
中英对照:在中国政府的要挟面前 特鲁多只能“拒付赎金”

No ransom policy is the only way to discourage Beijing's hostage-taking actions
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)


Five hundred sixty days after two Canadian hostages kept in a Chinese jail, a group of former Canadian diplomats and politicians started a campaign urging Ottawa to end Meng Wanzhou's extradition trial to save the lives of two Canadians. But Trudeau rejected the calls to release Meng, citing that giving in would only expose more Canadians to the risks of state kidnapping by China. While Trudeau's refusal can be devastating to kidnapped victims and their families, it is the only way to discourage the terrorist actions that holding foreign hostages for geopolitical gains.


回应香港国安法的实施 加拿大暂停与香港的引渡协议和军用物资出口


特鲁多说:“屈服于中国压力会让加拿大成为胆小鬼,并会使更多加国人士遭到被绑架风险。”但渥太华的“拒交赎金”政策却会将残酷的现实展现在被绑架的受害者和家人面前,那就是他们将无法从所经历的痛苦和灾难中获得立即解脱。目前被关押的加国前外交官康明凯(Michael Kovrig)就在中国狱中饱受着身体和精神的重重困扰和折磨。在单身牢房中被迫与世隔绝的他所经历的煎熬在他给家人的信中可见一斑:在囚禁给他造成的巨大精神摧残下,以及在从不停止的耳鸣和令人窒息的恶劣污染的环境中,他体验着人生难以想象的巨大痛苦和磨难,在没有光明的黑暗中苦苦挣扎求生。

Bowing to pressure from Beijing to secure the release of two Canadians would put "an awful a lot more" citizens at risk by signaling that Ottawa can be intimidated, said Trudeau. But the "no ransom policy" presents the victims and families with a horrifying reality that there is no immediate end to their unbearable suffering and pain. The former diplomat Michael Kovrig has endured incredible mental and physical distress in a Chinese jail. His letter to the family revealed the severity of the excruciating suffering in solitary confinement: Soul-crushing isolation, accompanied by tinnitus ringing and nose-clogging pollution has left him struggling desperately for life.

2008年在索马里遭绑架的加拿大自由职业记者Amanda Lindhout也在渥太华拒绝支付绑架者索要赎金后经历了一场可怕的噩梦。Lindhout曾慌忙给母亲打电话,颤抖的声音将她当时所经历的惊愕和恐慌描述得淋漓尽致。尽管她知道在面包店挣最低工资的妈妈根本付不起赎金,但她还是祈求道:“妈妈,情况出现了变化。你得支付赎金啊!”“你得支付那一百万,否则他们就要折磨我了!”

Amanda Lindhout, a Canadian freelance journalist kidnapped in Somalia in 2008, also experienced a horrific episode of devastation after Ottawa refused to pay the ransom demanded by her kidnappers. Lindhout's terrified voice through a frantic phone call to her mother depicted the panic and horror she was experiencing. "Things have changed here, Mom. You need to pay the money now," she pleaded, despite knowing her mother as a minimum wage bakery worker had no financial capacity to pay the ransom. "You need to pay the million dollars now because they've started to torture me!"


However, despite the terrible costs incurred upon captured victims, the non-ransom policy discourages kidnappings. According to a 2016 study, since the start of 2001, countries that granted concessions encouraged up to 87% additional abductions of their citizens, in comparison with the unchanged rate of kidnapping for countries sticking to their no-ransom policy. The governments succumb to the ransom demand are either funding or supporting the terrorist actions. It does not only place more of their citizens in greater peril but also put all targeted countries in harm's way.

尽管拒付赎金政策给受害者及其家人带来巨大痛苦,但某些经历了绑架磨难的人士仍然对该政策表示支持。当问及对渥京全面叫停支付赎金政策的看法时,Lindhout表示:“这么大一笔赎金对一个普通家庭来说是一个致命性打击…但我还是支持特鲁多的立场。”因无法满足$800万赎金之要求而被杀害的Robert Hall的家人,在尚未抹干悲痛的泪水中坚定的表示他们也是拒付赎金政策的支持者。Hall的女儿在一份声明中称:“即使在最黑暗的时刻,我的家人都全心支持加国的立场,绝不违反父亲所一生信奉的价值观而向绑匪屈服!”

Even some kidnapped victims are in support of the non-ransom policy that has taken a heavy toll on them. "That whole burden fell on my family, and that was terribly devastating for us. And yet,… I support Trudeau's position," said Lindhout, when asked about a blanket ban on government paying the ransom. Still reeling from the news of the death of Robert Hall, a Canadian hostage killed for the $8million unmet ransom demand, Hall's family also said that they support Trudeau's stance. "Our family, even in our darkest hour, agrees wholeheartedly with Canada's policy of not paying the ransom to those who would seek to undermine the fundamental values with which my father lived his life," Hall's daughter said in a statement.


The hostages in captivity serve their country's interests by helping prevent a higher number of people from turning into victims.  Languishing in a Chinese jail, the two incredibly resilient and relentless Canadians are suffering for the well-being of many – whether Canadians or not.




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