

Dark sides of District Energy (IV)
来源: Bob Mok

将供暖系统安装于每一公寓单元的老式能源系统占据单元大量空间,并排放出大量温室气体,污染环境。即此,为某居住小区提供总能源供应的区域能源系统则应运而生。但区域能源系统存在从公司结构中存在的利益冲突,到夸大的温室气体排放数字等各种弊端。Bob Mok的系列报道将揭露那些鲜为人知的,令消费者利益受损的区域能源之真相。

The traditional energy system where the heating system is installed in each condo unity takes up unit space and generates a large share of Green House Gas. That is where district energy – which centralizes the energy supply for local residential area – has come into play. But district energy has its dark sides – from conflict of interest in the corporate structure to inflated greenhouse reduction figures.  Bob Mok’s column reveals behind the scene stories that may harm the interests of consumers



For readers who want to review the earlier articles, they can go to:


http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/25157 (Article I)
http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/36970 (Article II)
http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/37044 (Article III)


We will now talk about “metered” charges and energy equivalency conversion formulas and Green House Gases emissions associated with the use of “District Energy” supplies.

There are two components in the monthly fees from “District Energy” suppliers. The first component known as the “Fixed Capacity Charge” (FCC) was discussed in earlier articles. The other component is the “metered” charges.

The “Chilled Water Energy Charge” and “Hot Water Energy Charge” are based on the customer’s actual metered used of “chilled water” and “hot water”. The primary water flow for each of these is measured remotely with a flow meter installed with sensors on site, by the difference in temperature between primary water supply and return.

The Chilled Water Energy Charge is calculated based on the equivalent electrical charges which would have been incurred by the customer had the customer produced the chilled water using conventional on-site equipment. The Hot Water Energy Charge calculation, unlike the Chilled Water Energy Charge, is based on the equivalent gas fuel charges. Conversion factors in the formulas used are dictated by the District Energy Suppliers and there is no scrutinizing or dispute of such by the clients or other credible independent third party working on behalf of them.

Without hiring a consultant, we can see that the “Fixed Boiler Efficiency Factor” of 65% for Hot Water Energy Charge is probably out-dated. To assume that a modern day conventional boiler system to have only 65% efficiency would be totally out of touch with technology. A more practical assumption should be in the 80-90% range. Using a lower efficiency factor in the calculations, the Consumer will have to pay another 20% or more in energy costs using the conversion formulas.

There are over 20 kinds of greenhouse gases (GHG) that work to trap heat from the sun within the Earth’s atmosphere resulting in global warming, the most common of which is carbon dioxide (CO2).

When it comes to Green House Gas (GHG), the advertising for District Energy enterprises is simple. Claims are made to the effect that: Improved Efficiency + Cleaner fuels = cleaner air + lower emissions.

The primary and major component here is therefore the fuel that produces the heating and cooling.

In physics, the energy required to raise any water by one degree in temperature is the same as the amount of energy needed to decrease it by one degree. The amount of energy needed for 1 cubic meter of water to gain or lose one degree Celsius is 1000kcal or 4184 kilojoules. However, the fuel used in accomplishing the two processes can be very different, resulting in different GHG production figures.

If electricity is used to “fuel” any heating or chilling, then the fuel to generate the electricity itself produces GHG in varying quantities, depending on what it is. Coal fired electricity generation is the biggest GHG producers and Nuclear powered generation is one of the least producers at the other end of the spectrum.

Many District Energy systems include natural gas-fired Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) and some are even supplemented by Diesel fuel. The CHP’s are operational either at peak hours only or full time. Since over 80% of Ontario’s electricity supply comes from carbon free sources, either nuclear or renewable the CHP’s will actually produce more GHG due to its Diesel component than pulling electricity directly from the electricity grid.

The GHG figures provided to the public is always a combined total of heating and chilling, any adverse figures pertaining to the generation of chilling water will be hidden from public.

Overall, I believe there is a net reduction in GHG using District Energy when compared to a conventional power plant on site but it is also evident that Chilling operations in a District Energy Plant does not provide as much benefit to the environment as the heating operation.

To summarize my research:

1)District Energy is promoted by Municipalities based on “convenience” to users and reduction of Green House Gas (GHG).

2)Municipalities owning District Energy Companies and assigning council members to its Board of Directors cannot disassociate itself from “Conflict of Interests” when it comes to funding of District Energy enterprise coming from taxpayers.

3)When a municipality owns a District Energy Company as a private venture and does not provide financial reports to its taxpayers, there is no transparency.

4)When a District energy user have a building committed by the Developer at Design stage, there are no recourses to terminate the Contract even though it is allowed by the Ontario Condominium act Section#112 due to space, cost of conversion, and fuel supply issues.

5)The conditions and charges in the agreements are not regulated by the government and there are no motivations for the developers to get the best value for the end users.

6)Green House Gases (GHG) reduction figures may have been inflated, particularly with Combined Heat and Power Plants (CHP) producing Chilled water.



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