

继证监会对唐炜 臻指控听证会后,证 监会于四月20日向唐炜 臻发布了永久停牌令。该令永久性地剥夺了唐的获得或交易证券的权利。据该停牌令,唐也终身不许担任任何与证监会注册的证券公司的总裁或职员职务,也不准许成为投资顾问或证券经理。 

Following a hearing on allegations against Weizhen Tang, the OSC issued a permanent cease trading order against Tang on April 20 that prohibits Tang from trading or acquiring any securities. Also under this order, Tang is not allowed to hold positions as the director or officer of any security firms that are registered with the OSC, or to become an investment advisor or fund manager. 

唐曾竭力推翻法庭的 判决和刑期,但其种种努力终 以无效告终。去年六月,安省上诉法庭驳回了唐的上诉。在今年2月的听证会上,唐表示他在向加拿大最高法院提起上诉,但后承认他错过了上诉申请期。由于最高法院不会接受他的投诉,安省上诉庭的决定将为最终决定。证监会表示,他们还为唐听证提供了国语翻译。

Tang made substantial efforts to appeal his conviction and sentence, but his efforts were futile.  The Ontario Court of Appeal dismissed Tang’s appeal in June 2015. Following the dismissal, Tang told the hearing in Feb. that he was in the process of appealing the decision to the Supreme Court of Canada, but then admitted that he missed the deadline for filing his application for leave. As the Supreme Court will not hear his appeal, the Appeal Court’s decision on his conviction is final. According to the OSC, Tang was provided with Mandarin interpretation services during the hearing. 



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