating intergenerational tensions and entrenching inequality across Canadian society.




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