
加国国庆之日 华裔心存感激

On Canada Day, I Appreciate What the Country has Given Me
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)

On July 1, we celebrate Canada Day, the national holiday for millions of Canadians. Canada Day is an opportunity for Canadians from coast to coast to proudly honor what we have in common. It is also a time for ethnic communities to celebrate multiculturalism, to respect Canadian values, and appreciate what the country has to offer.


Unlike many other developed countries in the world that rejects immigration, Canada embraces diversity and accepts newcomers from foreign countries. It is one of the very few countries in the world where pollsters have a positive attitude towards immigration. It is also one of the first countries in the world to adopt multiculturalism. It allows people from all races and cultural backgrounds to be treated equally and with respect.


Like many immigrants, I had a seamless journey to become a Canadian citizen. I came to Canada in 1991 as a visa student and became a proud Canadian in 1998. Despite struggles and challenges faced by all newcomers, I’ve lived in this peaceful and beautiful country for over two decades, enjoying a living standard that the rest of the world envies. Apart from the crisp clean air, crystal clear water and plentiful safe food, Canada also offers me a social environment that respects rule of law, despises inequality, and protects marginalized groups.


Social equality is an extraordinary Canadian value. Canadians from all walks of life enjoy equal political status, are entitled to equal civil rights and have same access to medical care and job opportunities. That is in a strong contrast to China, where those in power, being rich and with special connections, are in an elite class who are entitled to a slew of social privileges that others are deprived of.


The growing social disparity in China has become a burning issue that has sparked widespread concerns. While China has enjoyed rapid economic growth, wealth accumulation and infrastructure expansion, the income gap has been growing rapidly as the rich live lavish lifestyles and the poor struggle to make ends meet.


Over my two decades of life in Canada, I’ve learned to be an honest, compassionate and caring person. I’ve also learned to embrace cultural diversity, respect different values and faiths, and become a responsible and engaged community member.


I’ve also luckily been spared from a slew of food safety scandals in China and avoided health risks caused by air pollution. I’ve also avoided being looked down upon by the rich, or becoming guilt-ridden with the dirty money.


Immigrants may face challenges due to language barriers as they adapt their life in the new country. But these challenges cannot all be blamed on discrimination. Positive attitude is the key for newcomers to survive and thrive in this adopted land.


Canada is known for being one of the best countries in the world that has continued to attract large numbers of Chinese immigrants. As many of my peers, I believe I’ve made the right decision to uproot the family and establish a life in this amazing country. Immigrating to Canada is a decision that I never regret.


As strong nationalist sentiment has swept through China, it is a good time for the Chinese Canadians to appreciate and enjoy our life in our adopted country.

Note: The story was published in Chinese News in July, 2015.




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