

TDSB decides not to send report cards home
随着教师罢工运动的继续进行,多伦多教育局所属学校称因人手短缺而将不向家长发出学生成绩报告单,令学生和家长无法获得备受关注的学生学业成绩报告。这一现象将使安省包括Peel and York Region 在内的17万名小学学生受到影响。请静观下周二详细报道。

Amid on-going job actions and work-to-rule protest,  TDSB schools, citing limited resource, will not send home the report card this year, depriving parents and students’ access to the highly valued summery of academic achievements. In fact, 170,000 elementary students from several school boards – including Peel and York Region are affected. Stay tuned for Tuesday story for more details.



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