

District Energy: dark secrets you need to know (I)
来源: Bob Mok
将供暖系统安装于每一公寓单元的老式能源系统占据单元大量空间,并排放出大量温室气体,污染环境。即此,为某居住小区提供总能源供应的区域能源系统则应运而生。但区域能源系统存在其弊端。Bob Mok的系列报道将揭露那些鲜为人知的,令消费者利益受损的区域能源之真相。

The traditional energy system where the heating system is installed in each condo unit takes up unit space and generates a large share of Green House Gas. That is where district energy – which centralizes the energy supply for local residential area – has come into play. But district energy has its dark side. Bob Mok’s column reveals behind the scene stories that may hurt the energy ratepayers dearly. 


Canada has a very cold winter. Low rise apartment buildings and high rise Condominiums have to be heated through its long winter months.


Water filled radiator systems were used in the oldest apartment buildings, controlled by central systems in the basements burning fuel oil to generate heat through the use of boilers. Newer buildings installed individual heaters and air conditioners in each suite. These take up living spaces and have to be maintained within the unit. This traditional heating system contributes to the mass production of Green House Gas (GHG) similar to motor vehicles on the roads and is loathed by environmentalists.

District Energy is a system for distributing heat generated in a centralized location for residential and commercial heating requirements such as space heating and water heating. The heat is often obtained from a cogeneration plant also known as combined heat and power (CHP) plant burning fossil fuels. Other sources of “fuels” for some plants include geothermal heating, solar power, and nuclear power (waste heat). District heating plants can provide higher efficiencies and better pollution control than localised boilers in individual buildings or dwelling units and reduce GHG.

In Canada, over 10 District Energy Enterprises supply customers with energy with the majority of them for heating only.  A few of them also supplied “cooling” energies using chilled water that consumes more energy to generate at the plants and creating more GHG. Typically, district energy customers are Schools, Hospitals, Community Centres, and government buildings. A few of these enterprises have been expanding that traditional scope to supply energy to clustered Condominium buildings. Within our area, Markham District Energy (MDE) comes to mind.


How does one know if their building is committed to District Energy?


There are a number of obvious facts:


1) There are no heater or air conditioner within the apartment unit and it is not electrically heated.


2) There are no gas appliances and you do not have a gas bill.


3) If you are the buyer before the building is put up, your developer’s brochure would have pointed that out, trumpeting its environmental benefits in GHG emission reductions.


The heated medium (pressurized hot water or steam) generated by the District energy plant is distributed to the customer via a network of insulated pipes underground consisting of feed and return lines. Typical annual loss of thermal energy through distribution is around 10%. Within the system heat storages may be installed to even out peak load demands.

At customer level the heated water is usually connected to the central heating of the dwellings by heat exchangers. The water used in the district heating system is not mixed with the water of the central heating system of the dwelling. This means that the customer will have to commit to District Energy at the design stage of the building and install special equipment for the exchange loop in place of conventional boilers fired up at the site. Once committed to District Energy systems, it is prohibitively expensive for its customers to revert back to the conventional systems due to equipment space and power/fuel supply requirement for the building.


What are the reasons for Developers to commit to District Energy then?


1) There will be no need to install individual heaters and air conditioners in each apartment unit resulting in building cost savings.


2) The extra spaces provided by the elimination of equipment can become part of the square footage to be sold.


3) The elimination of equipment for heating and cooling the “common areas’ of the Condominium building resulting in more cost savings.


4) The contribution of extra points towards the achievement of “LEED” (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) designation by the (United States Green Building Council) USGBC. The “LEED” system is credit-based. It allows projects to earn points for environmentally friendly actions taken during construction and use of a building. LEED was launched in an effort to develop a “consensus-based, market-driven rating system to accelerate the development and implementation of green building practices.

For the condominium owners using District Energy, this means that their condo fees (Property Management fees) will cover their heating, cooling (if applicable), and hot water since there are no individual meters for energy consumptions in each unit. On the surface, expenses are down and the system is environmentally sound. But, is it?

We will explore the structures of District Energy enterprises and some of the facts unknown to its consumers in future articles.



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