

Should we allow foreign influence to affect our Canadian political landscape?
来源: 万城热血, Markham Passion

According to recent media coverage, Michael Chan allegedly uses his political clout to build up networks of pro-Beijing candidates. This column addresses an imminent issue in the upcoming election: should we allow foreign influence to affect Canadian politics, and as ethnic voters, should we vote along the heritage line?


With the latest coverage by major newspaper this month, the Ontario Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Trade Michael Chan is put under the spotlight.


Major Newspapers reported that Michael Chan was under alleged investigation by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) who then briefed the Provincial Government. Some of the newspapers also defended him and questioned “why is it newsworthy when a trade minister meets a foreign diplomat to discuss trade matters of mutual interest?”


Michael Chan only became Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade in June, 2014 but the allegations went back as far as 2010 and before and based on hisunusually close rapport with China’s Toronto Consulate. Supposedly, the spy agency was never investigating the minister, nor was the minister ever suspected of a crime.

Many compare this to the 1950s-era McCarthyism in United States where a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions was carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950–54.

但其他人则持相反观点,他们认为当局对外国势力不仅只是影响安省,同时还入侵加国政坛的怀疑并非空穴来风。但是这其中涉及许多外国政府,并不只是限于不断探寻各种手段招募加人为其工作,以便从商业性活动和政治宣传中牟取利益的共产主义国家。而那些以前移民加国,现在已是加国公民并且在政府中身担要职的人士,无疑是外国政府的最佳人选 。

Others are taking the opposite view that there may be some basis to suspect foreign influence in not only Ontario but also Canadian politics. There are many foreign governments, not limiting to Communist countries that are constantly probing and exploring means to recruit Canadians to work for them to extract advantages in commercial and political propaganda. Their optimal candidate will be one previously immigrated to Canada who is now a citizen and taken on an influential post in the government.


One method to rapidly “grow” these candidates will be to let them contest for political posts in selected enclaves with large populations of identical heritage. They can then use their native linguistic abilities to their advantage to get elected. Enhance that process with financial and human resources during democratic elections and an instant star of heritage-politician is born.

When one becomes a Canadian, his/her alliance should be to Canada and no other country or Territory. A Canadian should always take the best interests of this country at heart and forsake others. If not, they should return to their country of origin and renounce the Canadian citizenship.


According to the Globe and Mail report, the Chinese community is   divided over Chan’s pro-China views. Pro-democratic community members are concerned over the issue that Chan has allegedly become a mentor to a cadre of provincial and federal Liberals candidates running for offices. Some are also worried that many of these candidates do not have the necessary Canadian experience in community services involving citizens of all cultures. Some heritage candidates are lacking in articulation in one of Canada’s official languages and rely heavily on votes from the citizens of Chinese heritage. Their campaign platform is empty but for this only hidden slogan “I’m Chinese, vote for me.”


Would these recent reporting of alleged foreign influence affect our respect for our candidates and the choices of our votes? Another Federation election is upon us in October this year and may be even sooner. When we put our cross on the ballot, are we selecting a candidate that will best represent us and our riding or are we just picking a heritage candidate?


We should not tar all political candidates and judge them as guilty of working with, or for foreign governments.  We have the wisdom to watch their statements and see their actions and come to our best conclusions. In an election, understand the platforms presented and evaluate the candidate’s background, ability, and accomplishments. Heritage and/or race should never be the only considerations for your vote.



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