
中英对照 - “大翻译”抗衡“大外宣”: 让全世界知道中国人怎么看俄乌战争(观点)

Great Translation Movement poised to combat Beijing’s disinformation campaign abroad
来源: 大中资讯 南茜(Nancy Jin)


贾宁扬脱口秀 2022-04-03 我是如果处理自己的抑郁症的

Kenny Chiu, a former Conservative MP, became the target of WeChat disinformation efforts when he ran for re-election in 2021. Chiu's private bill that required foreign agents to register with Ottawa irritated pro-Beijing forces, who waged a concerted campaign to unseat Chiu through propaganda tactics. Several Beijing-controlled public accounts released a series of articles to influence the Chinese Canadian voters, who made up 50 percent of constituents in Chiu's riding. The articles accused Chiu of planning to suppress the Chinese community in Canada, painting his registry proposal as an effort to target all people of Chinese origin. A flood of patriotic zombies participated in the disinformation campaign, eagerly distributing CCPs messages that contributed to the defeat of the incumbent MP in the election.

但这场针对加拿大国会议员的虚假宣传活动只是不断扩张的中共地缘政治努力的冰山一角。随着时间推移,中共的虚假宣传运动变得越来越嚣张,并具好战性和欺骗性。在俄罗斯向乌克兰发起侵略战之际,中共宣传机器散布大量以其利益为中心的虚假信息,并愚弄百姓,酝酿一场拥护侵略者的战狼式民族情绪。对俄乌克战争看法的张贴截图反映了中国强烈的亲普京和反西方情绪。 “中国提供人道主义援助,美国提供致命武器——HELP VS DEATH”评论张贴获得23K点赞,而“美国为乌克兰提供了一把锋刀来刺向俄罗斯。俄罗斯为了自卫而将其拔出以避免受伤”之观点也受到了高度肯定。其他将普京描绘成战争受害者的帖子获得了更多掌声:“世界上一半的国家都在欺负这位竭尽全力维护祖国的尊严的70岁的老人!” “说实话,如果可能,我非常想助他一臂之力!” “今天的乌克兰,明天的台湾。”

The disinformation campaign targeting a Canadian MP was only the tip of the iceberg of CCP's geopolitical efforts that have grown increasingly aggressive, deceptive, cruel, and belligerent. In the face of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the propaganda machine has disseminated false narratives in favor of Beijing's interest, cultivating collective unconscious behaviors highlighting China's widespread Wolf War character. The screenshot of online posts in reaction to the war reflected China's pro-Putin and anti-West sentiment. The comment "China providing humanitarian aid, while the US supplies them with lethal weapons –HELP VS DEATH" gained 23K likes. Meanwhile, the view "US provided Ukraine a sharp knife to stab at Russia. Russia acted in self-defense by pulling it out to avoid injury" enjoyed the same level of popularity. Other posts portraying Putin as a victim in the war gained more applause: "Half of the countries in the world are bullying the 70-year-old man, who tried the best to maintain the dignity of his motherland!" "To be honest, if possible, I really want to help him!" "Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow."

这些骇人听闻的在线张贴的出现正值饱受战争蹂躏的乌克兰老百姓生活在水深火热之中、俄罗斯军队的暴行让全球不寒而栗,并要求对战争罪行进行调查呼声高涨之时。 不断涌现的证据显示出俄罗斯军队的残忍和惨无人道之暴行。在基辅郊外进行的平民大屠杀,横尸遍布的街道,双手遭捆绑,并遭处决式枪决的平民,还有那在乱葬坑中刚刚被发现的,包括妇女和一名14岁男孩的300具尸体。目睹这一幅幅惨不忍睹的画面,加拿大外交部长表示,俄罗斯军队是在对“乌克兰无辜平民施行的毫无人性的屠杀!”

These appalling online posts emerged at the time when Ukraine cities were under Russian bombardment and when the Russian military's brutality stirred a global horror and demands for a war-crime investigation. Grisly evidence continued to emerge, painting a disturbing picture of Russia's atrocities and blatant disregard for humanitarian law. Russian forces carried out civilian massacres on the outskirts of Kyiv, leaving dead bodies on the streets, some with hands bound and shot execution-style. A recently discovered mass grave containing nearly 300 bodies – including women and a 14-year-old boy prompted the Canadian Foreign Minister's comments that the killings amounted to "senseless murder of innocent civilians in Ukraine."

在全球对俄罗斯军队的邪恶和残忍的恐怖感到愤慨之际,中国网民对俄罗斯战争的热情支持令任何有理性人士都忍无可忍。 为了揭露中共煽动亲俄反美浪潮,同时试图掩盖其动机和策略的阴谋,一场大翻译运动孕育而生。 微博、哔哩哔哩、知乎、抖音等中国互联网上的大量涉及亲俄言论、图片和视频内容被翻译成英文、韩文、日文等多种语言。大翻译运动的一位发起人说:“我想让全世界都看到在中共指导下,这些中国人是如何看待这场战争的!”

Amid the global outrage over the horror of the Russian military's evil and cruelty, Chinese netizens' passionate support of the Russian war was abhorrent to any right-minded people. The Great Translation Movement emerged to expose CCP's sinister schemes aiming to inflame a Chinese pro-Russia and anti-West enthusiasm while trying to cover up its motives and strategies. A substantial amount of public opinion content involving pro-Russian speeches, pictures, and videos get translated from the Chinese internet, including Weibo, Bilibili, Zhihu, Douyin, into English, Korean, Japanese, and many others other languages. "I want to tell the world how these Chinese people under Beijing-dictated narratives view the war, "said one of the movement's initiators.

这场大翻译运动成长迅猛,在短短三个星期内其 Twitter 帐户就积累了超过15,000 名粉丝。这场旨在与中共控制公众舆论的“大外宣”抗衡的运动会飙升为打击中共在加国影响力的重要力量。它将有助于防止外国势力影响加国民主,并有效地阻止其欲操纵加国议员民选进程的企图。

The movement has quickly gained momentum as its Twitter account has accumulated more than 15,000 followers in less than three weeks. Poised to drown out the disinformation campaign that has distorted public opinions, the movement may soar into a critical effort to combat CCP's influence in Canada, helping prevent the foreign regime from damaging Canada's democracy and abusing Canadian politicians in the election process.




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