

Chinese fraudulent practices can hardly survive in a cheating despised society
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Systemic fraud seems to have grown into a Chinese culture trait, as a growing number of Chinese nationals cheat their way through the Canadian immigration system. Earlier this year, CBC’s undercover investigation reported that a Chinese immigration company VStar offered a Canadian employer in Saskatchewan a fee ($15000) in exchange for a job offer for the its client to apply for Canadian immigration status. The job offer would allow a Chinese applicant to be a qualified candidate under the skilled category of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program. The investigation has also uncovered a similar scheme involving job offers by a Chinese megamall project in Saskatchewan, where the immigration consultant firm was allegedly affiliated with VStar.


In 2016, one of the biggest immigration fraud case was laid bare at B.C. court, where a group of immigration consultants with Chinese backgrounds faked immigration papers for 1600 clients. The consultants pocketed hundreds of thousands in commissions by trying to help clients defraud their ways to permanent resident statuses in Canada.


As waves of Chinese nationals eagerly leave their country, a tide of immigration fraud has become a growing epidemic and rapidly swept through many parts of the world. Immigration fraud schemes  perpetrated by people with Chinese background have reached beyond Canadian borders and into many other countries such as Britain and the US. China is not only among the top source of countries for massive smuggling operations, but also becomes the hub of forgery rings that sell fake visas and immigration papers, according to Globe and Mail.


The widespread immigration fraud has increasingly drawn global scrutiny while leaving many local Canadians angered and shocked. “An immigration fraud to this massive scale indicates systemic culture of fraud, “an online post by a Canadian says. “It’s so sad to think that cheating is seen as everyday practice in China.”


“I know that nobody wants to hear it but as someone who has had long standing relationships with many Chinese, I would say that fraud, graft etc. is a part of their culture,” says another post.


However, while fraudulent behaviours can become a norm in a nation losing their moral compass, it can hardly find its place in a society that doesn’t condone or tolerate cheating. Apart from the Canadian authority’s effort to assiduously detect illegitimacy and to maintains system’s integrity, ordinary Canadians driven by a strong sense of civic responsibilities would report any suspicious fraudulent schemes, despite the fact that they are the potential beneficiary of the scams or can quickly “enjoy“ a share of ill-gotten gains simply by keeping silent.


The carefully plotted immigration scheme in Saskatchewan had been busted after it made a targeted Canadian employer suspicious, who(someone at the company) had approached CBC with her concerns. Apparently, the lure of the easy money can hardly buy the integrity of a Canadian and their respect to the law. 


But the actions of law abiding Canadian citizens may seem at odds with the rampant cheating mentality and stunned fraud schemers. “What the hell is wrong with these guilao? “ they would say. “Don’t they want the cash brought to their door step?”



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