

Vaccine hesitance group decides the win or loss of the pandemic war
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
The rampant growth of variants has continued to challenge the nation’s vaccine coverage. Through their modeling analysis, scientists and health experts indicate that to suppress a potential fourth wave and ensure a safer reopening, Canada needs to reach a vaccination target as high as 90%. But Canada’s vaccination campaign has hit a vaccine hesitancy wall, with the first dose rate standing at around 70%. The success of the country’s vaccination campaign depends on the vaccine-hesitant group, the remaining 20% of the population. Like swing voters that decide the outcome of an election, this elusive unvaccinated community has held the key to the win or loss of Canada’s pandemic war.

As a result, the unvaccinated population has quickly turned into the wooing campaign’s targets. The US authorities have resorted to desperate measures to encourage people to roll up their sleeves to break the vaccine hesitancy wall. They’ve rolled out various incentive programs – from free beer to free college tuition to a weekly 1 million dollar prize draw to speed up the vaccine uptake. The US initiatives have inspired vaccine advocates in Canada. While some suggest we follow the US suit by running a –tens-of-million-dollar lottery program, others propose efforts in bringing shots to neighborhoods in the native language of minority groups.  The advocates believe that the incentives and convenience can turn the vaccine hesitancy tide around.


这些举措也许会对那些对疫苗持冷漠态度或不方便接种疫苗的人士有效,但却难以改变那些仍生活在虚幻世界中、死不承认新冠病毒的存在或认为该病毒无伤大雅,并对疫苗安全性心存怀疑的铁杆疫苗反对者们的初衷。 大约有四分之三的美国男性共和党成员对周边的新冠疫情无动于衷,而加拿大的一项调查显示,在疫苗怀疑者人群中,有68%称他们根本不怕患上新冠。对这些对新冠视而不见的人士,奖励措施或许不会动摇他们的决心,但新一轮的病毒风险将会给他们敲响警钟。
These tactics may win over the vaccine apathetic or those facing accessibility challenges. However, they can hardly shift the attitude of the hardcore anti-vaxxers – who deny Covid’s existence or downplay its not concerned at all about the Covid outbreaks in their area, whereas 68% of the vaccine hesitancy group in a Canadian survey says they “are not afraid of catching Covid.”  For those living in denials of Covid, incentives may not budge them, but a new wave of Covid risk can serve as a wake-up call.
Canada’s high vaccination rollout is a game-changer for the unvaccinated group, leaving them to face growing Covid risks as the vaccination campaign picks up the pace. According to the scientists, the unvaccinated community would be the variants’ priority targets as the rest of the population is under the vaccine protection. “Communities with lower vaccination rates will be particularly at risk as we reopen, because it’s there that the spark of an introduced case can cause an outbreak,” Dr. Caroline Colijn, an infectious disease specialist at Simon Fraser University told the Globe. 
As society gradually reopens, the 30% of the population without vaccination would be the breeding ground for Canada's highly transmittable and deadly variants.  Short from protection, the unvaccinated would enable the virus' reproduction number to soar, sparking the fourth wave with a more severe devastating impact.
90% 的全民接种率可有效地避免第四波浪潮,并阻止变异毒株在70%的已接种疫苗群体中繁殖、膨胀。因此,疫苗迟疑人群只需提供手臂就可让大部分加国人士获益。但最重要的是,尚未接种之人应当先帮自己一个忙。如果公民的责任感不能打动他们,对变异毒株的恐惧该能促使他们卷起袖管。
A 90% vaccinated population can keep the fourth wave at bay, limiting the opportunity for the variants to arise in the vaccinated individuals -- the 70% of Canadians. The vaccine-hesitant group can do a favor for the majority of Canadians by offering their arm. But first and foremost, they should do a favor for themselves. The fear of Covid can motivate them to roll up the sleeves if a sense of civic duty can’t.




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