

EE system lacks openness: Immigration lawyer
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


CIC will launch a new Express Entry system starting Jan. 1. It is a new point system where candidates with job offer from a Canadian employer will be given highest priority. However, the new system sparks concerns. According to a prominent immigration lawyer, it is impossible to know how many people from China will be accepted by the system, as the system lacks transparency and accountability.



According to CIC, Express Entry program is a faster and more flexible way to ensure that Canada’s labour market needs can be met through immigration system.  Skilled immigrants will be matched with vacant jobs where there are no available Canadian workers.


How does it work?


Potential candidates will create an Express Entry profile based on their skills and qualifications – including language proficiency, education, and Canadian work experience. Those who meet the criteria of the programs-- the Federal Skilled Worker program (FSW), the Federal Skilled Trade program (FST), the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), or through a Provincial Nomination Program (PNP) will be accepted into a candidate pool.


Applications without a job offer are required to register with Canada Job Bank, where Canadian employers can search for qualified candidates to meet their labour needs.

快速通道计划的申请人将根据综合计分系统(Comprehensive Ranking System)进行计分排名,总分为1200分。如果申请人已从加拿大雇主处获得永久工作聘书,或是得到省或地区移民项目提名,则可以获得600分。而年龄、教育水平、语言能力和加拿大工作经验等“人力资本因素”最高可得500分;将受教育程度、外国工作经验和技能专业证书等合并在一起考虑的“技能可转移因素”,最高可得100分。

Candidates will be ranked against others in the pool using a point-based system. Points are awarded using the information in their profile. Skilled immigrants will receive up to 1,200 points based on factors in two other categories: 600 points will be given to those who receive a permanent job offer from a Canadian employer or who have been nominated for immigration by a province or territory. A maximum of 500 points will be allotted for human capital factors such as age, education level, language proficiency and work experience in Canada.

其中,在受教育程度一项上,拥有相当于博士学位的申请人可得满分150分,而高中文凭的申请人则只能得30分。在年龄一项上,只有20 29岁年龄组可获得满分110分,而17岁及以下或45岁及以上的申请人年龄项得分为零分。

Similarly, an applicant with the equivalent of a PhD will receive 150 points, whereas those with a high school diploma will only receive 30 points. A maximum of 110 points will be allotted for age. Only those aged 20 to 29 will receive 110 points, while those aged 17 and under or 45 and over will obtain zero points.


Candidates with the highest scores in the pool will be issued an Invitation to Apply.

After an individual has received an invitation, the CIC will process these applications within six months. Successful applicants will also have to undergo health exams and security checks.


According to CBC, about 65,000 to 75,000 skilled workers will be offered permanent residency in 2015 under one of three categories: 47,000 to 51,000 will come through the federal skilled worker class and the federal skilled trade’s class combined. 21,000 to 23,000 skilled workers through the Canadian experience class. An additional 46,000 to 48,000 skilled workers will receive permanent residency through the provincial nominee program under express entry, the government said.



Lack of transparency


However, there are concerns over the new point system. For instance, there is no threshold for candidate invitation.

知名移民律师李克伦(Richard Kurland)就对新系统缺乏透明度表示担忧。他表示,在新政生效后,联邦政府将获得更多的自由裁量权,可以决定哪些候选人能够通过快速通道获得加国永久居留权,而不是本着目前的先到先服务的原则处理移民申请。

Prominent immigration lawyer Richard Kurland is concerned about the lack of openness. Kurland said the government will in effect have full control in picking the winners and losers rather than processing applications on a first-come, first-served basis — as is the case now.


"It is worth a try, but the design flaw is there is no transparency, oversight, or accountability for the operation of the new system. It is a recipe for political interference."


"The result can be justified in any case, but you will never know why one identically qualified person was selected over another."


It is difficult to get a picture of how many candidates from China will be accepted to Canada under the Express Entry system.“The EE system does not let you know. There is no accountability, no verification,”  said Richard Kurlandin an email to Chinese News.



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