

Yonge Street North Subway Project Back on Track

经过三年艰苦融资,都市联通(Metrolinx)终于同意再度启动央街地铁延伸项目。该项目会将现有地铁线从Finch 延伸至列治文山,并连接当地多条主干道,届时其将成为主要交通枢纽,并会使该周边地区发展为新的城市中心——北部的联合车站。

With a funding strategy three years in the making, Metrolinx has now allowed the Yonge Street subway extension to proceed. The project, which extends Finch to Richmond Hill and connects main arterial roads in the region, will build a major transit hub and turn the vicinity into a new urban centre – Union Station of the North.


2015625日召开的董事会议上,都市联通决定采纳央街北地铁延伸项目建议,同意继续发展将现有地铁线从Finch 延伸至列治文山的地铁延伸项目,下一阶段工作将包括确定初步设计理念、启动工程进程以及在明年春天向都市联通董事会作出报告。

At its Board meeting on June 25, 2015, Metrolinx has adopted recommendations that the Yonge Street North Subway project, which extends the existing line from Finch to Richmond Hill, should move to the next step of development. This will include preliminary design concepts and the start of the engineering process as well as a report back to the Metrolinx Board in Spring 2016.


在过去近三年里,三名当地市议员——旺市市议员谢夫曼(Alan Shefman)、列治文山市议员陈志辉(Godwin Chan)和万锦市市议员布尔克(Valerie Burke)一直携手合作为央街北地铁延伸项目奔走呐喊,并呼吁商讨增加该项目投资的融资策略。

Three local Councillors, Councillors Alan Shefman, City of Vaughan, Godwin Chan, Town of Richmond Hill, and Valerie Burke, City of Markham, have worked as a team as outspoken advocates for the Yonge Street North Subway project, and have been advocating for this incremental funding strategy for almost three years now.



“This is an important moment for both this project and transit development in the GTA. For years, we have been meeting with virtually everyone involved in the planning and development of transit in the region, attempting to convince them to move to the next step in this critical project. We are very hopeful that a decision to fund this recommendation will be announced shortly to allow the work to begin,” stated Councillor Alan Shefman.



Councillor Godwin Chan said, “The Yonge Street North Subway project has always been a Metrolinx priority, but following the approval of its Environmental Assessment in 2009, funding to continue its development came to a standstill. We applaud the decision of Metrolinx to take the much-needed public transit project to the next step.”




“While we would have preferred to see a recommendation to fully construct this transit line, Metrolinx’s decision to support the recommendation for the project to go to the next step will move the Yonge Street North Subway closer to construction,” remarked Councillor Valerie Burke.






Metrolinx, at its Board meeting, approved the report Yonge Relief Network Study. In the study, it was noted that the addition of the Yonge North Extension can move forward – that it will not overwhelm the Yonge line to the south and that the next stage of development, preliminary design and engineering should commence at this time.


计划的央街地铁延伸线将从Finch站向北延伸6.8公里,直至位于Highway 7.Richmond Hill/Langstaff城区发展中心,其沿途将会设置多达六个车站。届时Richmond Hill/Langstaff城区发展中心将会成为主要交通枢纽,乘客可以在那里实现GO火车、GO巴士、TTC地铁、以及正在建设中的Highway 7 Rapidway的无缝对接,该地区也会因此发展为北部的联合车站!

The planned Yonge subway extension will extend 6.8 kilometres north from Finch Station to the Richmond Hill/Langstaff Urban Growth Centre at Highway 7. It will include up to six stations. This urban centre will be a major transit hub where transit riders will be able to make seamless and convenient connections to GO Trains, GO Buses, TTC Subway and the under construction Highway 7 Rapidway. To put it into perspective – a Union Station of the north!



In April 2009, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment unconditionally approved the Environmental Project Report for the Yonge subway extension. In 2012, the Conceptual Design Study that looked at specific engineering elements was completed and approved by the Toronto Transit Commission and The Regional Municipality of York.



This project will have a significant role in the GTHA’s overall transportation network – roads and transit. No other project can do more to advance the need for improving transportation in the GTHA. This project can combine with market forces to unleash significant economic, environment and development benefits.




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