

Canadians demand better leadership in the vaccination campaign
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
Social distancing, masks, stay-at-home orders, and lockdowns have been the norm for most countries in the world as pandemic waves sweep through the globe. But as vaccines bring the hope of herd immunity, some countries seem to have emerged from the pandemic dark tunnel, with new case numbers significantly reduced, lockdown lifted, and life gradually returning to the pre-pandemic state. But Canada remains in the eye of the pandemic storm, struggling with a more severe third wave and devastating lockdowns.  Apparently, in this life-and-death contest between vaccines and viruses, Canada fares much worse than other countries.  

 Israel leads the world in its vaccine rollout, and inoculation campaigns in the US have gained momentum, with many public facilities – from sports stadiums to convention halls turning into mass vaccine centers.  But in Canada, lacking domestic production capacity and repeated delays in delivering imported vaccines have significantly hampered Canada's vaccination efforts.  As of April 15, with 19% of the population given only one dose and only 2.2% fully vaccinated, Canada falls far behind 37% and 23% of the US and 59% and 54.8% of Israel, respectively. Ironically, the highest coverage of vaccines in Canada is the Covid largely spared regions, such as Yukon and the Northwest Territories, where 36.5% of the population were fully vaccinated. But in the Covid hot spot Ontario, the vaccination rates have dropped to the national level.
Undoubtedly, amid the surging variant cases, an ineffective vaccination campaign cannot help contain the raging and widespread outbreaks in Canada, which has driven new infection numbers and hospitalization rates to record highs.  While the surging caseload in the US had been a world apart from Canada throughout the pandemic, the trend has taken a drastic turn in recent days. Canada reported 205.73 new cases per million on a seven-day average, surpassing the US at 205.12. In Ontario, the 7day average of new daily case numbers on April 15 fetched a record high of over 300 per million (4208 new daily cases), exceeding Jan's peak of 251 per million (3523 new daily cases). Revised modeling suggests that the province could see up to 10,000 new daily cases by the end of May if the current trend continues unabated.  
Ontario's third wave nightmare stands in strong contrast to many US states where the vaccination rate is high enough to keep the infection spikes at bay.
According to Bloomberg Vaccine Tracker, with full vaccine coverage reaching 35% and above, nine US states have seen the cases flattened and dropped below Jan's peak level. With 38.9% of vaccine coverage in Maine, the new cases per million have dropped to April 14's 300, from January 5's 451. In New Mexico, where 37.5% of the population is fully vaccinated, new cases have been in sharp decline, from 666 per million on January 11 to 100 per million on April 14.
但最有说服力数据的还是来自于全球疫苗接种先锋国家以色列,其大面积的疫苗接种效应已使全国受益。由于已往封城期内从未显示过近期数据所呈现的疫情缓幅,健康官员确信 导致感染率大幅下降的原因为疫苗高普极率而非封城措施。随着日新增案例降至100以下,且住院率低至忽略不计,以色列已解除了封城令,且在4月18日取消了户外口罩要求,使以色列公民重新获得了被新冠疫情所剥夺的自由。
But the most convincing data comes from the global vaccination leader Israel, the first country in the world to show that vaccinations were having a nationwide effect.  As the recent data reveals a sharp decline of infections not shown in the previous lockdowns, health officials believe that it was the vaccination rather than restrictive measures that have driven the Covid cases down. With fewer than 100 new daily cases and hospitalization rates negligible, Israel has lifted the lockdowns and ended the outdoor mask requirement on April 18, allowing the citizens to regain the Covid-deprived freedom.

 While Israelis enjoy the post-pandemic world and Americans cherish the hope that the worst will soon be over, Canadians are still battling a growing covid crisis and facing lockdown measures stricter than ever. Amid a sluggish vaccination fueled pandemic distress, Canadians demand better leadership in vaccination efforts and Covid 19 response. 





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