

Meet the Candidates -- Markham Municipal Election 2014
来源: Bob Mok

随着多伦多市长选举进入白热化,将于10月27日举行的万锦市政选举也进入冲刺阶段。《大中报》将开辟Bob Mok撰写的专栏,以分析万锦市的选举议题和介绍(区域和选区)议员及万锦市长的候选人。大中报希望通过他的专栏和文章让读者更好地了解都市政容,也以期帮助选民们在投票箱中投出明智的一票。
Markham municipal election -- which falls on Oct. 27, has entered its final stretch as Toronto mayoral race is heating up. Chinese News will run a column by Bob Mok, identifying Markham election issues and introducing candidates for councillors (regional and wards) and the mayor of Markham.  We hope his column and articles will shed light on municipal politics and help voters to make the right choices.

Mok has actively participated in Markham municipal politics over the past few years. He started with fighting against the City’s Arena proposal using public funding, and was instrumental in its ultimate demise.  His presence at Council and Committee meetings and his deputations have helped curb wastes and increase the City’s transparency. 

Some time ago, I wrote about the proliferation of Municipal candidates in the upcoming October election. This condition created confusion for voters as they now have to evaluate more candidates and separate the pretenders and opportunists from the serious candidates.


Over the next few weeks, I will tabulate all of the candidates in the City of Markham and provide information for voters to make out their minds. First, we will discuss the Regional Councillor candidates, Mayoral candidates, then the Ward candidates. We will identify the issues in each Ward and Regional issues that affect the Regional and Mayoral candidates.

With the closing of the Candidate nomination process on Sept 12, the slate of twelve (12) candidates is now confirmed. On October 27, 2014 the voters can pick up to 4 names out of this list of names. So, if one does not find 4 suitable candidates then they do not have to pick 4. The four candidates receiving the highest numbers of votes will emerge as Regional Councillors for York region on Election night.


Out of this list of 12 candidates, 3 of them are incumbents*, 6 have prior municipal election experiences. 5 of the Candidates are of Chinese heritage, and 5 are Rookie candidates.

随着资深区域议员Gordon Landon退休,在此次市选中无疑会浮现出一些新面孔。在2010市政选举中,排名第四最后一位当选的候选人李国贤(Joe Li)得到了26,764票。
With the departure of long time Regional Councillor Gord Landon, the race is wide open for the infusion of some new faces. In 2010 election, the 4th and last elected candidate (Joe Li) needed 26764 votes to get in.

Regional Issues:

York Region Debt Load and how to balance the books.

Population growth running ahead of Infrastructure.

Availability of affordable housing.

Transparency Issues as perceived by residents

The expensive Viva Rapidway and how to make it work.


Let’s look at the candidates in alphabetical order:

Nirmala Armstrong:2006年,她曾经参加第四选区的选举,得票排名第三。在2010年,她曾竞选区域议员,得票排名第五(那次选举中李国贤和其他三位候选人胜出),比排名第四的李国贤落后3600票。作为一名说话小心的职业律师,预期她在此次选举中会有非常出色的表现。
Nirmala Armstrong:  In 2006, she ran in Ward#4 and came 3rd . In 2010, she tried for Regional councillor and came 5th (one behind Joe Li who was elected with 3 others). The margin was 3600 votes. A Lawyer by profession with carefully chosen words, expect her to do very well this time around.

Bin Chang: A rookie with academic background and no solid visible backings for any organizations. An associate professor in Finance, she is very animated in her candidate meeting performance but perceived by many as too green for the job. Enough said.

Charles Deacon:在最后几分钟报名参选的汽车推销员,这名新秀候选人在他的首次竞选之旅中将只是露露脸和积累一些经验。
Charles Deacon: A last minute entry into the race with an auto-sales background, this rookie candidate would simply get exposure and experience from his first campaign.

Jack Heath*:经验丰富的沙场老将,曾因滑冰场问题和市长针锋相对的现任副市长。他当选应该是毫无悬念。
Jack Heath*: A seasoned veteran and incumbent Deputy Mayor who turned the tables on the Mayor with the Arena issue. He should have no problems whatsoever.

Surinder Issar:在2010年的竞选中,他排名第九,得到5,670张选票。此次有12名候选人参选,他不会垫底。
Surinder Issar: He was 9th in a field of 9 candidates in 2010 and received 5670 votes. With 12 candidates this time, he will not come last.

Jim Jones*:另一位经验丰富的老将,他拥有数十年的从政经验,在2010年的竞选中排名第二。他曾因为发出调查问卷了解选民对在该市兴建包括“赌场”在内的娱乐中心的态度,今年夏天被竞争对手摸黑。但是,他再次当选应该没有问题。
Jim Jones*: Another seasoned veteran with decades of political experience who came 2nd in 2010. He was tarred by opponents this summer when he sent out a survey to gage the voters’ approval for the “concept” of a “gambling facility” that will come free with an Entertainment Complex. Nevertheless, he should have no problem getting in again.

Ivy Lee: Coming in at 2nd and then 3rd in 2006 and 2010 respectively in Ward#8 with around 1700 votes both times, she is coming in way below the minimum of over 30,000 votes required this time to get elected as one of the four Regional Councillors.

Joe Li*: The separation last time when Joe was elected as the 4th and last Regional Councillor in 2010 was 3600 votes from the next candidate – not a large margin! It is noteworthy that last time Joe was the only Regional candidate with a Chinese heritage and this time 4 contenders with Chinese heritage are also in the race.

莫黄美惠:拥有房地产从业背景的新秀候选人,潜力未知。虽然争取选票并非易事,但因为有传她得到了退休区域议员Gord Landon的背书支持,因此人们对她抱有很高的期望。
Tammy Mok:  Another Rookie candidate with Real Estate background and unknown potential. Votes will be tough to get and expectations are high for her due to her rumoured endorsements from the retired Regional Councillor Gord Landon.

Mohammad Qureshi Nadeem: 曾在2010年参加第四选区的选举,在三名候选人中排名第三,只得到大约700张选票。如果他想在此次选举中当选,那至少需要得到30,000张选票,而这显然是一道难以逾越的鸿沟。
Mohammad Qureshi Nadeem: Coming in 3rd out of 3 candidates in Ward#4 in 2010, Nadeem only managed about 700 votes last time. Again, there is a gulf between that and 30,000 votes minimum expected to get elected this time around.

Peter Pavlovic:身为公务员的Peter曾在2006年参加第二选区的选举,并于2010年参选区域议员,结果排名第七,得到17,000张选票。他显然是一匹黑马,但在此次选举中还必须加把劲。
Peter Pavlovic: Peter is a civil servant and he ran in Ward#2 in 2006 and then as a Regional candidate in 2010, coming in at 7th spot with 17,000 votes. Certainly a dark horse but he has to work real hard this time.

Sophia Sun: With very strong business background, political support and a professional helper, this candidate has definite potential. As a Rookie candidate with some of the same targeted electorates as Joe Li, this can be a tough fight to earn a seat on her very first try.

I attended an all candidates meeting at Thornhill on Sept 18 and witness the ineptness of some of the candidates first hand when they introduced themselves and answered questions from a moderator. Based on the feedback I received from the audience on the performance of the candidates, the pretenders and opportunists will be rejected at the ballot boxes if the election is held tomorrow.

Luckily, there is still time for everyone and improvement in performance can still be achieved and deficiencies remedied if they work harder.




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