

Ottawa also shoulders the blame for Chinese language media's lost independence
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
In growing efforts to influence the overseas Chinese language media, China's propaganda operations have increasingly swayed its news content reporting on China and turned several major media outlets into Beijing's propaganda puppets, according to a few pro-democracy activists from the local industry. China started its global outreach campaign decades ago, and the efforts to control Chinese language media in Canada has only escalated over the years. However, the Canadian governments have done little to combat China's campaign and actions.  Nor have they provided any protections and supports for the industry's few critical voices facing Beijing's growing influence and pressure.


Since their inception, many Chinese language newspapers have been struggling with deprived resources, with most of the workforce lacking English language proficiency and Western journalism training. The digitalization of news media has put financial strains on the publishers as online ad prices slump, and the organizations' revenue plunged. Many publications disappeared amidst the crisis, with the 2014 closedown of the World Journal's Toronto edition, one of North America's largest publications, being the most tragic. The pandemic has only ravaged the industry, fueling the current crisis that saw the weekly magazine of Sing Tao Daily joining the mounting casualties in April. As the remaining workforce burned out and resources stretched thin, journalism contents have reduced and quality compromised, while many small publications turned into copy-and-paste distributors.

The ethnic media crisis has created a perfect opportunity for Beijing's exploitation.  With the massive infusion of money, China has rolled out an audacious plan that takes advantage of the struggling Chinese language newspapers.  It has provided paid-for advertorials, sponsored journalistic coverage, and heavily massaged messages that re-enforce China's positive image. It has allegedly provided funding to pro-Beijing newspapers and wooed editors and reporters with freebies – from expense-paid tours to free-graduate degrees in communications.

同时,北京加大了对海外异见人士的打压力度,通过威逼家人向那些敢于发表异见之声的人士施压,同时通过“猎狐”行动追讨境外反对势力等, 所有这些举措都给那些不想屈服于中共压力的社区刊物造成巨大心理压力。除此之外,中国政府还采取包括通过亲北京的广告商来向这些刊物施等经济制裁措施以打压异见之声。
Meanwhile, Beijing has beefed up its efforts to crack down on dissenting voices, intimidating opponents outside of China by threatening their family members and tracking them down through Fox Hunt operations. Beijing's actions have sent a chilling message to the community publications desiring to stand up against Beijing's control and influence. China has also resorted to financial pressure – including through advertisers allied with Beijing, to silence dissenting voices.
但是随着北京嚣张举措日益威胁到海外传媒的独立性,渥太华和加国政治领袖一直在袖手旁观,漠然处之。他们既没有给困境中的媒体提供任何财务支持 --- 与北京的大手笔投资相形见绌,也没有对北京的威胁,骚扰和恫吓采取应对和反击措施,给予社区民主之声些许的精神安慰和力量,而且联邦自由党政府对反抗中国政治入侵的强烈要求无动于衷,也拒绝做出任何承诺。
But as Beijing's aggressive campaign increasingly threatens the ethnic media's independence, Canadian political leaders and Ottawa have sat on their hands and done nothing. It has provided the industry with barely any financial assistance – a sharp contrast to Beijing's massive funding injection, nor taken any actions in responding to China's intimidation, harassment, and threats.  Despite the opposition parties' demands urging Ottawa to fight Beijing's interference -- a move that would offer emotional and psychological support to Chinese language journalists, the governing liberals have remained aloof, not making any commitment.  

渥太华的冷漠态度下, 加国华文媒体完全陷入被动僵局,并在中国政府的强大阵营和攻势面前溃不成军,毫无缚鸡之力。同时,它消弱了那些力求摆脱中国干预,竭力保持媒体独立性的传媒的力量,使中国政府完全占领了这个180万华裔的社区的传媒阵地。
 Ottawa's callous attitude has left the Chinese media industry high and dry, rending it vulnerable and defenseless to Beijing's ruthless propaganda onslaught. It has weakened the power of a few media outlets striving for independence, further fueling the perception that Beijing has become the mainstream for this 1.8-million-strong Chinese community.
But Canadians who condemn the Chinese language media for losing its independence should realize that Ottawa also shoulders the blame.





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