

Asians expect government actions to debunk the dual loyalty myth
来源: 大中报 南茜(Nancy Jin)
PM Trudeau argued to dial back on criticisms of China as he faced the opposition's challenges to take more hard lines on the Chinese government, citing fears that irritating Beijing would spark a backlash against Asian Canadians. The PM's good intention to protect the Asian community from racism by backing down to the regime has sparked the community's outcry. Anti-Asian racisms in Canada feed on the dual-loyalty myth that strongly ties Asian Canadians with the Chinese government. What the Asian community expects are the bold political actions that help debunk the trope rather than the cowardly intentions that may enhance it.

在加拿大,华裔人士比其他族裔更有可能面临忠诚问题的挑战。华裔的族裔身份决定了他们深受某种种族定性的困扰,既将所有华裔视为中国政府的帮凶。虽然犹太裔和穆斯林在加国所受的种族歧视与其来源国政府行为没有紧密关系,华裔却常成为北京政府不当行为的替罪羊。在对中国政府的不满日益迁怒于华裔人士大趋势下,随着加国人士饱食中国政府掩盖新冠疫情的恶果,反亚裔暴力事件不断增加。中国病毒论的肆虐更加剧了对华裔的仇恨之情。在新冠疫情期间,全国各地发生了 1000 多起针对亚裔的出于种族动机的袭击事件,包括向受害者吐口水和对老年人和儿童进行人身攻击。
Asian Canadians are more likely to face loyalty challenges than people from other races. Asians’ ethnic identity makes them subject to the racial profiling that conflates them with the Chinese government. While the racism against Jewish and Muslims in Canada is not associated with the behavior of their home country's government, Asians have often made a scapegoat for Beijing's wrongdoings. Amid a growing trend in shifting the anger towards China onto the Asian community, anti-Asian violence has surged in Canada as China's Covid-19 cover-up takes a toll on Canadians. The Chinese virus rhetoric has only fueled the anti-Asian resentment. A new report from an advocacy group has revealed over 1000 cases of racially motivated attacks targeting Asians across the country during the pandemic, from spitting at victims to physically assaulting seniors and children.
Conflating the Canadian Asian community with the Chinese government has played into the hands of Beijing's geopolitical efforts. China's audacious propaganda operation has aggressively urged overseas Chinese to be more vocal in support of Beijing. Beijing’s influence was at full play as a movement against Hong Kong pro-democracy supporters gained ground in Canada and as a group of Chinese Canadians lashed out on MPs' motion over China's Uyghur genocide. In the aftermath of Atlanta's hate crime against Asians, a pro-China camp tapped into the opportunity to declare their allegiance towards CCP by echoing the party line on combating "anti-Asian racism."


But Beijing's high-gear propaganda operation can hardly shift the majority of Asian Canadians' political stance. A few CCP supporters don't represent the highly diverse Asian community. Asian Canadians with deep roots in Canada deviate from the pro-Beijing camp and are harsh critics of the Chinese government. From Chinese dissidents and Hong Kong democrats to Tibetan exiles and Uyghur refugees, many Asian Canadians stand up for democracy by urging the Canadian government's harsh actions on the authoritarian regime for its atrocity and human rights violations. Their bold actions have defied the homogenizing stereotype that lumps every Asian Canadian the Chinese government’s loyalist.
Members of the pro-democracy group feel insulted for being perceived as the would-be victims of anti-China actions. Many believe that soft-peddling criticisms against China will hurt them rather than protect them. Women who have experienced anti-Asian assault appeared before the parliament committee, making it loud and clear that "conflating the idea of anti-CCP with anti-Asian is actually a much bigger disrespect for them."
The Asian Canadians' vocal voice should be a wake-up call that prompts political leaders to understand the reality of the Asian community and to stand up against a regime that the Asian community has never embraced.




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