
In 2018年,两名加拿大人——迈克尔·科夫里格(Michael Kovrig)和迈克尔·斯帕弗(Michael Spavor)——被中国当局以间谍罪名拘留,中共之举被广泛认为是对加拿大逮捕华为高管孟晚舟的报复。科夫里格是一名曾在国际智库工作的前外交官,他在北京的公寓被突然带走,并被单独关押。科夫里格在回忆这一经历时表示,中国共产党(CCP)并不是为了获取信息,而是试图在精神上将其摧垮。他在接受《环球新闻》采访时称:“他们就是要压垮我,误导我,并给我洗脑,让我接受他们的那一套,并承认我从未犯过的罪行,”
In 2018, two Canadians—Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor—were detained by Chinese authorities on charges of espionage, a move widely seen as retaliation for Canada’s arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. Kovrig, a former diplomat working for an international think tank, was abducted from his apartment in Beijing and placed in solitary confinement. Reflecting on his experience, Kovrig shared that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) didn’t aim to extract information but sought to break his spirit. “They were trying to crush my spirit, gaslight me, and brainwash me into accepting their narrative and confessing to crimes I’d never committed,” Kovrig told Global News.
Though released before the CCP fully broke his will, Kovrig’s ordeal reflects the CCP’s well-documented use of psychological warfare to reshape foreign prisoners' thinking. Their goal is not simply to gather confessions for propaganda but to erode prisoners' resistance and make them conform. The CCP frequently employs tactics like isolation, gaslighting, and prolonged psychological pressure to make captives question their memories and beliefs.
与科夫里格分开关押的迈克尔·斯帕弗(Michael Spavor),也在中国牢狱中经历了类似的攻心战和恐吓。与科夫里格一样,斯帕弗也遭受了隔离、被剥夺基本需求并不断接受审讯,这些手段都旨在通过心理战术攻破其精神防线,令其就犯。据报道,斯帕弗被注射药物,长时间被强迫坐在椅子上,经历了冗长的审讯,其中还包括遭到执行死刑的威胁。
Michael Spavor, who was held separately from Kovrig, faced similar treatment. Like Kovrig, Spavor endured isolation, deprivation, and relentless questioning designed to manipulate him psychologically. Reports indicate that Spavor was drugged, forced to sit in a chair for extended periods, and subjected to lengthy interrogation sessions, including threats of execution.
中共对外国囚犯实施的手段由来已久,尤其历史根源。早在1950年代初期,正值冷战局势紧张之际, 李克(W. Allyn Rickett)及其妻子李又安(Adele)因间谍罪在北京被逮捕。与几十年后迈克尔·科夫里格的经历类似,李克夫妇被从北京的家中带走,受到囚禁,并且被迫接受无休止的洗脑和再教育。这一改造运动不仅包括审讯人员,还包括监狱管理人员,甚至其它被囚禁狱友。在这些势力的共同合作下,夫妇二人承受巨大精神胁迫,最终不得不在中共强大的意识形态面前屈就。
The CCP’s strategy of breaking down foreign prisoners is not a modern invention. In the early 1950s, W. Allyn Rickett and his wife, Adele, were arrested and accused of espionage in Beijing during a time of heightened Cold War tensions. Similar to Michael Kovrig’s experience decades later, Allyn Rickett was taken from his home in Beijing, placed in a detention center and later in a Chinese jail cell , and subjected to relentless re-education sessions. These sessions involved not only interrogators but also supervisors and even their fellow inmates, all working in concert to pressure the couple into conforming to the CCP’s narrative.
The goal of the CCP’s tactics was not merely to punish but to fundamentally reshape the beliefs of the prisoners. After four years of relentless psychological manipulation, interrogation, and indoctrination, the Ricketts—who were initially skeptical of the communist regime—eventually began to embrace elements of communist ideology. They confessed to espionage, despite the highly questionable nature of the charges, and conformed to the CCP’s imposed ideology. This strategy of re-education and indoctrination was not just about securing confessions; it was about controlling the minds and beliefs of those perceived as political adversaries, ensuring that even their thoughts aligned with the state’s narrative.
科夫里格通过信仰佛教哲学、练习瑜伽和进行力量训练等,成功在极端精神压力下保持了理性和心理韧性。在单独监禁的环境中,他用伦纳德·科恩(Leonard Cohen)歌曲的吟唱作为对抗孤独和沉默的方式,这些看似不起眼而却极为成功帮助他抵御了精神上对他的胁迫。通过这些个人的反抗方式,科夫里格宣泄了心理压力,成功地维持了内心平衡。他还通过书信和领事探视等,将歌曲名称和歌词向外界散发,并借此保持与外界的联系,这些举措进一步坚定了他的意志,并成为他精神上重要的支柱。
Kovrig managed to survive his ordeal by relying on Buddhist philosophy, yoga, and strength training, which helped him maintain his mental resilience in the face of extreme psychological pressure. His coping mechanisms included small but meaningful acts of defiance, such as singing Leonard Cohen songs to himself—a personal way to push back against the isolation and silence of solitary confinement. Through letters and consular visits, Kovrig shared song titles and lyrics, providing him with a vital connection to the outside world and reinforcing his resolve.
凯文·加勒特(Kevin Garrett)是另一名被中国拘留的加拿大人,于2016年遭中共囚禁。包括他在内的其它囚犯则依靠宗教信仰来度过艰难的时光。加勒特通过信奉上帝获得力量,凭借他的宗教信仰抵抗中共不断施加的心理攻势。加勒特的宗教信仰使他在孤立无援的环境中保持坚韧的精神,成为他在面对心理折磨时的重要精神力量来源。
Similarly, other prisoners, like Kevin Garrett—another Canadian detained by China in 2016—relied heavily on their religious faith to endure. Garrett turned to the power of God for strength, drawing on his spiritual beliefs to resist the relentless psychological pressure imposed by the CCP.
Over the decades, the CCP has detained numerous foreign prisoners on charges of espionage or political subversion. These prisoners, like Kovrig, Garrett, and the Ricketts, faced isolation and intense psychological manipulation. Though the exact number of detained foreigners is difficult to determine due to the secrecy surrounding such cases, it is clear that the CCP consistently employs these techniques to exert control over both the narrative and the minds of its captives. By exerting control over the minds of its prisoners, the CCP asserts its ideological dominance, sending a clear message that its influence knows no borders.